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The portrayal of Israel as innocent victims of palestinian animals is absurd.

If they DID happen here is an interesting analysis of why:

I wouldn't doubt if they did it. My main point is that why get bogged down in the details of how gross and cruel human beings can be? How is it relevant to the situation? The lesser power in any fight will always do the most disgusting, heinous acts in order to psychologically damage the stronger enemy.

Beheading is still a form of capital punishment over there. It's one of the saudis favorite hobbies.

The Arabs want a larger war. They want you to get emotional and send in troops and bomb them. Hamas, Al Quaeda etc are "successors organizations. In 10 years you'll still be killing their #1 and #2 guys. They want a bigger war and will not experience the "regret" that people think they will.
I wouldn't doubt if they did it. My main point is that why get bogged down in the details of how gross and cruel human beings can be? How is it relevant to the situation? The lesser power in any fight will always do the most disgusting, heinous acts in order to psychologically damage the stronger enemy.

Beheading is still a form of capital punishment over there. It's one of the saudis favorite hobbies.
I dont disagree and I think I made that point earlier.

The Zionists and their supporters seem to want to blow this aspect up to dehumanize the Palestinians and justify continued genocide.

The Arabs want a larger war. They want you to get emotional and send in troops and bomb them. Hamas, Al Quaeda etc are "successors organizations. In 10 years you'll still be killing their #1 and #2 guys. They want a bigger war and will not experience the "regret" that people think they will.

Why would they want a larger war?
Why would they want a larger war?

They defeated the Russians and the United States.

911 was to draw us into a protracted war over there which they ultimately won.

Their final enemy to ultimately defeat is the Israelis and then their own heretic governments. (Think rich Saudis)
They defeated the Russians and the United States.

911 was to draw us into a protracted war over there which they ultimately won.

Their final enemy to ultimately defeat is the Israelis and then their own heretic governments. (Think rich Saudis)

The Arabs never defeated anyone (in the last 200 years).
But their leaders are absolutely part of the globalist cabal, and are controlled by the same people at the top.
The Arabs never defeated anyone (in the last 200 years).

They defeated the Russians in the 80's and the Americans just a short time ago.

The two great superpowers defeated by people armed with only crude weapons.

If you think the United States and Russia won against the Arabs, explain in what way.
They defeated the Russians in the 80's and the Americans just a short time ago.

The two great superpowers defeated by people armed with only crude weapons.

If you think the United States and Russia won against the Arabs, explain in what way.

Actually no.
That was another proxy war of USSR vs US (Where each faction armed and trained different Arab states), and it most certainly served its purpose.

If this was a genuine war of any Arab nation (or all of them together) vs US or vs USSR, they would be grinded into dust, believe me.
Both US Special Ops (is it Delta force?) and USSR "Alpha Unit" knew their shit.

But Ill give you another example, if, say, US or USSR wanted to take Saudi Oil, do you think Saudi could defend themselves?

Let me ask you another question - which nations actually make 99% of weapons? I assure you its not Arabs.

But world geopolitics have always been a gigantic stage, where actually winning wars serves no profit. There is your clue for everything following.
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Actually no.
That was another proxy war of USSR vs US, and it most certainly served its purpose.

It was still Muslims winning against a superpower. This is why it's important to not get bogged down in semantics of who has what. The Arabs successfully expelled the 2nd strongest superpower from their land and bled them of treasure.

If this was a genuine war of any Arab nation (or all of them together) vs US or vs USSR, they would be grinded into dust, believe me.
Both US Special Ops (is it Delta force?) and USSR "Alpha Unit" knew their shit.

We just packed up and left Afghanistan. The Muslims now have successfully expelled the greatest superpower from their land.
But Ill give you another example, if, say, US or USSR wanted to take Saudi Oil, do you think Saudi could defend themselves?

Hard to say. Our southern border has been open for 3 years.

Let me ask you another question - which nations actually make 99% of weapons? I assure you its not Arabs.

But world geopolitics have always been a gigantic stage, where actually winning wars serves no profit. There is your clue for everything following.

I dunno. It's a difficult point to convey but the Arab world has a lot to sort out. The United States gets in the way and takes whichever side will benefit us the most.

They have defeated the worlds two superpowers and expelled us so they can now turn their full hatred and resources towards Israel and then onto their own governments.
It was still Muslims winning against a superpower. This is why it's important to not get bogged down in semantics of who has what. The Arabs successfully expelled the 2nd strongest superpower from their land and bled them of treasure.

Again, "Muslims" did not win against a superpower. Actually one superpower fought a war against another superpower, using "Muslims" (Actually almost all of the terrorist organizations in play today such as Hamas, ISIS, etc etc) were all created and trained by the superpowers (US and USSR) and fought their proxy war. When that war exhausted its purpose, they were "abandoned" and "turned on" the very superpowers that created them (Some, including myself, would argue that that was also by design).

We just packed up and left Afghanistan. The Muslims now have successfully expelled the greatest superpower from their land.

The war in Afghanistan had a completely different purpose, and on that it succeeded wonderfully (With general destabilization of the "West" and general "tyrranization" of the west. It has forced millions of Immigrants into EU (note the similar pattern with SA immigrants into USA) and greatly advanced in destruction of both European and American middle classes. It also enriched the MIC hand over fist and finally allowed "abandoned" weapons to proliferate further in the ME further destabilizing the region. What most people don't understand is that the parasite class plays a long game, and we should never take any action at face value. The world is run by psychopaths, and it is inconceivable by normal people that psychopaths can kill millions on both sides to achieve their goals.

Hard to say. Our southern border has been open for 3 years.

I dunno. It's a difficult point to convey but the Arab world has a lot to sort out. The United States gets in the way and takes whichever side will benefit us the most.

They have defeated the worlds two superpowers and expelled us so they can now turn their full hatred and resources towards Israel and then onto their own governments.

Everything being done is intentional.
Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis -> New World Order (If we let them).
Again, "Muslims" did not win against a superpower. Actually one superpower fought a war against another superpower, using "Muslims" (Actually almost all of the terrorist organizations in play today such as Hamas, ISIS, etc etc) were all created and trained by the superpowers (US and USSR) and fought their proxy war. When that war exhausted its purpose, they were "abandoned" and "turned on" the very superpowers that created them (Some, including myself, would argue that that was also by design).

Not according to Osama Bin Laden and 1.8 billion Muslims. It was Muslims getting a win against the 2nd superpower and driving the Russian military out of Muslim lands.

It's good PR ya know.

The war in Afghanistan had a completely different purpose, and on that it succeeded wonderfully (With general destabilization of the "West" and general "tyrranization" of the west. It has forced millions of Immigrants into EU (note the similar pattern with SA immigrants into USA) and greatly advanced in destruction of both European and American middle classes. It also enriched the MIC hand over fist and finally allowed "abandoned" weapons to proliferate further in the ME further destabilizing the region. What most people don't understand is that the parasite class plays a long game, and we should never take any action at face value. The world is run by psychopaths, and it is inconceivable by normal people that psychopaths can kill millions on both sides to achieve their goals.

I'm talking about in reference and point of view from 1.8 billion Muslims. They successfully drove the army of worlds greatest superpower out of the region.

Everything being done is intentional.
Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis -> New World Order (If we let them).

Yeah but this is the part where people wimp out and won't say who makes up the New World Order and who is calling the shots here. ?
With the Russians and United States defeated and out of the way, they can finally get back destroying Israel and then finally, governments in the region who they feel have become maligned by western interests.
I suggest you watch these videos in full before you make judgement on Osama Bin Laden

I suggest you watch these videos in full before you make judgement on Osama Bin Laden

Sorry, I'm not a 911 Conspiracy Theorist, Controlled Demolition Guy if that's the case those videos are going to try and make.

Yeah that's not going to work.

As I have gained power in my own life and gained employment in management type positions, I can assure you that you should assume Malice when an explanation of incompetence will do.

Low tech attacks work.

Now, with that said, as with Pearl Harbor, the U.S. government is certainly good at making others fire the first shot and maybe kinda sort of being purposely indifferent to warnings and such.
Steven Paddock killed 61 people in vegas and wounded over 413. Wounding constituting anything from a bullet graze to paralysis, blinding and loss of an organ.

That was just 1 guy.
Yeah that's not going to work.

As I have gained power in my own life and gained employment in management type positions, I can assure you that you should assume Malice when an explanation of incompetence will do.

Low tech attacks work.

Now, with that said, as with Pearl Harbor, the U.S. government is certainly good at making others fire the first shot and maybe kinda sort of being purposely indifferent to warnings and such.

I dont buy it.
Listen to the interview and you will see why.
The most defended country in the world, breached in no less than 15 places? When they were able to detect a cat 25 years ago?
And then 5 hour response time for a country size less than NJ?
I say baloney
With incompetence you will get 50% by pure attrition.

Do you think Biden admin shenanigans are incompetence or malice?

Incompetence you say?
How about 9/11? Was that incompetence?

I dont buy it.
Listen to the interview and you will see why.
The most defended country in the world, breached in no less than 15 places? When they were able to detect a cat 25 years ago?
And then 5 hour response time for a country size less than NJ?
I say baloney
With incompetence you will get 50% by pure attrition.

Do you think Biden admin shenanigans are incompetence or malice?

Incompetence you say?
How about 9/11? Was that incompetence?

For me what they did wasn't sophisticated. The Israelis had no way of stopping dudes on paragliders and only have limited iron dome capabilities to stop the rockets.

That means all they had to do was breech a fence while creating distractions elsewhere.

Its not a reach at all.

You were making a point earlier about taking care of things ourselves and not thinking a grand politician will swoop in and save us. On that I agree.

I would also like you to apply that same line of thought to Israeli border security, the U.S. on 911 etc etc. The Israelis thought their government had it under control and used words like "world-class", "impenetrable" "most sophisticated" ETC. It's all bullshit put forward by people who genuinely have very little clue.
For me what they did wasn't sophisticated. The Israelis had no way of stopping dudes on paragliders and only have limited iron dome capabilities to stop the rockets.
Are you kidding me? You can machine gun paragliders with ease! Especially when you have a concrete border wall. Comon!
And then 5 hours for any response in a tiny country?
No, no and no.
There are way too many people on all sides who benefit from this event.

That means all they had to do was breech a fence while creating distractions elsewhere.

Its not a reach at all.

You were making a point earlier about taking care of things ourselves and not thinking a grand politician will swoop in and save us. On that I agree.

I would also like you to apply that same line of thought to Israeli border security, the U.S. on 911 etc etc. The Israelis thought their government had it under control and used words like "world-class", "impenetrable" "most sophisticated" ETC. It's all bullshit put forward by people who genuinely have very little clue.

Sorry, but i dont buy it.
I always wonder how come never one of these REAL high value targets (Such as "important" politicians and their real puppeteers) are NEVER targeted (let alone hit) by any attack such as this.
Are you kidding me? You can machine gun paragliders with ease!

Who was there with a machine gun to do the shoot'n?

Especially when you have a concrete border wall. Comon!

It was a steel fence. What its made out of is irrelevant when you're flying over the top of it.

And then 5 hours for any response in a tiny country?

Are you saying they didn't do anything to respond for 5 hours? Clarify.
No, no and no.
There are way too many people on all sides who benefit from this event.
In this day and age, that always seems to be the case. Government always seems to win and benefit from its own inaction and incompetence. Covid is a great example. Fauci makes deadly germs which escape and infect everybody and then gets richer and gains more power because of it.

Sorry, but i dont buy it.
I always wonder how come never one of these REAL high value targets (Such as "important" politicians and their real puppeteers) are NEVER targeted (let alone hit) by any attack such as this.

They aren't there at the front lines and their whereabouts would be difficult to determine without having someone on the inside who could easily turn out to be a turncoat to whatever cause you had in mind.

Do you see Lindsey Graham on the Texas border or on the front line of all the wars he loves?

Who was there with a machine gun to do the shoot'n?

It was a steel fence. What its made out of is irrelevant when you're flying over the top of it.

Are you saying they didn't do anything to respond for 5 hours? Clarify.

In this day and age, that always seems to be the case. Government always seems to win and benefit from its own inaction and incompetence. Covid is a great example. Fauci makes deadly germs which escape and infect everybody and then gets richer and gains more power because of it.

Is Biden ordering cutting of the border fence that was installed to prevent illegals incompetense? or malice? The question is retorical.

They aren't there at the front lines and their whereabouts would be difficult to determine without having someone on the inside who could easily turn out to be a turncoat to whatever cause you had in mind.

Do you see Lindsey Graham on the Texas border or on the front line of all the wars he loves?
Yes, they always magically manage to escape the event. Every single time. /sarcasm

"Because it actually is your Pearl Harbor. And anyone who studies learn harbor knows that FDR knew weeks in advance. Even removed the carriers the week it happened. It’s called “problem reaction solution” young one.

The most effective false flags are actually real. You just jack up a bunch of morons to do crazy shit, you let them (just like when the let everyone in the capital) and then you react with the thing you wanted to do in the first place. And the crazy thing is it isn’t really illegal outside of “negligence.”

So now the key is just keeping ur head, going on with ur day, enjoy a meal, and don’t consent to or request anything that a week ago would sound insane."
Again I simply point out your own argument that there is no omnipotent force protecting you from harm. You're making the same mistake as liberals in assuming government knows and has all and is actually interested in your safety and protection and not just going through the motions to make it appear as though they do.
Is Biden ordering cutting of the border fence that was installed to prevent illegals incompetense? or malice? The question is retorical.

Ha ha. My answer is yes. Biden's handler's enemies (we all know biden isn't in charge) are YOU. They are deliberately letting people across who will ultimately be harmful to you and vote for them and provide cheap labor and unquestioning compliance with their orders as they always had to do in their home countries.

There is also the optics of people getting hurt (cages and drownings anyone) that they don't want to have attributed to them.

Side Note: Isn't it convenient how Eric Adams had finally felt the penalty of his open border policies but now this morning on the News he was up there denouncing Hamas and spewing forth his support of the Israelis. Isn't that the easy to get out of focusing on problems here at home.
Yes, they always magically manage to escape the event. Every single time. /sarcasm

Yes, because the general public allows them to. How many people did you know that were scared shitless of covid and abused people who didn't wear masks. The were full of piss and vinegar for people not interested in wearing masks and getting jabbed but have seemingly no animosity towards the people who made and released the virus and even DEFEND that person and protect them from consequences.

"Because it actually is your Pearl Harbor. And anyone who studies learn harbor knows that FDR knew weeks in advance. Even removed the carriers the week it happened. It’s called “problem reaction solution” young one.

I don't disagree with you on Pearl Harbor. FDR is even quoted as saying "getting them to fire the first shot without taking too much damage ourselves" or something of that nature.

The most effective false flags are actually real. You just jack up a bunch of morons to do crazy shit, you let them (just like when the let everyone in the capital) and then you react with the thing you wanted to do in the first place. And the crazy thing is it isn’t really illegal outside of “negligence.”

Yeah the problem is you'll never know the difference. We know that Muslims hate Israel and that Muslims aren't stupid. They can hurt you if they try. Yes we have superior weapons and technology but that just doesn't matter when it's not a nation state against nation state battle.

Ha ha. My answer is yes. Biden's handler's enemies (we all know biden isn't in charge) are YOU. They are deliberately letting people across who will ultimately be harmful to you and vote for them and provide cheap labor and unquestioning compliance with their orders as they always had to do in their home countries.

That was my entire point. Governments deliberately cause crisis.
Hegelian Dialectic.
Problem Reaction Solution.

I suggest you research this topic.

There is also the optics of people getting hurt (cages and drownings anyone) that they don't want to have attributed to them.

Side Note: Isn't it convenient how Eric Adams had finally felt the penalty of his open border policies but now this morning on the News he was up there denouncing Hamas and spewing forth his support of the Israelis. Isn't that the easy to get out of focusing on problems here at home.

All politicians are opportunists.
You have to look at the big picture, and we will know soon enough.
As i said, the entire even benefits the usual suspects way too much.

Yeah the problem is you'll never know the difference. We know that Muslims hate Israel and that Muslims aren't stupid. They can hurt you if they try. Yes we have superior weapons and technology but that just doesn't matter when it's not a nation state against nation state battle.

Muslims is a big group. I am sure there smart Muslims as there are stupid Muslims. And everything in between. Replace Muslims with Jews or anyone else for that matter.

What i see, is the common folk of both places have been sacrificed AGAIN, for the benefits of the usual suspects.

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