diy solar

diy solar

Hello Everyone

  • Thread starter Deleted member 102593
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I never used this threads responses to form the decision. I only did what zigs requested. I'm not going to argue or look into it. We are adults. If they want to be removed from platform, I will trust their decision.
Maybe we could start a snowflake safe thread ? it seems like we’re getting quite a few we could even giveaway participant trophies ?

Who is? Way to pass the buck @Will Prowse. I think I found an infected sore spot and applied pressure that’s all.
I will happily handle requests for hurt feelings, but im best at helping those whos feelings were hurt to better handle the response.

It is too bad a member with a beginner system got upset with detailed explanations of improvements they could make to optimize their setup.

Another point i would have made is their charge controller is a fake mppt PWM controller, which is fine for panels in parallel, but if in series, likely would benefit from an MPPT proper controller.
I hope ziggy at least repositions the upper panel for better use of the sun!
I really don’t feel like I’m the person to address this kind of behavior but it should change.

@Will Prowse, we have complete idiots like myself joining the forum and posting somewhat correct projects that got us through while looking for validation.

And then ‘some’ wealthy educated asshole narcissist(s) bombards the new member with how to “do it properly/perfectly” that only comes off as insulting and rude and drives off people that otherwise would cause no harm.

Keep in mind nature/god or whatever did not equally distribute looks, brains, knowledge, understanding and wealth. So maybe if you have more of these start off with being kind. Even if the original post comes off as pretentious and/or cocky!

We should pull a father figure and pat our “son/daughter” on the back and say well done first. Then suggest cheaper better/faster/safer solutions while keeping in mind the individuals dignity.

I also realize that this is an online forum where you’re exposed to the general public and the crazies that are aloud to roam the web like the guy that baited @Hedges into criticizing their setup and then promoting another forum that he’s an “admin” of then expressing jealousy after his feelings were hurt. I get it.

The key to communication is communicate on their level not yours.

Communication is an angry and needy bitch please pay in full for satisfactory results.

Ziggy, believe it or not is our friend.

Everyone has their super power.

Some are masterful communicators.

Some are masterful tech people.

I try to learn from everyone who has something I can learn from.

@Hedges knowledge is way higher than my own. I respect him for his knowledge and skill in regards to solar stuff. He sometimes speaks in a way that is over my head. I can see that someone might think he’s being rude for not eli5, but I realized he’s not rude at all, just explaining it as he understands it. We’re very lucky to have people of his caliber on this forum.

Some people can explain things in simpler terms or hold my hand as a newbie, but few on here understand this stuff at the level Hedges does. I take what I can learn from him, gratefully, and ask questions on things I don’t understand. Or take to Google to learn some of what he’s talking about before asking questions, lol.
I didn't even know that snowflakes had butts.
One of the strangest threads I've seen on here. I'm sitting here drinking coffee saying to myself, "WTF?".

I'd almost think the OP was trolling.
On, the mods will bash things they have no clue about and then lock the thread before you can reply. ?
Never heard of that site, checked it out quick and saw this. "Most users ever online was 4,713 at 10:17 AM on 05-03-2016"

That tells me plenty. :ROFLMAO:
One of the strangest threads I've seen on here. I'm sitting here drinking coffee saying to myself, "WTF?".

I'd almost think the OP was trolling.

Never heard of that site, checked it out quick and saw this. "Most users ever online was 4,713 at 10:17 AM on 05-03-2016"

That tells me plenty. :ROFLMAO:
It’s sad that he reacted like that when someone was giving him good solid advice to help him out which he obviously needs seeing his setup

when a complete stranger is trying to help you out with nothing to gain from it other than the feeling that they helped make someone’s life easier is treated like that rubs me wrong I for one truly appreciate all here helping each other out
One of the strangest threads I've seen on here. I'm sitting here drinking coffee saying to myself, "WTF?".

I'd almost think the OP was trolling.

Never heard of that site, checked it out quick and saw this. "Most users ever online was 4,713 at 10:17 AM on 05-03-2016"

That tells me plenty. :ROFLMAO:
I checked the site out also they have one to three posting daily kinda sad ? but on the bright side they have super moderators ours are just moderators ?
I think someone needs to explain this Thread to me like I was 5. :)
I think someone needs to explain this Thread to me like I was 5. :)

It was someone's first day on the internet and they got their feelings hurt even though no malice is intended.

In his defense I think he's British and they are extremely polite vs Americans like us who are sort of blunt and judgemental but not because we are trying to hurt feelings.?
I didn't ask you to explain anything to me let alone treat me like an idiot.

I was just introducing myself to a forum that I thought might be a friendly one.

I lived off grid for three years, using solar and a small wind turbine, I'm no stranger to using solar electrics.

Thank you for "trying to help" but you've put me right off the place. I'll go back to my other forum where I've happily been a moderator for 10 years.

Good luck with making any more friends...
Awww,, sounds like someone got offended … awful situation… life will never be the same….!
I predict this thread will be moved to chit chat or closed to comments.

I feel a little sad for the OP .... He proudly posted pictures of his setup and quickly found out it wasn't as great as he thought it was .... Hopefully he got enough of a wake-up call to modify some of it ..... as for the other who was also enraged, that is more difficult to understand.

diy solar

diy solar