diy solar

diy solar

EG 4 18 K

This actually gets to the crux of the issue. I agree that clarification can help when searching for this post in the future, but how he said it was the issue. We have some users that English isn't their first language and might not be able to pick up on the humor.
But, you are also making an assumption that @timselectric speaks english as his first language.
At the end of they day, the old saying is "two wrongs don't make a right", if you disagree with him, cool. differing opinions are ok, and should even be encouraged. But, arguing because you didn't like the way something was said.. isn't all that productive IMO. *especially* if you agree with the premise of why it was said.

Anyway, as mentioned, I don't have a dog in the fight and I do see both sides of the "argument". I do, hoever, think one side holds more merit than the other. but I'll bow out of the conversation gracefully, because I've said the only productive thing I had to offer.
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"Great, congrats @mudman455! Looking forward to hearing more about your experience so others can learn as well. By the way, this EG4 inverter is actually the 18kpv (rated for 12k AC output and 18k of PV)...not to be mistaken for an inverter with 18k AC output if following traditional naming conventions".

^^^^ this would have been a much more productive response and would have potentially helped more than the OP ^^^^

Just sayin'.
"Great, congrats @mudman455! Looking forward to hearing more about your experience so others can learn as well. By the way, this EG4 inverter is actually the 18kpv (rated for 12k AC output and 18k of PV)...not to be mistaken for an inverter with 18k AC output if following traditional naming conventions".

^^^^ this would have been a much more productive response and would have potentially helped more than the OP ^^^^

Just sayin'.
I agree.
But to be honest. I have gotten tired of correcting the mistakes around this horribly named unit. And I guess that my responses are getting a bit lazy, on my part.
These mistakenly titled threads keep stacking up.
And, I have shortened my corrections. So that I can move on to other threads.
Sorry I apparently did use the right description of the inverter

thanks to all the experts on here. You wont need to correct anything anymore. I am out of here.

diy solar

diy solar