diy solar

diy solar

BYE BYE Tucker...

I got to laugh. Your "mirroring" is as transparent as it gets Mr. "psycho babbler"
if you ignore him for a while he will get bored. this Murphyguy is like the ppl use to see inside an international airport playing with a sock puppet then asking for money. :):giggle: he is a manipulator.... part of his narcissism :giggle::ROFLMAO:
Murphy talks a lot of shit but he has always been an ass kisser - exhibit A:

Murphy is the type of person at work that knocked ppl down to get next to a boss to pucker up. He obviously doesn't know ppl come to this forum from all around the planet. Maybe the Galaxy. hahahah
I got to laugh. Your "mirroring" is as transparent as it gets Mr. "psycho babbler"
Who am I mirroring? I think you don't know what it means.

I showed you the facts.. You can't accept them.. Regardless of what the reality is, you're stuck in your own irrational beliefs.

And if you don't like hearing about Trumps massive screw ups and incompetence, then maybe you shouldn't have voted for him.
Who am I mirroring? I think you don't know what it means.

I showed you the facts.. You can't accept them.. Regardless of what the reality is, you're stuck in your own irrational beliefs.

And if you don't like hearing about Trumps massive screw ups and incompetence, then maybe you shouldn't have voted for him.
You did not show me anything except your arrogant condescending attitude. Trump does not
hold a candle to the dishonest crime Boss globalist puppet that runs this country at this time.
You did not show me anything except your arrogant condescending attitude. Trump does not
hold a candle to the dishonest crime Boss globalist puppet that runs this country at this time.
Evidence? (that will hold up in a court of law)
You did not show me anything except your arrogant condescending attitude. Trump does not
hold a candle to the dishonest crime Boss globalist puppet that runs this country at this time.
Oh, your feelings were hurt.

I'm so sorry, I do not have a snowflake mode.

If you can't read the .gov websites I posted for you to see the economic indicators or if you don't know how to read a stock market chart, perhaps a refresher course in... hmm.. 8th grade maybe? would help.
Oh, your feelings were hurt.
Your silly, I simply shared what others think....
I'm so sorry, I do not have a snowflake mode.
I have an idea.....Why don't you install a crying room in your new barn, That way when someone mentions religion or Trump You could take out you "Rage" an be less condescending here??
If you can't read the .gov websites I posted for you to see the economic indicators or if you don't know how to read a stock market chart, perhaps a refresher course in... hmm.. 8th grade maybe? would help.
Unfortunately numbers are easily manipulated when it comes to people in power, Especially when there job is on the line......
Your silly, I simply shared what others think....
Listen genius.. there's a difference between your and you're.. Go back to grade school and learn the difference because you screw it up in almost every post, which means you clearly don't understand the difference.

You can't even spell at an 8th grade level, but you have an opinion on global warming?

I have an idea.....Why don't you install a crying room in your new barn, That way when someone mentions religion or Trump You could take out you "Rage" an be less condescending here??
I'm not the one claiming I was being condescending... Do you play that snowflake victim card often?

Personally, I'd rather be arrogant and condescending than to be seen as someone so ignorant they don't know the difference between your and you're.

Unfortunately numbers are easily manipulated when it comes to people in power, Especially when there job is on the line......
Yes they are.. but then you'd have to claim that every scientist and every government is conspiring together.. which, in light of the fact it takes them six months just to agree on a date for a conference, is pretty damn ridiculous.

Of course, if one has an 8th grade education, it makes perfect sense.
Listen genius.. there's a difference between your and you're.. Go back to grade school and learn the difference because you screw it up in almost every post, which means you clearly don't understand the difference.

You can't even spell at an 8th grade level, but you have an opinion on global warming?

I'm not the one claiming I was being condescending... Do you play that snowflake victim card often?

Personally, I'd rather be arrogant and condescending than to be seen as someone so ignorant they don't know the difference between your and you're.

Yes they are.. but then you'd have to claim that every scientist and every government is conspiring together.. which, in light of the fact it takes them six months just to agree on a date for a conference, is pretty damn ridiculous.

Of course, if one has an 8th grade education, it makes perfect sense.
The Grammar police has "spokered" as far as my previous post........ I rest my case.
The Grammar police has "spokered" as far as my previous post........ I rest my case.
You can't even spell correctly, and you complain about your wallet and the economy... oh.. and you have an opinion on science! ROFLMAO

Stupid is as stupid does...

EDIT: Oops.. was I being condescending again? Maybe you need a crying room?
You can't even spell correctly, and you complain about your wallet and the economy... oh.. and you have an opinion on science! ROFLMAO

Stupid is as stupid does...

EDIT: Oops.. was I being condescending again? Maybe you need a crying room?
Your attempt at humor could use some work, but nice try!
While I do know the difference, I am the last one who has the right to laugh, as my grammar and spelling are even worse.
People make grammar errors all the time. I certainly do.. and typos are common.

But when they repeatedly screw up simple words like your/you're or there/their/they're, the errors aren't caused by innocent oversight, they're the result of ignorance and basic education.
People make grammar errors all the time. I certainly do.. and typos are common.

But when they repeatedly screw up simple words like your/you're or there/their/they're, the errors aren't caused by innocent oversight, they're the result of ignorance and basic education.
Thank you for your kind response.
You mean like Bush did by allowing the housing crisis to happen?
Like Trump did by allowing the pandemic.

You might want to get your facts straight and go find a chart for the various economic indicators and then compare them to presidential terms.

What do "open borders" have to do with allowing massive drugs into the country? The overwhelming vast majority of drugs are smuggled through commercial transport vehicles like trucks, and they smuggle them right through the gates at the point of entry.

You should really look up your facts before opening mouth.

Legal immigrants and native born Americans are two times more likely to commit violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to commit drug crimes, and 4 times more likely to commit property crimes, than illegal immigrants.
The study found that undocumented immigrants had substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses

Once again, you spew things backwards and inside out.

They were warned. Even when hurricanes hit, people need to be rescued after days of warnings. Some people are just stupid.


more propaganda horse crap.

Ok.. I'll give you that one. First accurate thing you've said so far.

Nothing in the constitution says anything about influencing the media.

Yup.. Trump is the problem. Sometimes we must fight to stop dictators, if you don't understand that, then you should go back to grade school and pay attention in history class this time.
Stupid useless reply by stupid useless user is stupid and useless.

Love those low crime rates by illegals.
Illegals commit the worst of their crimes like robbery, rape, and assault, against other illegals. Who NEVER report them out of fear of deportation.
Additionally, sanctuary cities have passed rules for law enforcement prohibiting them from charging illegals with crimes because state laws come into play penalizing the illegals and city councils wont allow this.
For instance California law requires unlicensed drivers to forfeit their cars for 30 days if stopped. 2nd offense lose the cars.
If this happens to the poor illegal the cop can be fired by his woke bosses at the city council and mayors office.
So all over the country, sanctuary cities dont pull over suspected illegals and if they do and verify they are illegal, they dont even document the contact.

We should expect the crime rate by illegals to be virtually non existent.

Murphyguy would know this if his head wasnt firmly screwed into the fudgesocket.

Which is in fact part of the galaxy. Stupid fuck.
Oh yeah the housing crisis was 100% clintons chickens coming home to roost.

He passed legislation promoting home mortgages for low income minorities, who bought homes they were unqualified to buy, with variable rate loans.

I dont believe thats ever been disputed by anyone.

Clintons economic legacy was factories closing with their jobs sent to china. While creating service sector jobs like walmart.

I dont think thats been disputed either.

So by the mid 00s, with people losing their factory jobs and getting walmart jobs paying half the wages, the towns they lived in were getting in trouble because the factory brought wealth to the area. Walmart didnt because people spent their factory pay there. It was made all that much worse after 9/11 when people stopped spending money out of fear.

9/11 also being caused by clintons flaccid middle east policies failing to pursue OBL or take decisive action against Saddam.

The result of all this peaks in the late 00s when people couldnt afford to pay their mortgages with their lower paying jobs, couldnt refinance and roll it over because their local economies were in trouble because a consumer economy is not sustainable.

This is all common sense to anyone not sucking the blue dick.
I see the problem.. I only said Trump once. Please see a doctor.

Your wallet doesn't mean jack squat.. especially judging from the ridiculous statements you've made here. You know what does mean something? The unemployment rate, which skyrocketed under trump.. The stock market, and the manufacturing indexes.

If your head is that far up your ass, you might have an oxygenation problem.. Maybe pull it out?

Once again, your ignorance shows in your statement. Do you have any comprehension of how many POUNDS of drugs come from Mexico? You obviously don't if you think they're carrying it on foot by walking across an "open boarder".. Damn, your comprehension level is almost ZERO..
I'm guessing religion and drugs for you too?

In March of 2023 (I just looked this up), they seized a peak of 176,000 lbs.. And you think some foot soldier is carrying that? Oh my.. that's precious, and an excellent example of how stupid people are.

Drug are brought in by truck, right through the port of entry.. I suppose some idiot will occasionally carry a backpack, not saying it doesn't happen, but that's a few pounds, not 170 thousand...

No, not really.. They just need to check more trucks.. and probably stop taking bribes (I'm guessing on the bribes part)

Judging from all the stupid and ridiculous things you say, you could say anything about anything.. that doesn't make it a fact... except maybe in your pot head world where your brain struggles just to keep your body functions working.

Oh right.. sure you were.. The illegal immigrants have a much lower rate of crime in every category except child crimes? Are you stupid enough to actually believe that or is this an oxygen problem again?

I don't have irrational beliefs. If you want me to support or object to something, you'll have to prevent factual information, and I will check those facts, and if even one significant fact is wrong, I reject you and your report.

I don't have irrational beliefs...

Maybe your economy is trashed.... Which again, judging by the stupid statements you make, kind of makes sense for someone in your position of ignorance... the rest of us are doing just fine. Why do you think inflation was so high genius? Do you have any concept of the phrase "Supply and demand" ??

You think the economy is trashed?? ROFLMAO.. The ignorance is stunning.. we're talking BOB level stupid.

May 2023 was the biggest jump in new residential housing in 30 years...

Facts matter.. making sure you pull your head out of your ass to get some oxygen matters..

Unemployment rate:
Notice it spiked at 15% under trump because HE crashed our economy..

The house republicans are a bunch of pandering liars who tricked the most gullible, most vulnerable, and dumbest demographic of our nation into thinking the election was stolen.

You're probably one of them..

The government did not suppress any one's free speech, as is evident by the wack a doodle statements made here in this forum and thousands of others.
What they did was to entice the biggest social media companies to do it.. that's on the social media companies, not the government.. even though they shouldn't be doing that either.

That's called psychological projection.. Please google it.. you're as transparent as a window..

The only bitterness I have is that I'm alarmed and dismayed that our nation is being destroyed by idiots with their heads so far up their asses that they can't even acknowledge the most basic of factual information.

I'm retired remember? I retired at just after turning 40 because I made enough money.. I don't need to be super rich, I'd rather live in peace and quiet doing what I want to do. Right now, I want to build a barn.. then I'm going to install an underground bunker.. after that, I'm thinking of buying a small plane... or maybe a boat to cruise the great lakes.

I'm not the one who is bitter, you are.. and it shows like red on rice.
Housing starts? For illegals by illegals. Not a barometer of a strong economy for existing Americans.
The government did not suppress any one's free speech, as is evident by the wack a doodle statements made here in this forum and thousands of others.
What they did was to entice the biggest social media companies to do it.. that's on the social media companies, not the government.. even though they shouldn't be doing that either.

Where does the first amendment say you can disregard it by sneaking around using third parties under threat and coercion?

At the time they were doing that the tech giants were being investigated by the same alphabet agencies and being brought before congress for oversight. They were offered leniency in exchange for compliance with the white houses political censorship program.

Deny it all you like but your side is evil to the core right now and is the threat to democracy.

diy solar

diy solar