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diy solar


How come he is not "charged" with insurection?
Its coming, and you are bitching about that process as well.

dude, we all saw jan 6th coming. he called for it. he made it happen. he incited violence. he didn't do anything to stop it. he fueled the "hang mike pence chants"

I watched it in real time, as it was very easy to see it happen leading up to it.

But go ahead and bury your head in the sand more or yell at me for (enter whatever you consider a slur here)
The republicans could have got the funding through reconciliation< the same way the democrts pushed through Obama care.
Instead of needing 60 votes, a reconciliation bill only needs a simple majority in the Senate.

Republicans are rarely in lock-step like Democrats, so unless virtually all of them supported the reconciliation it wouldn't pass, and the votes weren't there.

BTW, Obamacare was not passed via reconciliation.
Its coming, and you are bitching about that process as well.

dude, we all saw jan 6th coming. he called for it. he made it happen. he incited violence. he didn't do anything to stop it. he fueled the "hang mike pence chants"

I watched it in real time, as it was very easy to see it happen leading up to it.

But go ahead and bury your head in the sand more or yell at me for (enter whatever you consider a slur here)
What I saw was at best a riot. What were the people charged with durring the event?
Its coming, and you are bitching about that process as well.

dude, we all saw jan 6th coming. he called for it. he made it happen. he incited violence. he didn't do anything to stop it. he fueled the "hang mike pence chants"

I watched it in real time, as it was very easy to see it happen leading up to it.

But go ahead and bury your head in the sand more or yell at me for (enter whatever you consider a slur here)

So you want open borders because January 6th?????
But generally obstructing an official proceeding (mainly being sore losers about counting votes. more idiots voted for Joe Biden than idiots that voted for Trump, both via popular vote and electoral college).
A lot are for assaulting law enforcement, Back the blue, Thin Blue Line am I right?
I think Bob might be a Racist, sexist, homophobe and a bigot.
Like most Trump supporters, he has to get frequent reassurance to satisfy his position. That’s why he has to do his reasearch.
We might have hit a nerve.
This crap right here is exactly why the sides are polarized.
And you wonder why people get upset.
The increase in domestic production caused a decline in prices, which has dropped gas prices at the pump down substantially.
There are so many bad things about Biden, I don't think you have to bring up the weak argument that he somehow caused gas prices to rise.
"Somehow"? We know exactly how.
He campaigned on a promise to END THE USE OF FOSSIL FUELS. Period.
The first week in office he signed several executive orders to implement that agenda.


The facts are quite clear. In december 2020, right after he was elected, the markets began a rise on the expectations of his policies. By february 2021 they took an even sharper rise due to his actions, which continued unabated through Putins invasion.

Dont pretend we live in the fantasyland of Biden supporters. We are quite aware of what he did.

Oil production in the US typically rises when the price of crude exceeds a point where our higher lift cost makes it profitable. Lift costs are typically lower in the middle east and third world countries, we let them pump theirs and buy it from them when crude is cheaper. Bidens actions made crude more expensive, so oil producers get to work.
Its also been argued that Biden making crude more valuable funded Putins war.
Someone who’s name starts with a kly just got a taste of his ownmedicine
I think not. Hes saying TRUMP didnt build ALL the border wall because REPUBLICANS OTHER THAN TRUMP didnt approve the funding.

So how exactly is this an argument against Trump?

Theres plenty of useless jerks in the GOP, thats why we support Trump.

This thread isnt the "everything republicans do is perfect" thread, so youve proven nothing.

And why do you people even think your opinion on what got done about the wall even matters? Your party doesnt want it at all. Your party wants to tear it down and create global socialism.
So just let us decide on how we are going to judge our candidates performance on his promises. You were still the main impediment to building it.

Trumps performance on securing the border was the best in decades, that cannot be denied by anyone.

As Bob said, lots of time wasters here. We are voting for Trump and you can lie and obstruct until youre blue in the face and it wont stop us.
You would do better to find a better ticket than the Biden Harris disaster but it seems democrats dont have a clue about positive campaigning. Youre supposed to tell voters all the great things your guy can accomplish. I know thats gonna be tough when hes hiding in the basement eating ice cream with children on his lap stroking his leg hair all next year.
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Please provide references to the data of these mathematicians.
I did some graduate srtudies in math and statistics .

They were political contributions and perfectly legal .
I don;t like them anymore than you do.

It is pretty obvious to me that no one can control bidens mouth. He does spew a lot of BS that doesn't seem to appeal to anybody.
Every time he tries to give away money to dead beats, he may get a few dead beats votes but he pisses off 10 times as many people.
What political candidate did Zuckerberg donate money to through his CCTL group?

You dont have a fucking clue what youre talking about.

I wont blame you because the media has worked overtime to cover this up.

These were not campaign contributions at all. They were grants to government election offices that came with conditions that hand picked democrat operatives be allowed to work with them to influence the election outcome. They corrupted and rigged the election.
the illegal maneuver of keeping someone off the ballot that has attempted insurrection

blah blah bob
Yeah that peacefully and patriotically thing was so criminal.

I mean its as if Trump wasnt acquitted in an impeachment trial for exactly what youre now claiming he did.

To hell with due process, hes a witch and we will prove it some day by golly.

Well since he was right and the election WAS rigged you dont have a point anyway.
Its coming, and you are bitching about that process as well.

dude, we all saw jan 6th coming. he called for it. he made it happen. he incited violence. he didn't do anything to stop it. he fueled the "hang mike pence chants"

I watched it in real time, as it was very easy to see it happen leading up to it.

But go ahead and bury your head in the sand more or yell at me for (enter whatever you consider a slur here)
I would say calling in 10,000 national guard troops in before it happened was an attempt to stop it.
Nancy wanted it to happen.
I think not. Hes saying TRUMP didnt build ALL the border wall because REPUBLICANS OTHER THAN TRUMP didnt approve the funding.

So how exactly is this an argument against Trump?

Theres plenty of useless jerks in the GOP, thats why we support Trump.

This thread isnt the "everything republicans do is perfect" thread, so youve proven nothing.

And why do you people even think your opinion on what got done about the wall even matters? Your party doesnt want it at all. Your party wants to tear it down and create global socialism.
So just let us decide on how we are going to judge our candidates performance on his promises. You were still the main impediment to building it.

Trumps performance on securing the border was the best in decades, that cannot be denied by anyone.

As Bob said, lots of time wasters here. We are voting for Trump and you can lie and obstruct until youre blue in the face and it wont stop us.
You would do better to find a better ticket than the Biden Harris disaster but it seems democrats dont have a clue about positive campaigning. Youre supposed to tell voters all the great things your guy can accomplish. I know thats gonna be tough when hes hiding in the basement eating ice cream with children on his lap stroking his leg hair all next year.
I ageee with you. The poster i was challenging was blaming it all on democrats.
And if you read my past post you’d know that i am not a Biden fan.
This crap right here is exactly why the sides are polarized.
And you wonder why people get upset.
I’ve been on the receiving end of “all that crap” ever since i joined in this discussion.
If you guys can dish it out you should be able to take a little crap.
Yes, but Joe Poopy pants really puts it over the top in sheer openness.
You know there was a question that was often asked: What is the difference between US and Russia?

Well, in Russia, the elite shit on your head!
In America, the elite wrap the shit in a nice candy paper and then give it to you.

That was before 2020.

Since 2020, the elites in both countries shit on your head!!!
"Somehow"? We know exactly how.
He campaigned on a promise to END THE USE OF FOSSIL FUELS. Period.
The first week in office he signed several executive orders to implement that agenda.

View attachment 184074

The facts are quite clear. In december 2020, right after he was elected, the markets began a rise on the expectations of his policies. By february 2021 they took an even sharper rise due to his actions, which continued unabated through Putins invasion.

Dont pretend we live in the fantasyland of Biden supporters. We are quite aware of what he did.

Oil production in the US typically rises when the price of crude exceeds a point where our higher lift cost makes it profitable. Lift costs are typically lower in the middle east and third world countries, we let them pump theirs and buy it from them when crude is cheaper. Bidens actions made crude more expensive, so oil producers get to work.
Its also been argued that Biden making crude more valuable funded Putins war.


Keystone ring a bell.

Biden is opening the taps to the SR for a few reasons, election season is here. Win or lose the D's will win the sec the reserve tap is cut off.

As far as Biden's war in Ukraine, he is making bundles off of that aside from any oil is is selling off the side.

Late comer to this thread so I will leave it at that.
The thing you need to know about Trump, and it is a Trump thread is, he is not a D or an R. That much should be clear to everyone.

He defines outsider. Politics is a club, and he is not a member of that club. This is why both sides work against him. And if you don't remember both sides working against him you have a very short memory.

What I can't figure out is why the man does it. Ego? perhaps. Power, perhaps. But TO ME the amount of crap he is going through, it just does not seem worth it.

IF there is a trump 2 it will be like trump 1, where "his own party" will fight against things he wants passed. And not much will happen.

They don't call it the Uniparty for nothing.

Keystone ring a bell.

Biden is opening the taps to the SR for a few reasons, election season is here. Win or lose the D's will win the sec the reserve tap is cut off.

As far as Biden's war in Ukraine, he is making bundles off of that aside from any oil is is selling off the side.

Late comer to this thread so I will leave it at that.
Could you provide a reference to your “opening the taps to the SR” comment?
Not that i doubt it but all the oil any gas production newsletters say it’s being refilled refilled.

diy solar

diy solar