diy solar

diy solar

Hello Everyone

  • Thread starter Deleted member 102593
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I predict this thread will be moved to chit chat or closed to comments.

I feel a little sad for the OP .... He proudly posted pictures of his setup and quickly found out it wasn't as great as he thought it was .... Hopefully he got enough of a wake-up call to modify some of it ..... as for the other who was also enraged, that is more difficult to understand.
I am certainly confused as to how that all happened.

I like the way you put that tho . "
He proudly posted pictures of his setup and quickly found out it wasn't as great as he thought it was"
That being true, Who over the age of 15 hasnt been told how to do something better? I think OP was very proud of what he had accomplished (strange to us) but that is the only reason I can think of for such defensiveness IMO.
I think someone needs to explain this Thread to me like I was 5. :)

As the one who posted some matter-of-fact comments, I'm a socially inept geek/nerd who has never spoken to a girl and lives in his mother's basement trolling message boards. Therefore I have no understanding of social etiquette.

Due to differing personality type of OP, the comments went over like a lead balloon.


It was a little like "When Parry met Eliza"
As the one who posted some matter-of-fact comments, I'm a socially inept geek/nerd who has never spoken to a girl and lives in his mother's basement trolling message boards. Therefore I have no understanding of social etiquette.
I for one could give a rip about your political correctness or social skills the information that you and Will, sunshine, Tim’s, john, filter guy, sea gal and so many more is so valuable to all of us and I truly appreciated the sharing of your knowledge to get upset over being corrected on how to do it right is stupidity in action.
I see you and some of the others like Joe Friday ( just the facts mam )

Now sometimes when you all start into theory and advanced calculations I do find myself staring at my iPad drooling like a mental patient on high doses of thorazine but that’s on me not you I still have a lot to learn

I truly feel blessed to have this resource available to help guide me through my solar journey
thank you all!
In his defense I think he's British and they are extremely polite vs Americans like us who are sort of blunt and judgemental but not because we are trying to hurt feelings
LOL... don't believe everything you read on the internet ;) ?

the information that you and Will, sunshine, Tim’s, john, filter guy, sea gal and so many more is so valuable to all of us and I truly appreciated the sharing of your knowledge
I feel unjustly flattered... but thank you anyway :)
Now sometimes when you all start into theory and advanced calculations I do find myself staring at my iPad drooling like a mental patient on high doses of thorazine but that’s on me not you I still have a lot to learn

Trust me, my eyes glaze over when I see math too.

But I know ohms law, and if you can solve that with complex numbers and non-linear values, that covers most of what I can do.
The stuff gets way deeper than that; all I can do imagine things being swept along like a sail in the wind, and just need a relatively simply model I can apply.

If you know the structure and internal components of a PV panel vs. a thermal panel you can estimate how an array behaves.
As the one who posted some matter-of-fact comments, I'm a socially inept geek/nerd who has never spoken to a girl and lives in his mother's basement trolling message boards. Therefore I have no understanding of social etiquette.

Due to differing personality type of OP, the comments went over like a lead balloon.

View attachment 183615

It was a little like "When Parry met Eliza"
I understood the frustration coming through when you made the "explain it like 5". It was in response the affronted (I am leaving) previous post of the OP to your attempt to help and educate. Easy enough to allow it to creep into your post since it was a surprising turn of events. I got taken to task for doing something similar several months back by the Forum powers that be.

However that comment did escalate the OP into anger and for some odd reason cause a different poster to really be judgmental and rude. The genesis of that might have roots in a completely different event but seizing on this to allow venting.

My posting about it was a form of humor since it seems a lot of folks missed the byplay.
Exactly. I realized I didn't need to use that expression that others usually volunteer regarding themselves. I'll remember to leave out that dig next time.

Among friends, we can get in a little jab and they know to laugh it off.

But when a guy with some years of experience in solar electric doesn't understand shading I have a little trouble holding my tongue (fingers.)

I know people do have decades of experience driving cars without understanding Carnot cycle, timing, clutches, sprag clutches, gear reduction etc. I disassembled and reassembled vehicles and engines before driving, so I treat cars differently. I was fascinated by those things and poured over books including encyclopedias my mother bought (they are just down the hall from me right now.) Electricity is more esoteric, and I work somewhat closer to the edge of my comfort zone.

diy solar

diy solar