diy solar

diy solar

Solis App - not fit for purpose

Just for fun, Solis look like they have done some more changes overnight. The most annoying of these is the "Battery Power" figures on the App/Website. They are showing at 100x what they should be. My overnight battery charge from grid jumped (allegedly) from 310W to 31kW! Obviously it was not charging at that rate. I hope they fix this and all the other issues soon.
I am facing similar issues with my Solis hybrid. For me the display on the inverter shows all the correct values - battery, pv, grid, backup circuits all correctly displaying what's going where and in near real time - can't fault it. Solis Cloud on the other hand is confused, the overview graphic is often wrong, as are the graphs below it. It's as if the data values it's pulling from the data logger are all mapped incorrectly for the formulas it's applying. The main culprit that appears wrongly for me is PV, it seems to be confused about where the power is coming from. For example here:

At no point today have we pulled anything near 1kW. Total yield top left is correct, 3.1 is about right for today so far. But then if you look at Generation it says 7.7kWh?? Huh whats going on? It's like it thinks the battery is generation or something - I can't figure it out.

On a site note - I wonder if my data logger's damaged because the green port on the underside of the inverter swivels and pretty sure it's not meant to.
At no point today have we pulled anything near 1kW. Total yield top left is correct, 3.1 is about right for today so far. But then if you look at Generation it says 7.7kWh?? Huh whats going on? It's like it thinks the battery is generation or something - I can't figure it out.
Yeah, the figures are all over the place. It seems to be adding my import on top of the actual consumption.
On a site note - I wonder if my data logger's damaged because the green port on the underside of the inverter swivels and pretty sure it's not meant to.
Your datalogger is fine, but the fixing for the socket it plugs into has come loose inside. You'd probably need to open the inverter to fix it, which could be dangerous. Best just leave it alone and be very careful if you unplug the datalogger. Don't let it twist too much or it could break the wires.
Agreed, your datalogger appears fine. But what your PV CT is reading seems way off. You should see something more like this.


I'd start with a visual inspection of where your CT is located and it's direction. Note, the CT from the Solis should be located between your panels/inverter and your load/grid - with the arrow pointing towards the grid.

Check in settings that the CT is set as PV. If the CT has been installed the wrong way, there is an option to reverse it in the settings.
Agreed, your datalogger appears fine. But what your PV CT is reading seems way off. You should see something more like this.

I'd start with a visual inspection of where your CT is located and it's direction. Note, the CT from the Solis should be located between your panels/inverter and your load/grid - with the arrow pointing towards the grid.

Check in settings that the CT is set as PV. If the CT has been installed the wrong way, there is an option to reverse it in the settings.

Edit* I put a ticket in to solis and they fixed it very quickly on their end. Happy days
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Here's my latest . . . .
The app (screenshot) suggests that I have imported ZERO Kwh from the grid and that 100% of my use today has come from the panels (which on the cloudy day is unbelievable). And, my smart meter tells me that I have incurred usage today costing £1.72 which taking of the standing charge of 47p means I have used 3.47kwh today (£1.25).
Clearly the app is not fit for purpose, this is simply ridiculous – how can you justify selling me stuff that doesn’t work? I have raised multiple tickets and their agent agrees that the info shown on the app is WRONG but that's where it ends. Where do I go, who do I complain to the get this sorted?


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All of those total values are 0 for me. I think there's an outstanding ticket for this issue and they're currently working on it.

In the meantime they're just showing 0 values.

Most of mine are now populated and showing accurate numbers. The only one that's doesn't appear to work is Self-Use.
morning i have an issue with the solis inverter which i think this is connected on this thread my import yesterday said 23Gwh and export 3Gwh but that isnt correct ps i have no battrery yet and solar is enphase micro inverters and today it says we've imports Mwh instead of Kwh I changed the data stick yesterday morning from a Wifi unit to LAN but that doesn't effect anything does it


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I could not agree more with the statement that the app and solis cloud are not fit for use for live monitoring, might be ok for historical stuff, I'm too new to tell. As well as the aforementoined nonsense readings following a recent update by solis I have no backup loads everything is grid side which is the opposite of the actual situation, see pic. These inacurracies have been a real hinderance to me as a new user with trying to tell if things are in fact working as they should be, I'll be asking for advise and opinions on that in another post.


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I have had this (small) system (8 panels x 1 battery) for 3 weeks. The Solis app – is simply not fit for purpose.
The ‘app’ does not show correct information and they admit it is not correct, they are telling me that what I see on the app is not what is happening. 2. The user manual for the app does not look like what I see on the app screen. I ‘raised a ticket’ with Solis and the agent is unable to explain to me what is going on possibly (?) because his English (reading/writing) is not adequate.

How can they sell a system knowing that the app to control the system is not fit for purpose?

Solis sales/service etc., Bootle, Liverpool don't answer the phone ever, every day, never!!

Disgraceful service
Reposted my reply as an independent comment below, deleting from here...
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Reporting this as an independent entry, didn't know how to do that before...

We had a Solis system installed 2 weeks ago, 14 panels, East/West split. The number being reported in the app were completely bonkers and we could not figure it out. We read about various app problems so we kept reloading etc and saw some of the changes already mentioned on this forum. But the basic problem remained. We did not install a battery, as we want to size the system first. This made the diagnosis of our problem maybe a little easier.
We saw 2 main types of problems:
1. When is was quite sunny, we would get 3-4Kw being reported as generated, but we'd also see 2-3Kw being imported from the grid, and the house consuming the sum of these, maybe 6-7Kw. This is early evening with no appliances at all running.
2. At a cloudy time, we would see maybe .5Kw being generation, and maybe 2Kw being exported to the grid, so exporting more than we were generating.
So, turns out the sensor (collar) that detects the current to the grid was on the wrong way around. And the house consumption figure is calculated by adding the other 2 numbers, it's not measured independently. So the system saw 2-3Kw going to the grid but measured that as 2-3Kw coming from the grid, added that to the amount being generated, and said that 6-7Kw was being consumed by the house.
In the second case, we were importing 2Kw to supplement the 0.5Kw being generated, but the system reported that as an export of 2Kw, and reported that the house was using 0Kw.
Turns out this is a common problem, and the engineer was able to go into advance settings on the Inverter and switch the orientation of the sensor in software, no wiring changes required at all.
Not sure if this could be the problem that others are seeing, it seems obvious in hindsight, but took a few weeks of pondering to arrive at it.
So, turns out the sensor (collar) that detects the current to the grid was on the wrong way around.
Turns out this is a common problem, and the engineer was able to go into advance settings on the Inverter and switch the orientation of the sensor in software, no wiring changes required at all.
Yes, it is very common for the installers to fit the CT sensor the wrong way round. It is easy to either turn the sensor round (it just clips over the main wire), or to reconfigure it on the inverter as you have found.

However, this is not related to the majority of the issues that people are seeing with the app. It simply shows some wrong numbers At the moment it is showing a Today Consumption figure of 0 kWh for many people (it seems to be mainly on iphones, not android), and some of the totals simply don't add up.
The data for the totals is all there, it's just interpreting it wrongly. It should be easy for Solis to fix.

But for the current power values it is harder. The datalogger can't get all the data from the inverter in one fetch, so it has to grab it in bits. The inverter values are constantly changing, so it often picks up two figures that seem opposite. I've heard of the app showing power importing and exporting at the same time with dots crossing over each other on the lines on the app! The only way I can see to get around that is to fiddle the data to make it look right, even if it isn't.
Turns out this is a common problem, and the engineer was able to go into advance settings on the Inverter and switch the orientation of the sensor in software, no wiring changes required at all.
Not sure if this could be the problem that others are seeing, it seems obvious in hindsight, but took a few weeks of pondering to arrive at it.
Fixing hardware errors by tweaking software is not an optimal solution. Consider that at sometime in the future your inverter software is reset due to a fault or upgrade. Hey presto, your import/export readings are all wrong again. You could stick a notice to the inverter advising that it has been tweaked but the reset/upgrade could be performed remotely so the tech won't see it. It is a very easy job to turn the CT around and I'm surprised he didn't do that and thus preserve the standard of the installation.
Not another one... :eek: what is it with these so-called 'professional' installers that they can't get a simple CT clamp put in the correct way, and then presumably they didn't even realise there was a problem until the owner reported it.

As for ...
Fixing hardware errors by tweaking software is not an optimal solution.
... I totally agree, but assume the 'engineer' was a remote Solis one, rather then the original installer. If it were the original installer tweaking the Solis on-site, that is just an inexcusable botch.

Makes me wonder what other 'mistakes' the installers may have made?
To change things with the app you need to have Remote Control enabled by Solis. You also need a recent (S3) datalogger. Once Solis have enabled it you need to log out and log back in to the app. Then go to the Inverter Details screen and tape the three dot menu button. You should have "Control Inverter" there.

What is the charge level of your batteries when it is randomly charging? If the level goes too low (usually set to 15%) the inverter will top the batteries up a bit from the grid to stop them shutting down.
I was wondering why the control didn't work, i have a version 2 data logger. Didn't C any info telling me i need a v3!
Thanks for that info
Not another one... :eek: what is it with these so-called 'professional' installers that they can't get a simple CT clamp put in the correct way, and then presumably they didn't even realise there was a problem until the owner reported it.

As for ...

... I totally agree, but assume the 'engineer' was a remote Solis one, rather then the original installer. If it were the original installer tweaking the Solis on-site, that is just an inexcusable botch.

Makes me wonder what other 'mistakes' the installers may have made?
I installed mine and wired it as per solis drawings, it was the wrong way round! So its actually a Solis manual problem, your fitter should have done enough of them to have known that! ;-)
I was wondering why the control didn't work, i have a version 2 data logger. Didn't C any info telling me i need a v3!
Thanks for that info
With the latest upgrade of the app, I believe remote control works with the version 2 loggers as well.
Using the Solis API, I made a little app & widget that displays notifications when the battery is high/low:

It won't help get your numbers more accurate, but it makes it less painful (for me at least) to see what's going on with the key numbers. As far as I can tell the api numbers match what the physical inverter is telling me. Hopeful of use to someone else
Gday all
Recent install of a Solis 5g Inverter. Noticed all the sudden that apparently im consuming Megawatts of power according to the app. Any ideas why it might be showing consumption in MWH rather than KWH, and trust me, im not running some industrial aluminum smelter that consumes millions of watts.....


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