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diy solar

Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

But it is OK for the supreme court judges to be threatened In front of there homes by the left? Your just plain pathetic.
The very fact that anyone, anyone at all is SERIOUSLY talking about Biden "reelection" tells you all you need to know how hopelessly corrupt and captured the entire system is.
United we stand, divided we fall. It doesn't matter which side you are on we will all lose if we don't come together and listen to each other. We have to think critically and not emotionally.

And BTW they are all crooks.
The very fact that anyone, anyone at all is SERIOUSLY talking about Biden "reelection" tells you all you need to know how hopelessly corrupt and captured the entire system is.
Walls are there to slow people down and they only work when you defend them. But, in the US we choose not to defend our own borders in preference to defending the borders of other countries.

That aside, this looks photoshopped to me.
We can't be sure of that democrats would accept the behaviour of one of their own that Trump has exhibited. Al Franken was made to leave after allegation of sexual misconduct (even without hearing his side of the story, the judge claimed that found that Mr. Trump in fact did rape Carroll and he is still the leading republican candidate for president. Now I am sure Biden cultist also exist don't hear much about them.

Don't care much for cultists, they are a sad lot, regardless of the cause they supposedly support, sadly your nation's partisan politics produces the poor choices for a large part because of the extremes in ideology in the camps, rather than follow the evidence/science.
Do you really believe that there wasnt a single employee on an entire floor of one of the largest department stores in NYC?
Did you see her CNN interview where she described rape fantasies?
Do you think you can penetrate a woman standing up by just pulling her pantyhose down?
Looks like the parasite class scum are running out of time and all of their bs is being exposed for everyone to tsee.

They are going to try another round of the Covid hoax.
Do not comply!
Joe is USA's Brezhnev. (look him up).

There was a popular joke in the USSR.

There is a sporting event and Brezhnev is making an opening speech.
KGB agent comes up to him and gives Brezhnev the paper. Brezhnev starts reading:

"O, O, O, O, O".

"Leonid Ilyitch (Brezhnev's name) - those are not "Os", those are olympic rings"

The moral of the story is obvious and twofold - special services (CIA, KGB, aka spooks) were (and are still) running the country (and the world). And the parasite class is the one in control of the spooks.

diy solar

diy solar