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diy solar

BYE BYE Tucker...

Why is this guy so full of shit?

"they carried identical golden records designed as the first recorded interstellar message from humankind to potential intelligent life in the cosmos."

" The records, now traveling beyond our solar system through interstellar space... "

" Both are in interstellar space and the only spacecraft to operate beyond the heliosphere, the sun’s bubble of magnetic fields and particles that extends well beyond the orbit of Pluto."

" As the sole extensions of humanity outside the heliosphere’s protective bubble, the two probes are alone on their cosmic treks as they travel in different directions. "

Hey assclown, why dont you contact CNN and virtually every other source which contradicts you, and tell them theyre stupid and on drugs. Im sure they need an asshole around the office to annoy them. Youre perfect.
Oh, I thought you crackheads said CNN is a fake news website, now you're using them as a reference?


How convenient the timing the release of more lies......Its like they can not stop, 8 out of 12 judges in this indictment are hardcore Obama appointed or Biden appointed. Nothing to see here.
I was under the impression that a grand jury indicted him... you know,... civilians picked for jury duty..

How would a judge be involved in a grand jury indictment?

Are you stoned again?
I was under the impression that a grand jury indicted him... you know,... civilians picked for jury duty..

How would a judge be involved in a grand jury indictment?

Are you stoned again?
Most if not all grand jury are controlled by prosecutor’s direction and prosecutor evidence. No defense is allowed. The vast majority of the time the grand jury allows for proceedings. Again depends on jury and prosecutor. The jury can be 2/3 or 3/4 depending on place to proceed.

The standards are suppose to change for a trial jury…. Defense allowed for representation and evidence. Accused faces Prosecutor, accuser, and jury.
“”In a criminal case, the judge asks the trial jury to decide whether someone is innocent or guilty of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt, which is is the highest burden of proof in the American legal system.””
Ah.... Nothing to do with it....Just sell there side with no dispute of the facts.
As I understand it, that is how a grand jury works. Citizens empowered by law to investigate a prosecutors claim.

You have a problem with that?
And it has nothing to do with any judges... judges are not involved. yet..
You might ask who the judge is that will be in charge of this case?

The United States District Court judge assigned to oversee the case is Tanya Chutkan. She's the only DC judge who has sentenced J6 rioters to longer sentences than prosecutors requested. :cool: (y)
Also if you would prefer to have the indictment read to you like a bedtime story...?
My top picks for the un-indicted co-conspirators are #1Gulliani, #2 Eastman, #3 Powell, #4 Underwear Guy Clark, #5 Father of the Fake Elector Scheme Chesebro, and batting cleanup is #6 Little Peter Navarro.
50+ security intel specialist stated the Hunter Biden laptop and all content were Russian disinformation. The FBI in possession of the Hunter Biden laptop remained silent so as not to repeat the 2016 fbi involvement in Clinton email exposure via Weiner laptop to which reportedly got Trump elected. Clinton never got prosecuted over Weiners laptop which reported had some of her secure emails on it too. It was not a deal done over for admitting the Hunter Biden laptop in 2020. The FBI remained silent and allowed lies and disinformation for election interferences. Strange laptops were involved with both incidents. I read someone stole Nancy and sevrral other ppl laptops on 6 jan 2021. Rut ro

The Federal Govt nor any courts ever allowed any court proceedings with election fraud claims. That fat ass black politician in GA got her day in court when she lost Gov race. .what was that democrat - fat bitch‘s name The speaker - AI voice in this video is telling ppl alligations are Truth and everything is a lie by Trump. The AZ results could never be reversed funny how Fox news gave AZ to Biden few hours into election but took days to do the regular count. …… they set a bad stage. News is suppose to report not make news. . So it never mattered other then continued protest which if you start at beginning of video is allowed. What you see is attempted punishment by the Govt to say “accept my decision or else.“ now you are seeing it.

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See? Such emotional reactions being universally displayed. Although Batvette thinks he's being sneaky by changing the words.. Kind of like a dog thinks its being sneaky by pooping behind the couch.
Typical democrat. Hes been caught doing this repeatedly. Whatever he accuses other people of doing, he is actually doing himself. How can I be changing words? Did I put quotation marks around anything? I dont think so. Thus I summarized his position, as worthless and lowbrow as it is. Hes just attempting to walk it back because it is so dumb.
Typical democrat. Hes been caught doing this repeatedly. Whatever he accuses other people of doing, he is actually doing himself. How can I be changing words? Did I put quotation marks around anything? I dont think so. Thus I summarized his position, as worthless and lowbrow as it is. Hes just attempting to walk it back because it is so dumb.
These latest charges are comical, like a third grader came up with them.
Whats going on is democrats are scared shitless that Trump might get a fair trial in Florida. So brought these charges up in DC where they can expect an all democrat Trump hating jury.
This is unprecedented corruption. A failing, incompetent incumbent President, lagging in the polls, sics his justice department on his leading opponent, while also stifling the same agencys investigations into himself and his son. After the same agency helped influence the election that got him into office. Are we forgetting Strozk and Pages texts? Groundless Russia collusion charges they continued for two years into his presidency? Amazingly his party says its Trump who threatens democracy and thats why they have to put HIM in jail.
You couldnt write a horror story this bad.
Anyone with the slightest conscience would now be voting for Trump but we know democrats here dont have any of that.
Kamala and Joe, 2024! Finish the job! Lady Liberty is on the ground, lets bury her before she gets cold. Theyve been at this shit since Vietnam, and wont rest till the USA is just another third world cesspool.
Here I thought you were going to back up your bullshit claim I was "changing words". Ha. Silly me. Thinking you had integrity.

So your point now is what... That the earth, and our solar system, is NOT part of the Milky Way galaxy? Wow. Stupid AND a liar AND a democrat. Oh thats a redundant statement now isnt it.
50+ security intel specialist stated the Hunter Biden laptop and all content were Russian disinformation. The FBI in possession of the Hunter Biden laptop remained silent so as not to repeat the 2016 fbi involvement in Clinton email exposure via Weiner laptop to which reportedly got Trump elected. Clinton never got prosecuted over Weiners laptop which reported had some of her secure emails on it too. It was not a deal done over for admitting the Hunter Biden laptop in 2020. The FBI remained silent and allowed lies and disinformation for election interferences. Strange laptops were involved with both incidents. I read someone stole Nancy and sevrral other ppl laptops on 6 jan 2021. Rut ro

The Federal Govt nor any courts ever allowed any court proceedings with election fraud claims. That fat ass black politician in GA got her day in court when she lost Gov race. .what was that democrat - fat bitch‘s name The speaker - AI voice in this video is telling ppl alligations are Truth and everything is a lie by Trump. The AZ results could never be reversed funny how Fox news gave AZ to Biden few hours into election but took days to do the regular count. …… they set a bad stage. News is suppose to report not make news. . So it never mattered other then continued protest which if you start at beginning of video is allowed. What you see is attempted punishment by the Govt to say “accept my decision or else.“ now you are seeing it.

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I suppose they will quote Bill Barr claiming his justice dept looked into reports of fraud and found nothing. Little problem... He never conducted any such thing. The rationale for these charges is absurd.
As I understand it, that is how a grand jury works. Citizens empowered by law to investigate a prosecutors claim.

You have a problem with that?
Why do grand juries always indict?
Grand Juries Often Return an Indictment

In part because there's no one on the "other side" to contest the prosecutor's evidence, grand juries almost always return an indictment as requested by the prosecutor. › why-prosec...
Why Prosecutors Choose Grand Juries Instead of Preliminary Hearings |

Smurphy would like us to believe grand juries are independent and objective.

Grand juries are a perfect tool to conceal witch hunts, giving the appearance of the righteousness of public interest.

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