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BYE BYE Tucker...

Trumpers keep saying that Trump's words can't be used against him in a criminal case. I guess they never watched an episode of any police show because as we all know: "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."
It's one thing to get your ass beat on the street by a civilian thug. If you survive you have the option of retaliating at your convenience. If you get your ass beat on the street by a cop or gang of cops, they then haul you off to jail where they and their cohorts can continue the beatings if they so choose...without accountability.
Pigs gotta pig.
The whistleblower is still being carefully cagey protecting his own interest ..... The point is that Tucker is still perfectly able to pull in these high profile interviews.

Your whistleblower is probably trying to sell books.. he's a con artist and a fraud and went to prison for it.

Smarten up dumbass.

We are not spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes...

Without question a elitist attitude.
Elitist is code for: Smarter than you, more productive than you, wealthier than you, and happier than you.

Every single time you knuckleheads mutter that word in a disparaging phrase, you make yourselves look pretty stupid. And then you get upset with me for calling you out on it..

You should aspire to be an elitist, not disparage success and wealth. Really, what the hell is wrong with people? Has your brain turned to mush?
Elitist is code for: Smarter than you, more productive than you, wealthier than you, and happier than you.

Every single time you knuckleheads mutter that word in a disparaging phrase, you make yourselves look pretty stupid. And then you get upset with me for calling you out on it..

You should aspire to be an elitist, not disparage success and wealth. Really, what the hell is wrong with people? Has your brain turned to mush?
Your wisdom is beyond belief and all your "assumptions" about people are amazing........( perhaps you should polish your crystal ball as it must be getting hard to read) Your "attempted manipulation using name calling is simply stellar in scope........
Elitist is code for: Smarter than you, more productive than you, wealthier than you, and happier than you.

Every single time you knuckleheads mutter that word in a disparaging phrase, you make yourselves look pretty stupid. And then you get upset with me for calling you out on it..

You should aspire to be an elitist, not disparage success and wealth. Really, what the hell is wrong with people? Has your brain turned to mush?

Oh look the murph is calling people stupid again.
Your wisdom is beyond belief and all your "assumptions" about people are amazing........( perhaps you should polish your crystal ball as it must be getting hard to read) Your "attempted manipulation using name calling is simply stellar in scope........

Isn't that funny. Libtards like murfy and Ozark tinkling defend government the same way a conservative would defend their dad.

They are tribal.

They are actually defending Joe Bidens bribery and corruption. You can't get that much more sad as a male.

They look at government the same way a loyal, respectful wife looks at her husband.

That's a good analogy. Government is Murphy and Ozarks husband. ? Hell, they are sister wives to government.???
Isn't that funny. Libtards like murfy and Ozark tinkling defend government the same way a conservative would defend their dad.

They are tribal.

They are actually defending Joe Bidens bribery and corruption. You can't get that much more sad as a male.

They look at government the same way a loyal, respectful wife looks at her husband.

That's a good analogy. Government is Murphy and Ozarks husband. ? Hell, they are sister wives to government.???
Why don't you stick to Russian forums?

Your wisdom is beyond belief and all your "assumptions" about people are amazing........( perhaps you should polish your crystal ball as it must be getting hard to read) Your "attempted manipulation using name calling is simply stellar in scope........
Name calling? You mean like referring to others as "elites" ?
Don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot eh?
Makes absolutely zero difference to me.... I was wondering how YOU justify your irrational behavior.

I treat people like they deserve to be treated as a matter of personal philosophy, sometimes that involves respect, sometimes it involves derogatory comments... and I really could not care less what others think of it.

You were the one complaining about "name calling", even as you proceeded to call others names in a derogatory way.

So I'm wondering how you justify and account for your own irrational flip-flopping behavior.
Makes absolutely zero difference to me.... I was wondering how YOU justify your irrational behavior.

I treat people like they deserve to be treated as a matter of personal philosophy, sometimes that involves respect, sometimes it involves derogatory comments... and I really could not care less what others think of it.

You were the one complaining about "name calling", even as you proceeded to call others names in a derogatory way.

So I'm wondering how you justify and account for your own irrational flip-flopping behavior.
See with free speech I do not have to. Why in the world would I want to with you. You and I do not align with each other. So why bother?
See with free speech I do not have to. Why in the world would I want to with you. You and I do not align with each other. So why bother?
Got it!

So you don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot... You can dish it out but you get upset when it comes back to you...

Pretty typical irrational behavior.

diy solar

diy solar