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diy solar

BYE BYE Tucker...

Stupid useless reply by stupid useless user is stupid and useless.
You certainly have an abundance of stupid in your statements.

Love those low crime rates by illegals.
Illegals commit the worst of their crimes like robbery, rape, and assault, against other illegals. Who NEVER report them out of fear of deportation.
If they never report them, how would YOU know? And if they're committing crimes against each other, then its not a problem for you is it?

Are you going to claim you all of a sudden care about them?

You certainly have an abundance of stupid in your statements.

Additionally, sanctuary cities have passed rules for law enforcement prohibiting them from charging illegals with crimes because state laws come into play penalizing the illegals and city councils wont allow this.
Got a link where an illegal is allowed to commit serious crimes and get away with it? I suspect, based on your other statements, that this is just more of your abundance of stupid.

For instance California law requires unlicensed drivers to forfeit their cars for 30 days if stopped. 2nd offense lose the cars.
If this happens to the poor illegal the cop can be fired by his woke bosses at the city council and mayors office.
So all over the country, sanctuary cities dont pull over suspected illegals and if they do and verify they are illegal, they dont even document the contact.
I'm not a lawyer, but I suspect you got this bit of information form one of the quack-a-doodle websites..
The only law I know of is that cops are not allowed to target illegals based on the fact that they suspect they might be illegal.. that's actually a good thing. Beyond that, if what you said is true, the ACLU would have filed a lawsuit under the "equal protections clause".

We should expect the crime rate by illegals to be virtually non existent.

Murphyguy would know this if his head wasnt firmly screwed into the fudgesocket.

Which is in fact part of the galaxy. Stupid fuck.
Says the moron who thinks we can spread life thru the galaxy with our space probes...
Youre such an asshole, murphyguy. Yeah look at those statistics. In february 2020 the umemployment rate was right down at nearly the lowest its ever been under Biden. Two months later its over 14 percent due to covid lockdowns. Look how Trump tanked the economy.. I guess this is when you claim Trump also mishandled the virus by not locking down businesses enough? Why do we even engage you scumbag leftists when you show such dushonesty? Screenshot_20230719_153753_Chrome.jpgScreenshot_20230719_153753_Chrome.jpg
The government did not suppress any one's free speech, as is evident by the wack a doodle statements made here in this forum and thousands of others.
What they did was to entice the biggest social media companies to do it.. that's on the social media companies, not the government.. even though they shouldn't be doing that either.

Where does the first amendment say you can disregard it by sneaking around using third parties under threat and coercion?
They didn't use threats and coercion.... they used the laws.. Social media companies, including this website, are protected by a sweetheart law that was written and designed for the sole purpose of protecting these websites from liability for what their users post.

So if you post: "WANTED -Looking for a hitman to kill John Doe, will pay $5000" and John Doe ends up dead, the social media website is protected from liability.. for the most part, that was an extreme example. But there are other more appropriate examples as well.. For example, if I give you advice on your solar system and tell you to put one foot in a bucket of water before you grab that 240 wire, then this website would not be liable for hosting my dangerous speech (bad instructions) when you get hurt.
In other words, while I might be held liable (good luck with that!) for giving dangerous advice, this website would not be.

These laws were written to protect these social media websites, and for good reason.. Its not practical to moderate everything that is said on a website like facebook.

But laws are made and repealed all the time... as society moves forward and advances, we learn.. and we make new laws and delete old ones.

The law is section 230 of the communications decency act.. and all government (probably?) did was tell the social media companies that the dangerous advice and fake information they were seeing was causing them consider repealing that law.

Even Trump used it to threaten them..

The law probably needs to be repealed and replaced with something more appropriate for the times.. Maybe, I'm not entire sure because its not something I study or am interested in.

You however, have absolutely no f*ing clue about it or anything else. Some idiot jackass creates a blogger website and you believe anything they say.
For f*cks sakes, you're so stupid you think we could be spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes.

At the time they were doing that the tech giants were being investigated by the same alphabet agencies and being brought before congress for oversight. They were offered leniency in exchange for compliance with the white houses political censorship program.

Deny it all you like but your side is evil to the core right now and is the threat to democracy.
I don't know what quackery the republicans were up to and I don't really care.. They can't "oversight" civilians without passing a law that must make it through the house, senate, and be signed by the president. That's tough to do unless one party is in charge.

I don't have a side you fruitcake..

If it was up to me, I'd probably pass a law that removes anonymity from social media. Make it so that everyone's real identification is available with every post and reply they make. That should put a quick damper on fruitcakes like you.
Youre such an asshole, murphyguy.
I am not gentile with dumb ass people like you.. I'll own that.

Yeah look at those statistics. In february 2020 the umemployment rate was right down at nearly the lowest its ever been under Biden.
Biden wasn't president in 2020 you f*cking moron. Holy Shit are you a damn idiot. What the hell is wrong with you?

Two months later its over 14 percent due to covid lockdowns. Look how Trump tanked the economy.. I guess this is when you claim Trump also mishandled the virus by not locking down businesses enough? Why do we even engage you scumbag leftists when you show such dushonesty? Screenshot_20230719_153753_Chrome.jpg
All the lockdowns happened under trump you moron.. The unemployment rate shot up because he screwed up.. He thought covid was a "democrat hoax" and then it was "its going to go away on its own" and then "we have it under control"

Never EVER hand a science problem to a conservative.. You'd be better off asking a dog to drive a car...



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I am not gentile with dumb ass people like you.. I'll own that.

Biden wasn't president in 2020 you f*cking moron. Holy Shit are you a damn idiot. What the hell is wrong with you?

All the lockdowns happened under trump you moron.. The unemployment rate shot up because he screwed up.. He thought covid was a "democrat hoax" and then it was "its going to go away on its own" and then "we have it under control"

Never EVER hand a science problem to a conservative.. You'd be better off asking a dog to drive a car...
All the above comments are just plain incoherent and silly. What a loser.
Whats your point about covid? That the unemployment rate shot up... Because he minimized the danger? That makes zero sense. Im not going to waste my time explaining why.
What a silly old flaming liberal troll you are.
All the above comments are just plain incoherent and silly. What a loser.
Whats your point about covid?
My point is, the fruitcake orange idiot in charge dropped the ball. Apparently I need to repeat myself because you didn't get it the first time...

"Its a democrat hoax" _Donald Trump
"Its going to go away on its own" _Donald Trump
"We have it under control" _Donald Trump

What part of those statements do you not seem to comprehend?

That the unemployment rate shot up... Because he minimized the danger? That makes zero sense.
Hey, coming from someone who thinks we could be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes".. I understand your perspective.

Im not going to waste my time explaining why.
What a silly old flaming liberal troll you are.
Reality and facts are not a political position you fruitcake.
People make grammar errors all the time. I certainly do.. and typos are common.

But when they repeatedly screw up simple words like your/you're or there/their/they're, the errors aren't caused by innocent oversight, they're the result of ignorance and basic education.
...or maybe auto correct on their smart phone keeps deciding for them? My new smart phone has tripped me up several times lately. I type "damn" it corrects it to "darn". I type "shit" it corrects it to "stuff". That's why I stick to a desktop keyboard when online. Smart phones are better for podcasts and audible books, than as input devices for social media sites. I certainly understand though that some participants here probably don't have room for a desktop computer in their tent or van, so a cell phone might just be the best they can do.
And you wonder why building costs have gone up.......

View attachment 158519

You got this one correct.

The cost of everything has gone up.. Forcing companies like McDonald's to pay ridiculously high minimum wages has contributed to higher labor and materials cost for everyone. Its the reverse of trickle down economics. The fast food cook without any significant education or training makes $15 an hour, so the heavy equipment operator wants $20.. then $25.. then $40.

The minimum wage hikes were a huge screw up by democrats and did nothing to raise the standard of living for the simple minded.
You got this one correct.

The cost of everything has gone up.. Forcing companies like McDonald's to pay ridiculously high minimum wages has contributed to higher labor and materials cost for everyone. Its the reverse of trickle down economics. The fast food cook without any significant education or training makes $15 an hour, so the heavy equipment operator wants $20.. then $25.. then $40.

The minimum wage hikes were a huge screw up by democrats and did nothing to raise the standard of living for the simple minded.
It's about time wage increases begin to accelerate. Just to be clear, heavy equipment operators haven't been waiting for the server at Micky D's to get a raise before they started making demands. Fortunately finally now is the time for ALL blue collar and service sector workers to organize and exercise their collective muscle against our American oligarchs. Buckle up. Us Boomers have all retired and now there's a good old fashioned labor shortage.
...or maybe auto correct on their smart phone keeps deciding for them? My new smart phone has tripped me up several times lately. I type "damn" it corrects it to "darn". I type "shit" it corrects it to "stuff". That's why I stick to a desktop keyboard when online. Smart phones are better for podcasts and audible books, than as input devices for social media sites. I certainly understand though that some participants here probably don't have room for a desktop computer in their tent or van, so a cell phone might just be the best they can do.
Gloating but he needs auto correct or cant figure out how to shut it off...
My point is, the fruitcake orange idiot in charge dropped the ball. Apparently I need to repeat myself because you didn't get it the first time...

"Its a democrat hoax" _Donald Trump
"Its going to go away on its own" _Donald Trump
"We have it under control" _Donald Trump

What part of those statements do you not seem to comprehend?

Hey, coming from someone who thinks we could be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes".. I understand your perspective.

Reality and facts are not a political position you fruitcake.
What I cant comprehend is the stupidity involved with asserting that those statements made the unemployment rate shoot up.
Thats what you claimed.
If you were less of a bigmouth blowhard jerkoff youd describe the policy mistakes on covid President Trump made. Then describe the alternative option you would have chosen.
All you liberal whiners have is "he blew the response" or "he dropped the ball" but not ever having clue #1 about the actual decisions being made or what the government was really doing.
Yeah we get it. You think the whole country was waiting on Donald Trump to tell them what to do about covid.
Your schtick is tiresome but its dumb beyond imagination.
What I cant comprehend is the stupidity involved with asserting that those statements made the unemployment rate shoot up.
Thats what you claimed.
If you were less of a bigmouth blowhard jerkoff youd describe the policy mistakes on covid President Trump made. Then describe the alternative option you would have chosen.
All you liberal whiners have is "he blew the response" or "he dropped the ball" but not ever having clue #1 about the actual decisions being made or what the government was really doing.
Yeah we get it. You think the whole country was waiting on Donald Trump to tell them what to do about covid.
Your schtick is tiresome but its dumb beyond imagination.

Many of the things Trump was saying about COVID in the early days more or less followed the timeline of what the CDC and WHO were saying at the same time, as well as Dr. Fauci. He put his usual "Trump spin" on it but it was essentially the same.

As to blowing the response, I seem to recall a large number of democrats, including Biden and Harris, saying they would not trust any vaccine developed under Trump and would be reluctant to take it because it was being developed too quickly.
Many of the things Trump was saying about COVID in the early days more or less followed the timeline of what the CDC and WHO were saying at the same time, as well as Dr. Fauci. He put his usual "Trump spin" on it but it was essentially the same.

As to blowing the response, I seem to recall a large number of democrats, including Biden and Harris, saying they would not trust any vaccine developed under Trump and would be reluctant to take it because it was being developed too quickly.
Exactly. They urged people to not take "Trumps vaccine".
As to blowing the response, I seem to recall a large number of democrats, including Biden and Harris, saying they would not trust any vaccine developed under Trump and would be reluctant to take it because it was being developed too quickly.
Show us Biden and Harris' quotes. You seem to be making stuff up.
Exactly. They urged people to not take "Trumps vaccine".
They? Always a they with you tRumpers.

I'd suggest a good read;
Exactly. They urged people to not take "Trumps vaccine".

So the democrats were urging you not to take "Trump's vaccine" ? Did I read that correctly?

I want to make sure that wasn't a typo because you fruitcakes have been in this forum telling everyone how dangerous the "Trump vaccine" is...

If that doesn't take the cake....

The stupidity and conflict within your own statements is so outlandish its like watching a comedy show.. Isn't Trump your messiah savior? Make America Great Again? Trump save the country? All that?

My sides are starting to hurt from laughing so hard...
Show us Biden and Harris' quotes. You seem to be making stuff up.

They? Always a they with you tRumpers.

I'd suggest a good read;
Why don’t you look for the videos yourself? You have google on your phone. Right? ?

diy solar

diy solar