diy solar

diy solar

Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

While you guys are arguing which member of the uniparty is going to screw us, global banksters are laughing at us

This is all true .... Republicans need to grow a spine or the rule of law is going to be completely lost in this country.

Sure it is Bob.. its all true, and we're spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes as you believe...

Please get help..

This punch isn't landing and you're worse than my guinea hens when their brains get "stuck" in afraid mode after being spooked by something.
:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: So .... I looked to see what you were responding to ..... It is beyond strange that Murphy can't let go of the beat down he got and let it go ..... I think it's best to just let him keep embarrassing himself.
:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: So .... I looked to see what you were responding to ..... It is beyond strange that Murphy can't let go of the beat down he got and let it go ..... I think it's best to just let him keep embarrassing himself.
There's that mental illness issue.. You just can't admit you are wrong..

For all else to see, Bob spent a dozen or more postings arguing that we could be "Spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes"..

Its a mental illness..

I agree. Obsessive behavior can be a mental illness.......
No, its not.. Lots of people are obsessed with various activities that are important to them.

Compulsive Obsessive behavior is a mental illness.. Obsessive behavior in itself is not a mental illness.

There's a difference, you should learn what the difference is.
No, its not.. Lots of people are obsessed with various activities that are important to them.

Compulsive Obsessive behavior is a mental illness.. Obsessive behavior in itself is not a mental illness.

There's a difference, you should learn what the difference is.
Your not very good at self diagnosis are you?
Your not very good at self diagnosis are you?
You're not very good at basic grade school grammar are you?
Its always comical when an idiot insults themselves..

You're so ignorant, you can't even insult someone correctly.

So a business man can not do business?

There are no words....

As Peter Zeihan said, Trump could live stream his trans-lover's abortion and the dumbest demographic in our country would still support him.
Well then... should be "It's" in the case above.
I have 4 keys that stick.. an (R), the (") key, which is also the apostrophe, and the (2) key.. My right (shift) key also doesn't work so well.

I don't always double check, but unlike grizz, I know the difference.

I know the difference between its and it's, there, their, and they're, to, too and two.. and your and you're he doesn't.

We all get sloppy from time to time, but there's a difference between slop and ignorance.

For an example of my own ignorance, I used to screw up the words sentience and sapience. and there are others.

Thought I'd include on more tidbit.. Some people type on their phone and switching to the (') key is extra work that slows down the response. It's not always about sloppy.. It's not easy so many don't do it.
I'm on a full keyboard, and even I recognize that it takes typing skills to be able to hit the shift+(") key to access the apostrophe.

I don't fault people for missing the apostrophe, but everyone should know the difference between their and there.. to, two and too.. There's no excuse for routinely screwing those up.
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diy solar

diy solar