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Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

The entire thing is one big farce.
None of these people are in power. They are marionettes. The ones really in power are the parasite class with all the money (Banksters, "Philantropists" such as Gates, Soros, etc and all the little drones "just following orders" to get their next paycheck.

The entire thing is one big farce.
None of these people are in power. They are marionettes. The ones really in power are the parasite class with all the money (Banksters, "Philantropists" such as Gates, Soros, etc and all the little drones "just following orders" to get their next paycheck.

If you want to stop the super rich from influencing our government, then you're bitching about the wrong thing and you're being useless.

Spend your energies writing your congressional representatives that you want the conservative supreme court decision of Citizens United v. FEC (2010) overturned to go back to the old ways, and that you want all corporate lobbying outlawed.

Anything else you moan and complain about is nothing more than a child banging the floor because mom said no to the candy bar.

Overturn the 2010 Citizens United decision
Outlaw and ban all corporate lobbying.

Just those two things will fix the entire country almost overnight.
For anyone who hasn't seen 2000 mules. It's going to be posted for a weekend to watch for free.

The movie totally nails one of the cheating methods used in the last presidential election .... No REASONABLE doubt left after watching this.
Then why does Trump and Giuliani and company say all these things on TV shows, social media, rallies etc..., then DID NOT PRESENT ANY OF IT in the 60 or so court cases where they challenged the results?
Maybe they just are ful of shit, like that movie and yourself?
If you want to stop the super rich from influencing our government, then you're bitching about the wrong thing and you're being useless.

Spend your energies writing your congressional representatives that you want the conservative supreme court decision of Citizens United v. FEC (2010) overturned to go back to the old ways, and that you want all corporate lobbying outlawed.

Anything else you moan and complain about is nothing more than a child banging the floor because mom said no to the candy bar.

Overturn the 2010 Citizens United decision
Outlaw and ban all corporate lobbying.

Just those two things will fix the entire country almost overnight.

How would banning corporate lobbying stop the revolving door between company and cabinet?

How would banning corporate lobbying have stopped Joe biden from taking bribes?
Then why does Trump and Giuliani and company say all these things on TV shows, social media, rallies etc..., then DID NOT PRESENT ANY OF IT in the 60 or so court cases where they challenged the results?
Maybe they just are ful of shit, like that movie and yourself?

I am no fan of politicians (any of them) but what has happened in the 2020 election is complete farce.
There were way too many things that were caught on video (and even numbers changing on live TV) that are too suspicious.
Add to that mail in voting and other shenanigans and i am 100% certain they manipulated the election.
The only thing is they were probably doing it for decades (especially at the state level), but this time they got so arrogant they did it in plain sight.
If you think any place in the world has honest elections, I have a bridge to Jupiter to sell to you.
Then why does Trump and Giuliani and company say all these things on TV shows, social media, rallies etc..., then DID NOT PRESENT ANY OF IT in the 60 or so court cases where they challenged the results?
Maybe they just are ful of shit, like that movie and yourself?
Ummm .... Trump and Giuliani had nothing to do with making that movie. They haven't had a chance to present evidence up to now ..... time will tell with the upcoming cases.

Did you watch the movie or are you just shooting from the hip?
Why don't you bring up something specific in the movie that you disagree with?
No .... That would never happen ..... The FBI would be all over it ....Right?

"Michigan authorities suspected there was a possible voter registration fraud scheme occurring across multiple states during the 2020 election and were concerned enough to bring in the FBI, according to police memos reviewed by Just the News. But what happened since remains mostly a mystery."

No .... That would never happen ..... The FBI would be all over it ....Right?

"Michigan authorities suspected there was a possible voter registration fraud scheme occurring across multiple states during the 2020 election and were concerned enough to bring in the FBI, according to police memos reviewed by Just the News. But what happened since remains mostly a mystery."

Oh great.. another religious quack job with conspiracy theories... Why are they always religious?
Oh great.. another religious quack job with conspiracy theories... Why are they always religious?
Please explain this comment ... it has no relevance.
What makes this a conspiracy theory ... they have the reports the police sent to the FBI.
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He doesn't know what else to say.

They have no thoughts if their own so you get a lot of "auto replies".
When he has nothing useful to say, he should just keep his mouth shut.

He just thought he could get away with posting some ridiculous crap because I had him on ignore. Apparently he is OK with the FBI not acting on a multi state election fraud that was reported to them by the Michigan police.
The person who posted that has copies of the police reports sent to the FBI.
I am no fan of politicians (any of them) but what has happened in the 2020 election is complete farce.
There were way too many things that were caught on video (and even numbers changing on live TV) that are too suspicious.
Add to that mail in voting and other shenanigans and i am 100% certain they manipulated the election.
The only thing is they were probably doing it for decades (especially at the state level), but this time they got so arrogant they did it in plain sight.
If you think any place in the world has honest elections, I have a bridge to Jupiter to sell to you.
Do you have any hard evidence of any fraud that took place in 2020? A large number of the people indicted in Georgia made legitimate court cases- but failed to provide any real evidence in court (while producing tons of debunked evidence on video for marks like yourself, but never in a court of law). Not really trying to insult you, but for someone selling bridges to Jupiter, you seem more likely someone to get scammed than do the scamming.
So far bank records have found 20 LLC corporation's connected to the Biden family members that records show no business activity and they have connected over 20 million dollars from Russia, Ukraine, China and other countries to the accounts. This is how money is laundered through the mafia. But of course " nothing to see here" This was found by the suspicious activity reports generated from the banks themselves through federal law. Care to guess why they were suppressed?
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So far bank records have found 20 LLC corporation's connected to the Biden family members that records show no business activity and they have connected over 20 million dollars from Russia, Ukraine, China and other countries to the accounts. This is how money is laundered through the mafia. But of course " nothing to see here" This was found by the suspicious activity reports generated from the banks themselves through federal law. Care to guess why they were suppressed?
cool, provide enough evidence to get a grand jury to convict them
but that has absolutely nothing to do with what we were talking about. pure deflection.
Do you have any hard evidence of any fraud that took place in 2020? A large number of the people indicted in Georgia made legitimate court cases- but failed to provide any real evidence in court (while producing tons of debunked evidence on video for marks like yourself, but never in a court of law). Not really trying to insult you, but for someone selling bridges to Jupiter, you seem more likely someone to get scammed than do the scamming.
In which states were court cases heard on their merits, and not dismissed for lack of jurisdiction?
How much evidence could be gathered when all the major social media outlets banned any discussion or dissemination of evidence of voter fraud?
If there was actual widespread evidence of voter fraud it would have been unearthed and exposed. You are all playing yourself. Or trump is playing you. Or your years of believing Democrats are assholes (they are), has lead to you thinking Trumps republican party is innocent (it isn't).

Here's quote's from a lifelong republican in Arizona, that campaigned for trump and voted for him, and he made these quotes UNDER OATH. (Capslock intentional because you guys are failing to realize the difference of what people say under oath vs for cameras.)

“I do not want to be a winner by cheating. I will not play with laws I swore allegiance to.”
‘I voted for you. I worked for you. I campaigned for you. I just won’t do anything illegal for you.’

and again here's again something from Guiliani:
"We’ve got lots of theories — we just don’t have the evidence."

And thats just the meat of this whole situation. The wanna be autocrats scream fascism and censorship yada yada lock her up, classified emails, predophilia, etc etc, but its all just projection. They want to be dictatorial autocrats. And you all are going along and encouraging it. "SAD"

Trump quote on XI in china being president for life:
"Maybe we should give that a try"

fucking bullshit swallowing morons, ain't even worth the few minutes i spent on this
In which states were court cases heard on their merits, and not dismissed for lack of jurisdiction?
Jurisdiction is important.. its one of the very first things a court has to look at. You can't buy a car in Alaska and then General Motors there because your uncle's neighbor's wife's sister in law's husband is the judge.

Apparently you don't know anything about space, space probes, or our legal system.

How much evidence could be gathered when all the major social media outlets banned any discussion or dissemination of evidence of voter fraud?
You're kind of special aren't you? The social media companies would be culpable to criminal prosecution if they deleted evidence of a crime. They don't delete jack squat you idiot.. They just make it so YOU can't see the post.

If you get on facebook and make a post that is then deleted by Facebook, the post still exists, it just can't be seen by anyone.. all they have to do is to get a subpoena and the authorities can see everything. In fact, its not even THAT difficult. Facbook sells your information to anyone who wants it.
Right wingers brainwashed by fox news Schrodinger's Deep state/Biden.
Woefully incompetent or evilishly smart and creative.

Comical compared to the rightiwingers chanting lock her up and now going to prison for being both evilish and incompetent!

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