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The Great Reset. Globalist Scumbags. Things that don't fit somewhere else.

Bob B

Emperor Of Solar
Sep 21, 2019
I created this thread for a place to post things that don't quite fit on other threads. Put them here to keep from corrupting other threads ... Yeah, I'm guilty of it too.
General Mike Flynn


“Next year [2024] we will likely see the climax to a number of current dangerous ideas, events, and forces, which finally will either overwhelm us or be addressed and remedied…Incredibly, no one in the current administration has even tried to explain to Americans why millions of illegal aliens are exempt from the vaccine mandates, background checks, and adherence to the law that is demanded of U.S. citizens and legal immigrants.
”Our institutions (especially academia) are bankrupt and corrupt. Our justice system no longer holds the trust of the American people. Our military is the smallest and weakest it’s been in decades. Our election system and processes are broken and corrupted by so many self serving politicians on both sides.
#WeThePeople need to awaken from our complacency and stand up and speak out by getting involved in our communities like never before.
General Mike Flynn

“Next year [2024] we will likely see the climax to a number of current dangerous ideas, events, and forces, which finally will either overwhelm us or be addressed and remedied…Incredibly, no one in the current administration has even tried to explain to Americans why millions of illegal aliens are exempt from the vaccine mandates, background checks, and adherence to the law that is demanded of U.S. citizens and legal immigrants.
”Our institutions (especially academia) are bankrupt and corrupt. Our justice system no longer holds the trust of the American people. Our military is the smallest and weakest it’s been in decades. Our election system and processes are broken and corrupted by so many self serving politicians on both sides.
#WeThePeople need to awaken from our complacency and stand up and speak out by getting involved in our communities like never before.
Did you hear that California is giving free Medical health care to illegal visitors?
The worst thing Biden has done is sit idly by while this happens .... It is even more devastating to the US than the millions of illegals that crossed into the US last year ...... Whoever built this map, however, was premature because Argentina has decided NOT to join Brics.


It is the rampant money printing that is causing this .... and world wide inflation.
The worst thing Biden has done is sit idly by while this happens .... It is even more devastating to the US than the millions of illegals that crossed into the US last year ...... Whoever built this map, however, was premature because Argentina has decided NOT to join Brics.

View attachment 186508

It is the rampant money printing that is causing this .... and world wide inflation.
This is also the result of using the dollar as a weapon.

BRICS and NATO are all part of the same happy globalist club.
Dont fall for it.

BRICS and NATO are all part of the same happy globalist club.
Dont fall for it.

From this article you linked:

It’s obvious that Moscow is rushing to implement DPI projects in Russia in order to prevent the globalists from implementing DPI projects in Russia. The exact same strategy is being used by Moscow to fight the bad clot-shots and bad CBDCs with good clot-shots and good CBDCs.
From this article you linked:

It’s obvious that Moscow is rushing to implement DPI projects in Russia in order to prevent the globalists from implementing DPI projects in Russia. The exact same strategy is being used by Moscow to fight the bad clot-shots and bad CBDCs with good clot-shots and good CBDCs.

Learn to read tongue in cheek. LOL
Edward is a master of it (Good Clot-Shots, Good CBDC, haha)
In this case, he is making fun of Bush "We have to destroy the village to save it"
Or to put it even more clearly, how can Russia be against the Great Reset, when in every action they are implementing the Great Reset?
Learn to read tongue in cheek. LOL
Edward is a master of it (Good Clot-Shots, Good CBDC, haha)
In this case, he is making fun of Bush "We have to destroy the village to save it"
Or to put it even more clearly, how can Russia be against the Great Reset, when in every action they are implementing the Great Reset?
I have said before ..... Just because people are using the same weapons doesn't mean they are on the same side.
I have said before ..... Just because people are using the same weapons doesn't mean they are on the same side.

Are you serious?
Does it matter who controls the gulag when you are the prisoner?
I honestly expected you to at least get that part!
Look at their action, not their words and in action Putin and his oligarch gang are 100% onboard with "globalist scumbags"
They are on the same side! Against the people! (As just one example, why would Russia attack Ukraine when they could simply shut down the gas and have a much much bigger impact on its "enemies" but i disgress - the real (globalist) cause was to destroy middle classes in EU, and that it achieved spectacularly, while also helping advance the "tighten the belts EU proles, fight evil Putin, set your thermostat to 15C in winter and give up your gas car, otherwise you are helping evil Putin, LOL)

“Digital public infrastructure” is a friendly space lizard euphemism for “you will be cattle-tagged and you will like it.” Probably you’ve read about the joys of DPI while browsing the websites of the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and other benevolent reservoirs of international altruism dedicated to creating a safe, convenient, equitable, inclusive, and extremely sustainable world.

Here’s how the United Nations Development Program describes DPI:

Digital public infrastructure (DPI) is a shared means to many ends. It is a critical enabler of digital transformation and is helping to improve public service delivery at scale. Designed and implemented well, it can help countries achieve their national priorities and accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals.
Governments, donors, the private sector and civil society alike have an opportunity to shape it—join us!
Now for the Rockefeller Foundation’s definition:

DPI is a digital approach that enables essential society-wide functions to promote economic and social growth for everyone—not just those who can afford access.
Its immediate uses are many, including emergency payments to climate refugees via cell phones, immediate telehealth and records access, a digital ID that speeds access to social benefits, and more.
Here’s how the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation explains this wholesome digital initiative:

When COVID-19 accelerated digital transformation globally, it highlighted the difference between strong and weak digital infrastructure. Countries have a narrow window to ensure they have digital networks that safely and efficiently deliver economic opportunities and social services to all residents. This is digital public infrastructure.
And last but not least, the World Economic Forum’s hot take on DPI:

Digital Public Infrastructure is crucial in addressing important global challenges such as climate change and the need for responsive and effective public finance. […]
An infrastructure-first approach using DPIs holds the promise for us to imagine an inclusive digital future that harnesses the power of society, governments and businesses, while being innovative, contextually relevant and scalable to serve people and our planet.
DPIs in identification and payments have shortened the adoption and inclusion curve significantly.
If we remove the extraneous word salad from the above blockquotes, the driving philosophy behind DPI can be summarized as:

Cattle-tags aren’t just safe and convenient, they’re a human right.
I am pointing this out because Vladimir Putin announced at November’s G20 summit that “the development of digital public infrastructure” was a “priority” for the Russian Federation.

Of course, it’s important to remember that Moscow’s unapologetic promotion of DPI is very good and anti-globalist, while the Rockefeller Foundation’s policy papers detailing how DPI will make the world more “equitable” are very bad and evil. It’s obvious that Moscow is rushing to implement DPI projects in Russia in order to prevent the globalists from implementing DPI projects in Russia. The exact same strategy is being used by Moscow to fight the bad clot-shots and bad CBDCs with good clot-shots and good CBDCs.

But back to DPI.

The excellent Russian academic and economist Valentin Katasonov recently published an article about this new global “infrastructure” project and why DPI will likely be 2024’s Acronym of the Year. (You might remember Mr. Katasonov’s astute commentary on the digital ruble.) His latest op-ed on DPI was published by at least three Russian-language outlets (Zavtra, a right-wing conservative alt media site,, our patriotic Orthodox pals, and Business Gazeta, which is Russia’s most red-pilled business news site).

The article is below. Happy reading.
Are you serious?
Does it matter who controls the gulag when you are the prisoner?
I honestly expected you to at least get that part!
Look at their action, not their words and in action Putin and his oligarch gang are 100% onboard with "globalist scumbags"
During World War II, every nation was using long range bombers .... does that mean they were on the same side?

During the cold war, the Soviet Union and the US were both using the leverage of their proven nuclear arsenals to .... were they on the same side.

These tech solutions are just another kind of weapon .... leaders driven to control their countries population are ALL going to use those weapons as long as they are effective. They are just another kind of weapon and use of them isn't proof that everyone using them is colluding with each other.
What if i told you that the entire USSR was a globalist project? (Start by looking up who Financed Lenin, Trotsky and Bolsheviks.... Hint Hint - It starts with a G and a B)
Do you really want to see how far the rabbit hole goes?

PS. The entire Russian oligarchy owns multimillion dollar assets in Europe (And in Miami area, look this up lol).
I gurantee you 100% that they will be doing exactly what they are told by the same globalist puppeteers as mr Trump and mr "Biden" (whats left of him)

PPS. Look up where offsprings of entire Soviet Government Apparatus grew up/went to school/were programmed). The results are Russia Today.
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What if i told you that the entire USSR was a globalist project? (Start by looking up who Financed Lenin, Trotsky and Bolsheviks.... Hint Hint - It starts with a G and a B)
Do you really want to see how far the rabbit hole goes?

PS. The entire Russian oligarchy owns multimillion dollar assets in Europe (And in Miami area, look this up lol).
I gurantee you 100% that they will be doing exactly what they are told by the same globalist puppeteers as mr Trump and mr "Biden" (whats left of him)

PPS. Look up where offsprings of entire Soviet Government Apparatus grew up/went to school/were programmed). The results are Russia Today.

Those oligarchs in Russia don't control the country ..... If they get too far out of line they end up getting poisoned by a nuclear cocktail ..... or their plan crashes .... or they end up in a crappy prison somewhere.

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