diy solar

diy solar



Solar Wizard
Dec 12, 2020
Denver, mostly
A neighbor to our cabin has been bugging me to help him put in solar. I finally contacted him to understand what he was thinking, and he started out saying that his wife was really enamored with SolarFlower (at first he said Solar Sunflower, so I was really confused). I finally found This is the ultimate AIO, as you just set down this pedestal and set it up, and what comes out the bottom is AC to run to your cabin. Apparently for real off-grid you need the SolarFlower+, which includes an 11kW Lithium battery in the pedestal.

Anyone heard of this?
To add:

The website is pretty short on any details (technical, cost, etc.), but I found a couple of reviews. One said that the SolarFlower+ is $65k not including shipping and installation. I think this neighbor doesn't consider cost to be a big issue, otherwise this is crazy expensive for a 2.5kW tracker and a 11kW battery, and some inverter that we don't know the specs for (but it is apparently an SMA product, so I assume it is pretty good).
They look cool but they aren't cheap, prices seem be $30k to $65k for the model with batteries. You only get 2.5kw of solar panels. More of something to show off how rich and "green" you are, then an actual solar power system.

diy solar

diy solar