diy solar

diy solar

The portrayal of Israel as innocent victims of palestinian animals is absurd.

It was still Muslims winning against a superpower. This is why it's important to not get bogged down in semantics of who has what. The Arabs successfully expelled the 2nd strongest superpower from their land and bled them of treasure.

We just packed up and left Afghanistan. The Muslims now have successfully expelled the greatest superpower from their land.

Hard to say. Our southern border has been open for 3 years.

I dunno. It's a difficult point to convey but the Arab world has a lot to sort out. The United States gets in the way and takes whichever side will benefit us the most.

They have defeated the worlds two superpowers and expelled us so they can now turn their full hatred and resources towards Israel and then onto their own governments.
The problem with declaring who won or lost a war is that people in the west now define a victory as only when your vanquished enemy is your best buddy, a completely functioning democracy, and its people have a much better way of life than they did before.
Obviously this is nearly impossible to achieve so we never win wars any more. The fact is Iraq for example was considered the most successful campaign in the history of modern mechanized warfare by military historians.
IMO the occupation afterward was tanked on purpose so we could use the country for a shooting gallery to kill any jihadists that wanted to kill Americans. 10% of the insurgents we killed were foreign born.

We kicked Saddams ass so fast that the whole world was demanding we leave the country and give the Iraqis their sovereignty.
Then the insurgency starts and bombs are going off every day and Bush says we are only staying for the safety of the Iraqi people and only as long as they want us.

So you can think we lost the war all you like but dont think the world likes winners anyhow.

Look at the WMD equation. We invaded a country for our own benefit (preserving petrodollar hegemony) blamed it on the lies of a not too brilliant president who went home and retired to his ranch in Texas. Pretended that it was the work of one guy and every other American was a victim too. Ha.

And got away with it.

They know what theyre doing.
I suggest you watch these videos in full before you make judgement on Osama Bin Laden

I got 5 minutes into the second video and stopped it when they claimed all the steel was hauled away before anyone could investigate it.
Tens of thousands of people were all over ground zero for 9 months. Nobody found any trace of explosives, okay? There were no explosions consistent with a controlled demolition that day and we have the video records to prove that. The video record also shows one minute before the collapses, columns at the floors that were hit were buckling and distorting.
Just as the NIST said they did.
Do you have anything that isnt the same regurgitated nonsense we have seen before?
Its like we all saw jetliners fully loaded with people and fuel slam into the towers at full speed, that fuel and fire ignited all the buildings contents of several floors, it burned for an hour then collapsed....

And conspiracy theorists say "we think it was something else" that they cant provide a bit of evidence of.

Excuse me for not joining the movement.
I got 5 minutes into the second video and stopped it when they claimed all the steel was hauled away before anyone could investigate it.
Tens of thousands of people were all over ground zero for 9 months. Nobody found any trace of explosives, okay? There were no explosions consistent with a controlled demolition that day and we have the video records to prove that. The video record also shows one minute before the collapses, columns at the floors that were hit were buckling and distorting.
Just as the NIST said they did.
Do you have anything that isnt the same regurgitated nonsense we have seen before?

While i am sure that there will be exaggerations, i believe the general idea is spot on.
Play a game - count inconsistencies in the "official" version and in the "conspiracy" version.
I think the "official" version has orders of magnitude more holes in it (With most obvious ones summed up in the 5 minute video)

First, do you think they will tell you the truth about whether they will find traces of explosives? If the whole thing is a cover up false flag, i am 100% certain you will never hear a peep about it.

And just FYI, my dad actually participated in the cleanup efforts. It was so chaotic, that almost any kind of narrative could have been invented. The place was walled off for years.

But regardless, my position used to be that they knew and let it happen because it benefited them.
After Covid, there is no doubt in my mind though that 9/11 was actually architected and executed by the usual suspects.
9/11 set in motion the distopian agenda, and loss of moving freedoms was the immediate first result. (Patriot act which basically enabled the distopian spying security state - spying on everyone and everything to this day, especially every financial transaction you make)
To this day the theater that is TSA (who hires some of the most illiterate power hungry goons) is annoying and disgusting.
Oh and they made billions in the process. (Remember Chertoffs Xray scanners and Microwave scanners that irradiate people to this day. And then little things like forcing you to buy $7 water because "tewawists". )

Also, please comment on the missing trillions. I am really interested your take on that. How very convenient for the system.
So convenient that Epstein killed himself (and cameras that were recording everything 24/7 stopped working at that very moment).
And lots of other examples.
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While i am sure that there will be exaggerations, i believe the general idea is spot on.
Play a game - count inconsistencies in the "official" version and in the "conspiracy" version.
I think the "official" version has orders of magnitude more holes in it (With most obvious ones summed up in the 5 minute video)

First, do you think they will tell you the truth about whether they will find traces of explosives? If the whole thing is a cover up false flag, i am 100% certain you will never hear a peep about it.

And just FYI, my dad actually participated in the cleanup efforts. It was so chaotic, that almost any kind of narrative could have been invented. The place was walled off for years.

But regardless, my position used to be that they knew and let it happen because it benefited them.
After Covid, there is no doubt in my mind though that 9/11 was actually architected and executed by the usual suspects.
9/11 set in motion the distopian agenda, and loss of moving freedoms was the immediate first result. (Patriot act which basically enabled the distopian spying security state - spying on everyone and everything to this day, especially every financial transaction you make)
To this day the theater that is TSA (who hires some of the most illiterate power hungry goons) is annoying and disgusting.
Oh and they made billions in the process. (Remember Chertoffs Xray scanners and Microwave scanners that irradiate people to this day. And then little things like forcing you to buy $7 water because "tewawists". )

Also, please comment on the missing trillions. I am really interested your take on that. How very convenient for the system.
So convenient that Epstein killed himself (and cameras that were recording everything 24/7 stopped working at that very moment).
And lots of other examples.

You're making the same mistake liberals make and trying to influence via emotions rather than physical evidence.

An example: "911 was an inside job". Ok, well why do you think that? Well because of explosive jets out of the collapsing building and it's fall rate.

You understand that even if the building was taken down with explosives (it wasn't but just for example) that that still does not prove an inside job or lihop or mihop.

You must first make a scientific determination of "how". This determination will NOT include words people said like "pull it" and "gold in the basement". Etc.

After you have made that determination, you can then move on to WHO. After than you can then move on to MOTIVE.

You're working backwards by looking for MOTIVE then WHO and then HOW. That is how liberals think.
Quite the opposite. It is actually irrelevant to me how the building was taken down.
What i am saying, is that the entire official narrative has too many inconsistencies that do not add up when critical thinking is applied.
Combined with the fact of how things turned out (we can now see 22 years later) and who benefited and where we are heading, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that it was a planned event.
Quite the opposite. It is actually irrelevant to me how the building was taken down.
What i am saying, is that the entire official narrative has too many inconsistencies that do not add up when critical thinking is applied.
Combined with the fact of how things turned out (we can now see 22 years later) and who benefited and where we are heading, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that it was a planned event.

If it was irrelevant, videos saying controlled demolition wouldn't have been posted.

Why do you think Muslims don't punch back?

Incorrect diagnosis leads to incorrect solution. Bin Laden was pretty clear on why he did it. Why disagree with what the killer said were his motives?
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If it was irrelevant, videos saying controlled demolition wouldn't have been posted.

Why do you think Muslims don't punch back?

Incorrect diagnosis leads to incorrect solution. Bin Laden was pretty clear on why he did it. Why disagree with what the killer said were his motives?

I already said, Muslims are incapable of this kind of stuff without monetary and weapons support.
Plus it makes absolutely no sense for "Muslims" to attack in such a way, because every intelligent person know that there will absolutely be retaliation that will kill more innocent "Muslims" (Replace Muslims with any group). So it is strategically stupid and intellectually stupid.

But the fact that both 9/11 and Israel event greatly benefit the usual suspects is the elephant in the room.

I already said, Muslims are incapable of this kind of stuff without monetary and weapons support.

The Saudis the richest people in the world.

Plus it makes absolutely no sense for "Muslims" to attack in such a way, because every intelligent person know that there will absolutely be retaliation that will kill more innocent "Muslims"

The idea is to draw the enemy in for a fight. Youneed to read what the leaders of these groups say.

It has worked now, twice. Once against Russia, once against the United States and now it will work against Israel.

This is the fight they wanted all along.

(Replace Muslims with any group). So it is strategically stupid and intellectually stupid.

It's not. The United States is bankrupt and Muslims are energized.
But the fact that both 9/11 and Israel event greatly benefit the usual suspects is the elephant in the room.

I'm not going to watch videos. Just type out your own words and explanations and back them up with a bit of evidence.

I propose the cover up involves them saying that Muslims attack us because we watch Britney Spears sing half-naked and not for the reasons Bin Laden listed.
The Saudis the richest people in the world.

That's only on the surface. This is part of the established narrative equivalent that "Vaccines are good for you".
I will let you research why your statement is not intellectually truthful yourself, but i will give you a clue - suppose the "Superpowers" wanted to take all the Saudi Oil, what would stop them?

The idea is to draw the enemy in for a fight. Youneed to read what the leaders of these groups say.

It has worked now, twice. Once against Russia, once against the United States and now it will work against Israel.

This is the fight they wanted all along.

It's not. The United States is bankrupt and Muslims are energized.

I'm not going to watch videos. Just type out your own words and explanations and back them up with a bit of evidence.

I propose the cover up involves them saying that Muslims attack us because we watch Britney Spears sing half-naked and not for the reasons Bin Laden listed.

You are looking for a simple explanation of complex subjects? You are in for disappointment.
Don't be lazy and watch or listen to the video which talks about nuances from intelligent people.
It will really open your eyes and at least you will know what questions to ask (spoiler: you will not get all the answers but you will get some and thoughts on others).
While i am sure that there will be exaggerations, i believe the general idea is spot on.
Play a game - count inconsistencies in the "official" version and in the "conspiracy" version.
I think the "official" version has orders of magnitude more holes in it (With most obvious ones summed up in the 5 minute video)

First, do you think they will tell you the truth about whether they will find traces of explosives? If the whole thing is a cover up false flag, i am 100% certain you will never hear a peep about it.

And just FYI, my dad actually participated in the cleanup efforts. It was so chaotic, that almost any kind of narrative could have been invented. The place was walled off for years.

But regardless, my position used to be that they knew and let it happen because it benefited them.
After Covid, there is no doubt in my mind though that 9/11 was actually architected and executed by the usual suspects.
9/11 set in motion the distopian agenda, and loss of moving freedoms was the immediate first result. (Patriot act which basically enabled the distopian spying security state - spying on everyone and everything to this day, especially every financial transaction you make)
To this day the theater that is TSA (who hires some of the most illiterate power hungry goons) is annoying and disgusting.
Oh and they made billions in the process. (Remember Chertoffs Xray scanners and Microwave scanners that irradiate people to this day. And then little things like forcing you to buy $7 water because "tewawists". )

Also, please comment on the missing trillions. I am really interested your take on that. How very convenient for the system.
So convenient that Epstein killed himself (and cameras that were recording everything 24/7 stopped working at that very moment).
And lots of other examples.
1. The problem is there is no "conspiracy version". Theyve never presented a hypothesy of what they think really happened.
2. Do i think theyd really tell us? Who is thr they you mean? Do you have any idea how many participants would have to be in on this? Literally 10s of thousands. A controlled demo would leave blasting caps all over manhatten.
3. Prove trillions were missing.
1. The problem is there is no "conspiracy version". Theyve never presented a hypothesy of what they think really happened.
2. Do i think theyd really tell us? Who is thr they you mean? Do you have any idea how many participants would have to be in on this? Literally 10s of thousands. A controlled demo would leave blasting caps all over manhatten.
3. Prove trillions were missing.

1. The "conspiracy version" is that 9/11 was a false flag operation.
2. Ofcourse they will never tell you the whole truth. This is why you have to turn on critical thinking and ask cui bono.
3. Oh it was admitted by Rumsfeld himself, this is not exactly a secret.
That's only on the surface. This is part of the established narrative equivalent that "Vaccines are good for you".
I will let you research why your statement is not intellectually truthful yourself, but i will give you a clue - suppose the "Superpowers" wanted to take all the Saudi Oil, what would stop them?

I can't speak in Riddles. Say what you mean.

You are looking for a simple explanation of complex subjects? You are in for disappointment.
Don't be lazy and watch or listen to the video which talks about nuances from intelligent people.
It will really open your eyes and at least you will know what questions to ask (spoiler: you will not get all the answers but you will get some and thoughts on others).

Why are you assuming I haven't thoroughly read up and discussed this topic already? 911 was 22 years ago.

Muslims punch back.

You're not giving a coherent picture of what you think happened which doesn't work for me. I don't know what you're trying to say.
1. The problem is there is no "conspiracy version". Theyve never presented a hypothesy of what they think really happened.
2. Do i think theyd really tell us? Who is thr they you mean? Do you have any idea how many participants would have to be in on this? Literally 10s of thousands. A controlled demo would leave blasting caps all over manhatten.
3. Prove trillions were missing.

Yeah. Already went through this with "911 Truthers" back in 2010/2011 after Youtube finally got real traction and videos of the collapses were posted and online groups started forming etc.

They start from a false and made up conclusion about controlled demolition and work backwards.

I appreciate their skepticism and contempt for government but I'm not willing to make up stuff to get angry about. That's what liberals do.
I can't speak in Riddles. Say what you mean.

No riddles. The entire "saudi richness" is enabled by the so called "west". They are also protected by the "west" because they have always played ball with the globalist rules. This is not exactly a secret. Research on who brought the Saudi Royal family to power.

Why are you assuming I haven't thoroughly read up and discussed this topic already? 911 was 22 years ago.

Muslims punch back.

You're not giving a coherent picture of what you think happened which doesn't work for me. I don't know what you're trying to say.

Watch the video.
This has absolutely nothing to do with Muslims. I don't know why you are so stuck on that particular topic. Muslims have also been murdering other Muslims for centuries, but that is irrelevant to the topic at hand.
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You want to see how deep the rabbit's hole goes?

"Joining me today to discuss war, peace and the future of humanity is Daniele Ganser, an historian, author, energy and peace researcher and head of the Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER). He is the author of the groundbreaking book on Operation Gladio, NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe, and he joins us to today to discuss his latest book, USA: The Ruthless Empire."


“In his new book USA: The Ruthless Empire, Daniele Ganser examines the West's self-portrayal as the ‘Free West,’ an enlightened and well-meaning defender of freedom, human rights and democracy around the world. Ganser provides solid facts to critically question the worldview that the leading media imposes on us daily.”
—Hannes Sies, scharf links

“When it comes to exposing imperial politics, Swiss historian Dr. Daniele Ganser is one of the masters of his profession. Anyone who has read his latest book, USA: The Ruthless Empire, must live with the realization that we are not the good guys and that our press is anything but statist.”
—Ken Jebsen, KenFM

“When reading USA: The Ruthless Empire, one is literally struck by facts that seem unbelievable. Yet, or perhaps because of that, it reads like a thriller.”
—Martin Baraki, International

“Books like this one are more important than ever. . . . Without the realization of what has actually happened, and of what continues to happen, without seeing through the phrases of lies and constant media manipulation, no meaningful contribution can be made toward a more peaceful world, which is precisely what lies at the heart of peace researcher Daniele Ganser.”
—Gerald Brei, Der Europäer

“With this book, Daniele Ganser has succeeded in conveying historical background knowledge in a compact form, making it easy to read, especially for young people. This is absolutely necessary in view of increasing skepticism toward US policy with uninterrupted transatlantic propaganda in the media.”
—Karl-Heinz Peil, FriedensJournal

“In his interesting book, Ganser describes in detail the role of the US war machine in enforcing the empire's claims to power.”
—Tilo Gräser, Sputnik

“Dr. Phil. Daniele Ganser, Swiss historian and peace activist, is one of the outstanding contemporary thinkers who fight against "general memory loss" by profoundly reappraising historical events and making their findings available to the people in a clear and understandable language.”
—Afsane Bahar, Neue Rheinische Zeitung

“The great thing about Daniele Ganser's books is that they provide solid facts that can be verified at any time, encouraging the reader to draw their own conclusions ... In his journey through U.S. history, marked by numerous crimes against humanity, genocides, wars of aggression, and other abysses, the author always appeals to the principle of the human family that unites us all.”
—Richard-Heinrich Tarenz, Wild Magazin

“Daniele Ganser's USA: The Ruthless Empire is interesting and worth reading - because the author does not practice one-dimensional criticism of the USA. He consistently appeals to principles and ideals: UN ban on the use of force, mindfulness and what he calls the human family.”
—Erich Gysling, Infosperber

“Every war begins with a lie, as Ganser’s many examples comprehensively demonstrate. But he also emphasizes that there have always been people guided by ethical values and that in the current peace movement, it is important to maintain these values ... In my opinion, this book belongs in every school, university and city library.”
—Christiane Borowy on KenFM

“A book absolutely worth reading. It opens eyes, creates consternation and shows the only viable way: The path to the future must be a peaceful one!”
—Angelika Gutsche in Freitag
--This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.
Quite the opposite. It is actually irrelevant to me how the building was taken down.
What i am saying, is that the entire official narrative has too many inconsistencies that do not add up when critical thinking is applied.
Combined with the fact of how things turned out (we can now see 22 years later) and who benefited and where we are heading, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that it was a planned event.

Yes, Muslims planned a counter strike and were successful.

They had already tried to take down the World Trade Center in the 90s and sink the USS Cole among other things.

Bill Clinton had 10 chances to kill Bin Laden and his lackeys but was too busy smoking wet cigars.
1. The "conspiracy version" is that 9/11 was a false flag operation.
2. Ofcourse they will never tell you the whole truth. This is why you have to turn on critical thinking and ask cui bono.
3. Oh it was admitted by Rumsfeld himself, this is not exactly a secret.

It wasn't a false flag.

And what did Rumsfield say? Come on man.....stop being cryptic.
It wasn't a false flag.

And what did Rumsfield say? Come on man.....stop being cryptic.

You obviously did not watch the video
Watch the entire video which has clips of numerous officials including Rumsfield, sourced from mainstream news of those days.

Also watch the interview with Professor Ganser above. Very interesting information.
You obviously did not watch the video
Watch the entire video which has clips of numerous officials including Rumsfield, sourced from mainstream news of those days.

Also watch the interview with Professor Ganser above. Very interesting information.

As stated, I'm not watching videos. I want your own words and evidence of why you think what you think.

It wasn't a false flag, it was Muslims punching back as they had done in the past with Trade Center bombing and bombing of the USS Cole.

I have already gone through this crap with the 911 Truth "movement" more than a decade ago. I'm not interested in going over it again.
As stated, I'm not watching videos. I want your own words and evidence of why you think what you think.

It wasn't a false flag, it was Muslims punching back as they had done in the past with Trade Center bombing and bombing of the USS Cole.

I have already gone through this crap with the 911 Truth "movement" more than a decade ago. I'm not interested in going over it again.

As i said, there will be no 5 minute summary of complex topics. You are going to have to go to TikTok for that.
The choice is yours.

You have already seen a preview of things to come during Covid lockdown. Well much more of that will be coming if we choose to remain ignorant.
As i said, there will be no 5 minute summary of complex topics. You are going to have to go to TikTok for that.
The choice is yours.

You have already seen a preview of things to come during Covid lockdown. Well much more of that will be coming if we choose to remain ignorant.

Seems a deep history of the conflict will open some eyes. This is two years old but you would not know it.

1. The "conspiracy version" is that 9/11 was a false flag operation.
2. Ofcourse they will never tell you the whole truth. This is why you have to turn on critical thinking and ask cui bono.
3. Oh it was admitted by Rumsfeld himself, this is not exactly a secret.
There has been zero evidence provided by conspiracy theorists that the NIST report on the collapse of the towers was false.
Again, who is "THEY" and what is the truth THEY are hiding?
Oh I didnt know anything about this critical thinking thing until you mentioned it! Oh tell me, obi wan, how much glue do I have to sniff until I believe 10s of thousands of govt and private sector employees participated in mass murder and not one if them ever came forward on their death beds and admitted it?
Rumsfeld was talking about accounting errors. That was debunked 20 years ago. Its nonsense.
Virtually every American has looked at your conspiracy theories and rejected them. At this point truthers amount to like 1% of the population. Why is that? Is that because the other 99% lack "critical thinking skills"?

Again, if you think the official story is a fairy tale, show us an alternative hypothesy of the events of that day, with evidence.

You have none.

diy solar

diy solar