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BYE BYE Tucker...

They say its better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission.

Hating cops? I hate the laws put in place that protect them instead of holding them accountable for their behavior
It was a question. Accountability works both ways as does respect.
Kind of strange, you hate the government but love the arm of the government that is put in place to oppress you.. If that doesn't ring all the bells of stupid, I don't know what does.
So federal overreach does not bother you?
If you were driving to another location to purchase a piece of equipment from a craigslist sale, how would you like it if you got pulled over and the cop found your $8400 for the sale, and decided to take it from you without reason?
I agree that is a nasty law. Theft the way it is used.
And when you talk to a cop, how do you feel about being interviewed for your own freedom?
I learned a long time ago that it is not smart to "toss fuel on the fire". When I was young I got out of many tickets just being respectful. ( Ya Ya different times)
Cops play an important roll in society, unfortunately, a lot of cops in the USA have become thugs.. they even wear gang tattoos now.
There is a lot of crime due to no to little consequences for criminal behavior. There has and always will be thugs as you put it. But to blame them all is not right either.
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Memphis has a gang problem just like L.A. county. It's a cop gang problem.

Gangs are a different problem. Our society has, for some reason I'm not aware of, evolved to allow gang activity. We detest their criminal behavior, but we forbid citizens from doing anything about them. Instead, we hand that responsibility to the police, who do a piss poor job.

It's not the police's fault in that respect, its our own fault. In a society of real justice, those city thugs who run into stores en mass and steel whatever they want would be systematically shot down by the store owner. If you get 40 idiots who decided to raid a department store to overwhelm any attempt to stop them, then a store owner should have the right to shoot them dead.. (if you ask me)..

And if a neighborhood community identifies a drug house, they should be allowed to burn it down.

Instead, our society has evolved a philosophy that life is more important than property.. problem is, when that property supports your life, such things are not considered in our courts.

I don't think I would want to shoot someone steeling a 5 gallon can of gas out of my shed.. what's the current price like $20 for the gas plus $30 for the can? But what about someone who can barely feed their own children or pay their utility bill to keep the lights and heat on? That $50 means a whole lot more to them than it does to me, it could mean the difference between paying the bills for the month and having their power turned off.

We're making mistakes and no one seems to want to correct them. The lefties seem to want to allow minor crimes, the extremist on the right want an authoritarian state...
Why are you commenting on our country? What are you even doing here? You're obviously working at a Russian Troll farm or something.. You just outed yourself..
View attachment 161161

Hello. It's 11:24 PM where you live.

This isn't hard. In another hour it will be 12:24 AM and you'll still be awake, calling people on the internet stupid and gravely impacting your personal health by not getting enough sleep.
Hello. It's 11:24 PM where you live.

And its about 1 pm where you live in Russia.. I might have screwed up a time zone, but based on your statements (see screen shot), that puts you about 1400 miles east of Moscow.

You outed yourself.. that was a major screw up.. you're not just a troll, you're an incompetent troll..

This isn't hard. In another hour it will be 12:24 AM and you'll still be awake, calling people on the internet stupid and gravely impacting your personal health by not getting enough sleep.
I'll be awake pretty late.. Optical telescopes are used at night genius. Logging into one during the day is pretty useless. The average Russian IQ is only just above 96 so maybe such concepts of astronomy are beyond your comprehension.
And its about 1 pm where you live in Russia.. I might have screwed up a time zone, but based on your statements (see screen shot), that puts you about 1400 miles east of Moscow.

You outed yourself.. that was a major screw up.. you're not just a troll, you're an incompetent troll..

I'll be awake pretty late.. Optical telescopes are used at night genius. Logging into one during the day is pretty useless. The average Russian IQ is only just above 96 so maybe such concepts of astronomy are beyond your comprehension.

Oh shush.

Sleepness nights in suburbia are common among liberal males.
Oh shush.

Sleepness nights in suburbia are common among liberal males.
I don't get it.. you use the phrase "liberal males" as an insult... and your dumb ass never considered that a liberal male wouldn't find that insulting?

Either that, or you use it to insult those conservatives who aren't extremists.. ?

Either way, you paint yourself as a moron.
I don't get it.. you use the phrase "liberal males" as an insult... and your dumb ass never considered that a liberal male wouldn't find that insulting?

Either that, or you use it to insult those conservatives who aren't extremists.. ?

Either way, you paint yourself as a moron.

See. It's 10:30 PM my time.

So it's 1:30 AM your time.

You're not Gene Simmons

"Iyeeeeeiiiim....on the internet all nyeeeeeyite....calling people stupid"?
See. It's 10:30 PM my time.

So it's 1:30 AM your time.

You're not Gene Simmons

"Iyeeeeeiiiim....on the internet all nyeeeeeyite....calling people stupid"?
BUSTED Russian Troll

It was 1 AM in Russia.. Night time when you said "Look, Murphy is up until 1 AM". Except its YOUR 1 AM, not mine, it was early afternoon here.

BUSTED. This screen grab is going to follow you around like a space probe spreading life thru the galaxy.

Gangs are a different problem. Our society has, for some reason I'm not aware of, evolved to allow gang activity. We detest their criminal behavior, but we forbid citizens from doing anything about them. Instead, we hand that responsibility to the police, who do a piss poor job.

It's not the police's fault in that respect, its our own fault. In a society of real justice, those city thugs who run into stores en mass and steel whatever they want would be systematically shot down by the store owner. If you get 40 idiots who decided to raid a department store to overwhelm any attempt to stop them, then a store owner should have the right to shoot them dead.. (if you ask me)..

And if a neighborhood community identifies a drug house, they should be allowed to burn it down.

Instead, our society has evolved a philosophy that life is more important than property.. problem is, when that property supports your life, such things are not considered in our courts.

I don't think I would want to shoot someone steeling a 5 gallon can of gas out of my shed.. what's the current price like $20 for the gas plus $30 for the can? But what about someone who can barely feed their own children or pay their utility bill to keep the lights and heat on? That $50 means a whole lot more to them than it does to me, it could mean the difference between paying the bills for the month and having their power turned off.

We're making mistakes and no one seems to want to correct them. The lefties seem to want to allow minor crimes, the extremist on the right want an authoritarian state...
This is a criminal gang;

.....and this is a criminal gang;

And that's a fucking problem.
This is a criminal gang;

.....and this is a criminal gang;

And that's a fucking problem.

The problem with all police behavior boils down to a single Supreme Court decision which created a protection mechanism called "Qualified Immunity" It was a conservative supreme court who granted the police the authority to mess you up and violate your rights and then claim "qualified immunity" (Harlow v. Fitzgerald) 1982

The de-facto law was originally intended to stop minor nuisance lawsuits from inconsequential police mistakes. The police have twisted and morphed the law into a large legal shield to give cops almost complete immunity to do anything they want.

The gangs are not a police problem, they're a societal problem. The current atmosphere of police behaving like criminals is a legal problem.
The problem with all police behavior boils down to a single Supreme Court decision which created a protection mechanism called "Qualified Immunity" It was a conservative supreme court who granted the police the authority to mess you up and violate your rights and then claim "qualified immunity" (Harlow v. Fitzgerald) 1982

The de-facto law was originally intended to stop minor nuisance lawsuits from inconsequential police mistakes. The police have twisted and morphed the law into a large legal shield to give cops almost complete immunity to do anything they want.

The gangs are not a police problem, they're a societal problem. The current atmosphere of police behaving like criminals is a legal problem.
I completely agree. Unfortunately the societal problem has birthed police gangs across the country and a police gang is more dangerous than a street gang because not only do they have guns, they have the jails too.
I completely agree. Unfortunately the societal problem has birthed police gangs across the country and a police gang is more dangerous than a street gang because not only do they have guns, they have the jails too.
I don't see the police as being more dangerous because they have guns or jails.. I see them as being more dangerous because they have almost no accountability.

I have guns, but there's a big legal difference between me using my gun and a police using a gun.

The entire problem with police is that one SCOTUS decision.. it is 100% of the problem. Remove qualified immunity and the policing problem goes away almost overnight.

Wait.. wait.. I'm laughing so hard I almost spit coffee...

Donald Trump, the idiot running as a republican, is claiming super pacs are the problem?

It was a conservative supreme court in 2010 (Citizens United v. FEC) that granted corporations the right to make unlimited campaign donations.

When that decision was handed down, it created Super Pacs, and it allowed foreign money into our political elections. And now the republicans who created it are complaining about it? WTF?
Wait.. wait.. I'm laughing so hard I almost spit coffee...

Donald Trump, the idiot running as a republican, is claiming super pacs are the problem?

It was a conservative supreme court in 2010 (Citizens United v. FEC) that granted corporations the right to make unlimited campaign donations.

When that decision was handed down, it created Super Pacs, and it allowed foreign money into our political elections. And now the republicans who created it are complaining about it? WTF?
Yep that's a no shitter.
That's the jail part.
It's one thing to get your ass beat on the street by a civilian thug. If you survive you have the option of retaliating at your convenience. If you get your ass beat on the street by a cop or gang of cops, they then haul you off to jail where they and their cohorts can continue the beatings if they so choose...without accountability.
Wait.. wait.. I'm laughing so hard I almost spit coffee...

Donald Trump, the idiot running as a republican, is claiming super pacs are the problem?

It was a conservative supreme court in 2010 (Citizens United v. FEC) that granted corporations the right to make unlimited campaign donations.

When that decision was handed down, it created Super Pacs, and it allowed foreign money into our political elections. And now the republicans who created it are complaining about it? WTF?
To make it even better, his lawyer was up at 1:00a.m. this morning to Xeet that out! That's some desperate shit right there! ? ? ?

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