diy solar

diy solar

BYE BYE Tucker...


I'll stay and fight. Thanks.

And stop sending me dikk pics.
And you're doing a great job fighting! Just another 10,000 postings in this forum should net you a total victory! AMEN brother!

Dude, the liberals have won every battle in our history.. and for good reason.. They mostly broke away from the religious dogma and realized the difference between basic right and wrong..

You need our science, you use our science, your life depends on our science, and you pay for our science.

But your religion has zero value, zero practical application beyond taking advantage of the ignorant, scared, and gullible... That's why liberals always win. Science comes loaded with tools and materials, religion comes with empty bags and empty promises.
And you're doing a great job fighting! Just another 10,000 postings in this forum should net you a total victory! AMEN brother!

Dude, the liberals have won every battle in our history.. and for good reason.. They mostly broke away from the religious dogma and realized the difference between basic right and wrong..

You need our science, you use our science, your life depends on our science, and you pay for our science.

But your religion has zero value, zero practical application beyond taking advantage of the ignorant, scared, and gullible... That's why liberals always win. Science comes loaded with tools and materials, religion comes with empty bags and empty promises.
And you're doing a great job fighting! Just another 10,000 postings in this forum should net you a total victory! AMEN brother!

Dude, the liberals have won every battle in our history.. and for good reason.. They mostly broke away from the religious dogma and realized the difference between basic right and wrong..

You need our science, you use our science, your life depends on our science, and you pay for our science.

But your religion has zero value, zero practical application beyond taking advantage of the ignorant, scared, and gullible... That's why liberals always win. Science comes loaded with tools and materials, religion comes with empty bags and empty promises.

None of your punches are landing. ?

In looking at history, all great scientists and engineers went to church so I don't discount their work simply because they wanted to be part of an association and live a moral life.

The thing about liberals is what is right or wrong depends on of they like the person or not.

Trump hyperspeeds a vaccine into existence and liberals say no way they will take it. The governors of Washington, Oregon and California actually created a separate advisory body because they were afraid the liberals that infest those states wouldn't take the "Trump vaccine".

You don't seem to be any different.
None of your punches are landing. ?

In looking at history, all great scientists and engineers went to church so I don't discount their work simply because they wanted to be part of an association and live a moral life.
From wack job fruitcake website did you get that bit of information from? ChurchIdiotsRuS dot com?

Very few of the big names endorsed religion in any way. Einstein, Feynman, Fermi, and a long long list.

Moral life? Religion is the opposite of moral living. What morals do you find in the enslavement of other people? That's sick dude.

You really are easily taken by reading the proverbial brochure.

Stop making up nonsense.

The thing about liberals is what is right or wrong depends on of they like the person or not.
You think that applies to just liberals? let me guess, you formed an opinion and went to find others who reinforced it for you?

That applies to every human on the planet to one extend or another..

Trump hyperspeeds a vaccine into existence and liberals say no way they will take it. The governors of Washington, Oregon and California actually created a separate advisory body because they were afraid the liberals that infest those states wouldn't take the "Trump vaccine".

You don't seem to be any different.
So now you're going down the same path of stupidity as Bob?
I believe you.

Pretty sure it wasn't the left.. Maybe it had something to do with a billion dollar lawsuit? You think? Could it be?

If you did something that cost your employer a billion dollars, do you think you'd be fired?

Religion is for weak-minded individuals, who have neither the intelligence or courage to think and speak for themselves.
When I realized I was wrong, I have admitted it. You on the other hand have agreed that no amount of studies will change your mind on vaccine studies...
You had absolutely zero evidence to produce supporting your assertion Bush knew Saddam had disarmed (as if we even know now) before the war, when he was relating intelligence he was given concerning Iraqs WMD.
You continued to repeat the claim Bush lied even when shown the comprehensive bipartisan senate report which concluded he only relayed the intelligence available to him, which also couldnt find a single piece of intelligence then, available to Bush, that judged saddam disarmed, and 20 years later, no such document ever was found.
Indeed. You have proven a stubborn will to continue to beat the drum of your ideology, even when destroyed by a mountain of facts, in the face of producing none of your own.
Republicans are elephants, we remember. Democrats, be they Americans or interfering canucks, are donkeys.
Dont portray yourself as anything but the jackass youve repeatly proven yourself to be.
You followed me to the regular forum to initiate a personal attack and now you say "isn't worth my time".. Your time? Are you that important there Bob? You might want to look up the word narcissist.. Look up fruitcake nut job while your at it.

Please ignore me.. that would be very nice.

You mean like when you thought we could be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes" ?? (See attached)

My brain is foggy? LOL.. Dare question my answer that you're a fruitcake and we couldn't "Spread life thru the galaxy with our space probes" if we tried?

No, you really don't Bob.. But you should try it sometime.. It will probably hurt at first.

You mean like when you thought we could be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes" ?? (See attached)

My brain is foggy? LOL.. Dare question my answer that you're a fruitcake and we couldn't "Spread life thru the galaxy with our space probes" if we tried?

You are simply incapable of admitting when you're wrong Bob.. Its a mental illness of some sort.
Proven by your own photographic proof, we see that Bob merely asked "IS IT POSSIBLE we are spreading life throughout the galaxy?"
A question so concerning and true that as I documented in that discussion, NASA has spent BILLIONS of dollars across multiple departments on all their programs, in the hopes such a disaster might be averted. The links I provided were very interesting and described the various risk levels of each mission, depending on duration, destination, etc.
Is Bobs QUESTION so ridiculous when NASA is so concerned about the possibility?
And NASA is uncertain about the effectiveness of its measures?
Moreover, how is it that such a self professed genius as yourself, cannot accurately quote Bobs actual statement, even while posting the jpg in each post?
You have perverted his statement from an honest question about a rationale concern, and twisted it into a factual assertion that it actually was happening- misrepresenting him entirely as a platform to repeatedly ridicule him. We see the basis for that is solely by your dishonest presentation.
Its not an absurd proposition as evidenced by NASAs incredibly exhaustive efforts to prevent it, the results of which will take 50 years to know in most missions, perhaps never in others.
All youve now proven by repeatly posting his actual words in the same posts as your twisted lies that he didnt say, is your incredible propensity to dishonestly troll these boards promoting your own vanity, assaulting the character of other users for your ego, and generally stirring up discontent and preventing progressive discourse.

The cliff notes:
Bob asked "is it possible we are spreading life across the galaxy?"
Rational discussion.
Murphyguy ridicules him for saying "we ARE spreading life across the galaxy."

Murphy is lying, and proved it across countless posts now.
You had absolutely zero evidence to produce supporting your assertion Bush knew Saddam had disarmed (as if we even know now) before the war, when he was relating intelligence he was given concerning Iraqs WMD.
You continued to repeat the claim Bush lied even when shown the comprehensive bipartisan senate report which concluded he only relayed the intelligence available to him, which also couldnt find a single piece of intelligence then, available to Bush, that judged saddam disarmed, and 20 years later, no such document ever was found.
Indeed. You have proven a stubborn will to continue to beat the drum of your ideology, even when destroyed by a mountain of facts, in the face of producing none of your own.
Republicans are elephants, we remember. Democrats, be they Americans or interfering canucks, are donkeys.
Dont portray yourself as anything but the jackass youve repeatly proven yourself to be.
You know full well that you can not prove a negative, IE that Iraq did not and does not have those weapons, the only thing that was proven is that neither the weapons inspectors before the invasion, nor the invading forces after the invasion found them.
Coming from someone who thinks we could be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes", yes, it counts.

Science, even the most basic of sciences at grade school levels, are not your thing.

Here's a way (how I do it) to rationalize things you do not understand: Trust the experts to be your best bet.. Now I didn't say trust "the expert", or to trust a "single expert".. or any singular person or entity (government is an entity).. I also did not say that trust will never ever be broken or that "the experts" are always 100% correct..
But in a world with so much bullshit, so many new technologies and new discoveries, lets face it, none of us can know everything and we must all rationalize a risk/reward profile.. And if you're going to consider risk and reward to make a decision about something you know nothing about, why would you ever listen to anyone OTHER than those who are qualified experts in the field when they all agree with each other?

If you were playing blackjack, would you rather count cards to increase your odds of winning using the science of mathematics? Or would you read your horoscope and play on a day when it says good things will happen?

Everything else is based on some jackass sitting in his basement with a hundred different social media accounts spreading bullshit.

At the end of the day, you, and only you, are responsible for your choices.. and your life will be the result of those choices. From your relationships and your lifestyle, to your health and wealth.. its all on you. I suggest you make the best ones you can, and forming opinions about subjects you know nothing about is not a good choice.

The common sense flaw in assuring us about the position of "experts" is this:

Climate change research was a tiny niche field before it became popular to assert humans were ruining the planet.
Science depends wholly on the objectivity and non bias of researchers for its conclusions' accuracy.
When scientists enter college, they rarely have their lifes work planned.

Nobody enters a field of research with the intent of proving that research isnt needed, or that what they are researching doesnt exist.


just stop if you disagree, go down to your local church, and discuss with the priests the possibility of the existence of god and expect an objective answer.

We can thus assume the numbers of atheists in this field of experts is negligible.

NOW with all that in mind, the rational mind now accepts that virtually every "climate change researcher" got into that field because they believed it was happening and wanted to devote their lifes work to proving that to others.

If you disagree, youre asserting anyone would do research that concluded they need to clean out their desks tomorrow and find another line of work. Which is what would happen as grants would dry up overnight.

Conclusion, this is a field of research corrupted by ideology driven activists and every paper they produce consists of manipulations crafted to come to one conclusion only.
Ideology as a motivation is giving them credit. If its money or job security thats worse.

There is no way we should expect the consensus to shift. Their careers end.

Science has always had some corruption. This may be the worst example yet, and it doesnt take a degree in any research field to figure all this out.
Proven by your own photographic proof, we see that Bob merely asked "IS IT POSSIBLE we are spreading life throughout the galaxy?"
A question so concerning and true that as I documented in that discussion, NASA has spent BILLIONS of dollars across multiple departments on all their programs, in the hopes such a disaster might be averted. The links I provided were very interesting and described the various risk levels of each mission, depending on duration, destination, etc.
Is Bobs QUESTION so ridiculous when NASA is so concerned about the possibility?
And NASA is uncertain about the effectiveness of its measures?
Moreover, how is it that such a self professed genius as yourself, cannot accurately quote Bobs actual statement, even while posting the jpg in each post?
You have perverted his statement from an honest question about a rationale concern, and twisted it into a factual assertion that it actually was happening- misrepresenting him entirely as a platform to repeatedly ridicule him. We see the basis for that is solely by your dishonest presentation.
Its not an absurd proposition as evidenced by NASAs incredibly exhaustive efforts to prevent it, the results of which will take 50 years to know in most missions, perhaps never in others.
All youve now proven by repeatly posting his actual words in the same posts as your twisted lies that he didnt say, is your incredible propensity to dishonestly troll these boards promoting your own vanity, assaulting the character of other users for your ego, and generally stirring up discontent and preventing progressive discourse.

The cliff notes:
Bob asked "is it possible we are spreading life across the galaxy?"
Rational discussion.
Murphyguy ridicules him for saying "we ARE spreading life across the galaxy."

Murphy is lying, and proved it across countless posts now.

You're so ignorant you don't understand there's a difference between the objects in our solar system orbiting our Sun and the galaxy..

Damn.. That level of stupid is hard to describe.
You're so ignorant you don't understand there's a difference between the objects in our solar system orbiting our Sun and the galaxy..

Damn.. That level of stupid is hard to describe.
Youre so dishonest you pretend we didnt already discuss this point where you were proven wrong. Your definition of our solar systems boundaries is not the scientific concensus and included a far reaching theoretical layer that has zero observational evidence for, and is only assumed as no other proven origins for ice objects.

I proved that with the best references so go eat a bag of dicks you ass pirate.
This does not excuse you misrepresenting Bobs statement.

Why dont you produce evidence from NASAs anti contamination program that your quibbling about the boundaries of the solar system suddenly changes anything about their concerns?
Do they say "oh the solar system is much bigger than we thought. Murphyguy said so. Now lets cough and poop on everything we launch because itll be 300 more years!"

Your point is fucking irrelevent and this theoretical cloud didnt even exist when voyager launched.

Youre a dishonest troll, bobs question was rational. Stop wasting our time shitstain.
Youre so dishonest you pretend we didnt already discuss this point where you were proven wrong. Your definition of our solar systems boundaries is not the scientific concensus and included a far reaching theoretical layer that has zero observational evidence for, and is only assumed as no other proven origins for ice objects.

I proved that with the best references so go eat a bag of dicks you ass pirate.
This does not excuse you misrepresenting Bobs statement.

Why dont you produce evidence from NASAs anti contamination program that your quibbling about the boundaries of the solar system suddenly changes anything about their concerns?
Do they say "oh the solar system is much bigger than we thought. Murphyguy said so. Now lets cough and poop on everything we launch because itll be 300 more years!"

Your point is fucking irrelevent and this theoretical cloud didnt even exist when voyager launched.

Youre a dishonest troll, bobs question was rational. Stop wasting our time shitstain.

It takes either religion or drugs to make someone stupid.. but in your case, I suspect its both religion and drugs..

Relationship problems? There's a reason for that...
Youre so dishonest you pretend we didnt already discuss this point where you were proven wrong. Your definition of our solar systems boundaries is not the scientific concensus and included a far reaching theoretical layer that has zero observational evidence for, and is only assumed as no other proven origins for ice objects.

I proved that with the best references so go eat a bag of dicks you ass pirate.
This does not excuse you misrepresenting Bobs statement.

Why dont you produce evidence from NASAs anti contamination program that your quibbling about the boundaries of the solar system suddenly changes anything about their concerns?
Do they say "oh the solar system is much bigger than we thought. Murphyguy said so. Now lets cough and poop on everything we launch because itll be 300 more years!"

Your point is fucking irrelevent and this theoretical cloud didnt even exist when voyager launched.

Youre a dishonest troll, bobs question was rational. Stop wasting our time shitstain.
Welcome to the club .... I generally don't like clubs, but this one is kinda fun ..... I just don't have much time to invest in it right now.
Prove Murphy wrong and then sit back and watch him go berserk and embarrass himself even further. His NPD won't allow him to remember that he has been proven wrong over and over and over again.
I'm sure you are well aware, but don't have any expectation that laying out the facts in a logical manner will have any effect on his thinking.

If he weren't so condescending and mean .... I would feel sorry for him.
He just comes up with another stupid statement and starts over again ..... or keeps repeating the ones where he has already been proven wrong.
Welcome to the club .... I generally don't like clubs, but this one is kinda fun ..... I just don't have much time to invest in it right now.
Prove Murphy wrong and then sit back and watch him go berserk and embarrass himself even further. His NPD won't allow him to remember that he has been proven wrong over and over and over again.
I'm sure you are well aware, but don't have any expectation that laying out the facts in a logical manner will have any effect on his thinking.

If he weren't so condescending and mean .... I would feel sorry for him.
He just comes up with another stupid statement and starts over again ..... or keeps repeating the ones where he has already been proven wrong.

I've been proven wrong? What drugs are you on? We are not spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes you fruitcake..


diy solar

diy solar