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diy solar

Fields of unused EVs in China

Remember the goal is to ban private transport. By any means.
Private Jets are excluded ofcourse.
Good find.

My city is putting up these huge block sized housing developments everywhere, with minimal parking to accompany them. Yet people moving in still have cars. Our city is built partly upon huge mountains, its simply not practical to commute by bicycle, yet all over the city theyre eliminating parking spots for bike lanes. The result is residents have to circle the block for up to an hour just hoping for a parking spot to pounce on after a 10 minute trip to the store.
How dumb is all that? None of the on street parking has or will ever have charging stations either.
Typical lefty, in the face of disastrous public policy he fully supports forcing hardships on others, he mocks them.
Pathetic and useless.
Hardships on others? Disastrous public policy? This isn't twitter dumbass.. use your words and type out a concise argument.
I used to watch serpentza (and his friend) but he became too negative and sensational for my liking.

I am disgusted by China's government human rights abuses and wish there were alternative places to buy batteries and equipment from (I am willing to pay a premium) But I doubt that story. In his defense, he is no longer allowed into the country and unable to verify the claims personally.
Mandating the sales ban on gasoline vehicles is in fact forcing hardships upon others, you dicklicker.
Oh.. I get it.. You're one of the financially poor who's going to experience a hardship and you're mad about it.

You could always ride a bike, maybe take a bus.. or just walk.

This is the part where you deny being poor and proclaim you just care about others so much.
Oh.. I get it.. You're one of the financially poor who's going to experience a hardship and you're mad about it.

You could always ride a bike, maybe take a bus.. or just walk.

This is the part where you deny being poor and proclaim you just care about others so much.
Not positive but think you meant to reply to Leo. ? Got any rolling papers?
Oh.. I get it.. You're one of the financially poor who's going to experience a hardship and you're mad about it.

You could always ride a bike, maybe take a bus.. or just walk.

This is the part where you deny being poor and proclaim you just care about others so much.

You incalculable snatchpatch shitbagger.
Youve decided to steer this discussion to pure ad hominem, about me.
This affects a lot more people than me, and Im far too boring to be the topic of discussion.
This is how small people like you operate. Youre content to while away your twilight years hoping to merely insult and belittle anonymous individuals unfortunate enough to encounter you on the internet.
Id like my discussions to be much wider in scope as I know not nor care anything about who you are, your financial situation or any other personal information.
The topic is "fields of unused EVs in China". If you have something topically relevent to contribute, please, dont hold back.
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I think it is a damn shame to waste all those bicycles. I feel that way because bicycles are a great form of transportation and healthy as long as a cager doesn't run over the rider and bicycle. Other problem bicycles aren't suited for all weather conditions. Cages are no doubt better for that bad weather, long distances in short time, and dealing with big hills. Big steep hills are a mf'er on a regular bicycle :)

I had great hopes for this car - bike but it never hit production as a gas version and the price has about doubled as electric version and doubt it will hit market either. Unless a fantastic opportunity pops up and USA turns inward to isolate (Nationalism USA 1ST) and build back up for all in one manufacturing minus outsourcing to China. Problem - prices would go even higher. Why Elon Musk is moving to Mexico - cheaper labor.

I doubt the USA will ever really have many products that can wear Made in USA badge. .... due to being globalized ....... Most Americans can't remember when we made things here.

You incalculable snatchpatch shitbagger.
Youve decided to steer this discussion to pure ad hominem, about me.
Hi there Karen.. Snatchpatch shitbagger? Do you mind if I use that in the future?

This affects a lot more people than me, and Im far too boring to be the topic of discussion.
The problem is, idiots like you who don't understand basic science will affect my children with your irresponsible ignorant behavior.

Hardships? Are you freaking kidding me? You have no clue what hardship is you pampered little snowflake.

Older people like myself used to have to walk to school in our bare feet.. in the snow.. up hill.. both ways.

This is how small people like you operate. Youre content to while away your twilight years hoping to merely insult and belittle anonymous individuals unfortunate enough to encounter you on the internet.
I have zero tolerance for pampering ignorant snowflakes with hurt feelings. In our older years, folks like me have little tolerance for morons like you who think they're entitled to an easy life at the expense of others.

Id like my discussions to be much wider in scope as I know not nor care anything about who you are, your financial situation or any other personal information.
The topic is "fields of unused EVs in China". If you have something topically relevent to contribute, please, dont hold back.
Good.. we can agree on this point.... The fields of unused EV's have nothing to do with them being EV's.. it has to do with a sort of business scam/venture that takes place within the Chinese economy.. This is why the bikes suffer the same fate.. Its not that complicated, but it is a function of how the economy in China works and the Chinese mentality and culture, which most of us here in the USA don't understand.

Stop posting crackhead garbage and I'll stop treating you like a crackhead.
Hi there Karen.. Snatchpatch shitbagger? Do you mind if I use that in the future?

The problem is, idiots like you who don't understand basic science will affect my children with your irresponsible ignorant behavior.

Hardships? Are you freaking kidding me? You have no clue what hardship is you pampered little snowflake.

Older people like myself used to have to walk to school in our bare feet.. in the snow.. up hill.. both ways.

I have zero tolerance for pampering ignorant snowflakes with hurt feelings. In our older years, folks like me have little tolerance for morons like you who think they're entitled to an easy life at the expense of others.

Good.. we can agree on this point.... The fields of unused EV's have nothing to do with them being EV's.. it has to do with a sort of business scam/venture that takes place within the Chinese economy.. This is why the bikes suffer the same fate.. Its not that complicated, but it is a function of how the economy in China works and the Chinese mentality and culture, which most of us here in the USA don't understand.

Stop posting crackhead garbage and I'll stop treating you like a crackhead.

Let me tell you something pal. I grew up partly in Tuolumne County, CA. About a quarter of a mile from the foot of Twain Harte Rock.
If I missed the bus to school, I literally had to climb up and over this obstacle, rain, snow, or shine. Watch when he looks down about 15 seconds in.

Absolute truth. Dont give me any shit about "I used to walk..."


Whats funny is we would just feel that some parts of the surface were hollow underneath and would jump up and down wondering if we could dislodge a giant slab of it. Didnt know how right we were.
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Remember when Biden shut down the pipeline here and put USA and Canadian workers out of a job? Warren Buffet’s railroad BNSF got to keep their jobs transporting oil. Well seems Buffet being the smart man - investor he is also backed BYD EV Automaker in China. Giggle snort snort double financial win for him. These billionaires have this shit all figured out.

They are investing in China.

those are BYD EV. IN THE VIDEO The acclaimed - supposed gas cap in Svetz video is a charge port on byd ev. The person is no doubt trying keep Warren Buffet happy.….happy long time.. all you have to do is look at the video for the controls and then byd ev cars online. When are Biden and Buffet bringing BYD HERE/.

What a waste of bicycles…. Wonder if Warren Buffet hates bicycles? ??? Did he give joe err mean the big guy any sumthin sumthin? Can you think of a cleaner greener vehicle then a bicycle?



surpasses Tesla but bypasses entry into USA market. Man Biden and Buffet have to be pissed….at each other.


Seems China Biden is holding up affordable BYD until they get 10% to the “Big Guy”. If you pout poot shit yourself - you still can’t have a BYD because Joe says, “no” FDR use to give fire side chats about Joseph Stalin called him good ol uncle joe. Now we got Joe and the Hoe. If Brown had only known then……

Me thinks that Leo is a communist - chinese rat…. With 100% fake profile. If you watch how he responds then might notice that is the hall mark traits of someone using a foreign language translator…. Content and context is often lost on him and his kind. I’ve watched these fakers for years. He will often break each sentence down….to respond. ?

Foreign Govts really do have ppl on forums Just as our own Govt has ppl on these type forums watching or commenting ….. … major Corporation and even political parties such as Open Society Foundation by Soros…. Really a political steer. The word prepper is a US Govt buzz word to watch and flag.

here is a foreign election interference campaign being waged ooutside the USA but allowed and even rewarded…. By main stream media.

sample of the bots here…. Sometimes can see a lot of bots from China. It varies. The internet is far from what it was intended and designed. Giggle snort snort it was suppose to be “FREE.“ The human has been conditioned to spend money and pay for everything including the unwanted commercials all over internet and intergrated functions such as google in software….as an example.

Making your post not conventional makes it harder for them to read just as it does you…. Most humans can get it. Bots AI and translators have a more difficult time.
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I thought the Koch's were your heroes now that they're against Trump?
Unfortunately they are backing a sure win for Biden and sabotaging as they go. Shame as that one for their selection is worse or same as vote for biden.


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diy solar