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diy solar

BYE BYE Tucker...

Really now. What was Trumps role in the Central Park 5? Tell us exactly what Trump had printed in that newspaper ad.
Here you go batshit, follow the link for a copy of the original ad he spent $85,000 on to have in several major newspapers. Fucking clown was 32 years old when this was going on... and you can do the reading here too;
Here you go batshit, follow the link for a copy of the original ad he spent $85,000 on to have in several major newspapers. Fucking clown was 32 years old when this was going on... and you can do the reading here too;
Im 100% aware of that ad.

Copy and paste the part where any of the names of the suspects or their race were mentioned...

He merely called for strong punishnent of whoever did it. Is that a problem?
Here you go batshit, follow the link for a copy of the original ad he spent $85,000 on to have in several major newspapers. Fucking clown was 32 years old when this was going on... and you can do the reading here too;
Notice how that article doesnt refute Trumps claims.

They were NOT "found innocent" or "exonerated". They were in fact committing violent crimes in the park that night.
And some of the police investigators maintain that these boys were guilty, and made statements of facts only the perpetrators would know.
is it fun being in a fact free cult batvette?
Dude.. he thinks we could be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes"..

Now considering that, on what intelligence level do you think he's operating on?

Dude.. he thinks we could be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes"..

Now considering that, on what intelligence level do you think he's operating on?

View attachment 161765
Give it a rest.

Youre like a five year old who just heard their first dirty word, and now repeat it hundreds of times a day for weeks.

"of less concern, is that such a bacteria could possibly multiply on the planet. Theoretically it might be possible."
Give it a rest.

Youre like a five year old who just heard their first dirty word, and now repeat it hundreds of times a day for weeks.

"of less concern, is that such a bacteria could possibly multiply on the planet. Theoretically it might be possible."
You're kind of a short bus special aren't you? You don't even have a 5th grade concept of the cosmos...
In the unlikely event you prove anything I post wrong, maybe I will let you know.
you would say 2+2=5 and I could give a proof of it equaling 4 and you would still bury your head in the sand, so there is no point
In the unlikely event you prove anything I post wrong, maybe I will let you know.

There is no proving anything to you.. But fortunately for us, we don't actually need to prove anything to you..

I'll just stick this up here and let readers decide for themselves what an idiot you are...

It's the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same results?

I hope I'm wrong because that would make Leo and Murph psychotic, the way they hold on to screenshots and repost them....

Nom nom nom enjoy the troll food.
Oh, here we go again.. Spectacular stupidity on display....
It's the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same results?

I hope I'm wrong because that would make Leo and Murph psychotic, the way they hold on to screenshots and repost them....

Nom nom nom enjoy the troll food.
No you moron.. the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting DIFFERENT results...

You can't even get the basics correct.. but you have opinions on science subjects? WTF?

Wow... I'm kind of speechless at the stupidity level..
you would say 2+2=5 and I could give a proof of it equaling 4 and you would still bury your head in the sand, so there is no point

copy and paste where I posted that 2+2=5.

Thats how it works. Stop trolling.
Oh, here we go again.. Spectacular stupidity on display....
Good way to start the majority of your posts.
No you moron.. the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting DIFFERENT results...
Thanks for answering my question. That '?' symbol at the end is a question mark, people use them when they are unsure of something and would like clarity.
So are you expecting the same or different results posting the same screenshots over and over?
You can't even get the basics correct.. but you have opinions on science subjects?
Wow there's that '?' symbol I talked about.. Yes I have opinions on may subjects beyond science.
Wonderful Tucker Facts?
Wow... I'm kind of speechless at the stupidity level..
Sure didn't seem to be the case with your long winded reply.
Thanks for answering my question. That '?' symbol at the end is a question mark, people use them when they are unsure of something and would like clarity.
So are you expecting the same or different results posting the same screenshots over and over?
We both know it was a statement in the form of a rhetorical question.. You'd get more respect if you just owned the mistake instead of trying for a save. That's what Bob does.. don't be a Bob.
Your idiotic and racist by implication post about the central park 5 is essentially that
Copy and paste the specific points you believe I am wrong about and we will go from there. Support your claims with references because I will when required.

Racist by implication, huh? I never mentioned their race and neither did Trump, anywhere in that ad. Thats a leftist tactic. Any time a crime is committed and a suspect is black, any discussion of the crime by white people will be alleged to be racially motivated.

I dont GAF.

The race of these men was never mentioned by Trump, not in the ad and not ever in any subsequent statements by him.

Yet when asked to provide proof Trump is racist, you people just blurt out "central park 5!!! those poor boys!!!" As if people are too stupid to critically look at Trumps role in this.
It wouldnt have mattered if those thugs were black, latino, asian, or white. His statements would have been the same.
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Copy and paste the specific points you believe I am wrong about and we will go from there. Support your claims with references because I will when required.
replace anti smite with "X" and this defines you perfectly. No point in engaging beyond this:

“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”

― Jean-Paul Sartre

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diy solar