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The Great Reset. Globalist Scumbags. Things that don't fit somewhere else.

Those oligarchs in Russia don't control the country ..... If they get too far out of line they end up getting poisoned by a nuclear cocktail ..... or their plan crashes .... or they end up in a crappy prison somewhere.

You CLEARLY have no idea what you are talking about.
The Russian Oligarchy, DEFACTO controls everything including Putin.
I suggest you start researching this topic.

I could go on.

I haven't even gotten to Mikhail Murashko and his "digital genetic passport" scheme to create genetic profiles (including genomic sequencing) of all Russians, starting with newborns.

Or Igor "Strelkov" Girkin, the pro-war ultra-nationalist who took credit for launching military operations against the Ukrainian government in 2014 and who was promptly arrested when he started criticizing the incompetence of Shoigu and his minions in the waging of the 2022 not-war.

Or Alexandr Dugin, whose muddle-headed ramblings on geopolitics are taken seriously by the equally muddle-headed Evola devotees of the alt right despite the fact that there's ample evidence that Dugin is Brzezinski's minion and no evidence whatsoever that he's "Putin's brain."

You DO get the point, don't you?

No, the point is not that James Corbett knows everything about everything and thus you should blindly believe anything he says about Russia (although I wouldn't argue the point too vociferously if you really pressed it!).

And no, the point is not that Slavsquat is right and that you should subscribe to him right away (although he is right and you certainly should subscribe to him right away).

The point is that Russia is like every country on the planet: an oligarchy run by incompetent kleptocrats and cruel kakistocrats who, while they have diverse backgrounds and different political leanings, are in service to the broader globalist agenda to the precise degree that it helps their career and lines their pocketbooks. It is also like every other country on the planet in that the average Russian knows that the average Russian bankster or technocrat or political stooge is a corrupt oligarch who does not have the Russian people's best interests in mind.

The galaxy brains of the "BRICS will save us!" blogosphere play on the ignorance of the average American (or Canadian or Japanese . . .) about the realities of Russian politics to lure them into a hopium narrative about Putin and Xi saving the world from the very globalist policies that they are working so hard to put into place in their own country.

As always, today's exploration is just a starting point for a real investigation into the Russian political scene, not its endpoint. By all means, continue researching and compiling information and expanding your knowledge of Russia and China and Saudi Arabia and Israel and all of the other "other countries" that we in the English speaking world generally know so little about.

But at the very least, now that you know a little bit more about the world of Russian politics, you won't be so easily duped by one-dimensional narratives about the 4D chessmaster in the Kremlin foiling the globalist agenda, will you?"
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You CLEARLY have no idea what you are talking about.
The Russian Oligarchy, DEFACTO controls everything including Putin.
I suggest you start researching this topic.

I could go on.

I haven't even gotten to Mikhail Murashko and his "digital genetic passport" scheme to create genetic profiles (including genomic sequencing) of all Russians, starting with newborns.

Or Igor "Strelkov" Girkin, the pro-war ultra-nationalist who took credit for launching military operations against the Ukrainian government in 2014 and who was promptly arrested when he started criticizing the incompetence of Shoigu and his minions in the waging of the 2022 not-war.

Or Alexandr Dugin, whose muddle-headed ramblings on geopolitics are taken seriously by the equally muddle-headed Evola devotees of the alt right despite the fact that there's ample evidence that Dugin is Brzezinski's minion and no evidence whatsoever that he's "Putin's brain."

You DO get the point, don't you?

No, the point is not that James Corbett knows everything about everything and thus you should blindly believe anything he says about Russia (although I wouldn't argue the point too vociferously if you really pressed it!).

And no, the point is not that Slavsquat is right and that you should subscribe to him right away (although he is right and you certainly should subscribe to him right away).

The point is that Russia is like every country on the planet: an oligarchy run by incompetent kleptocrats and cruel kakistocrats who, while they have diverse backgrounds and different political leanings, are in service to the broader globalist agenda to the precise degree that it helps their career and lines their pocketbooks. It is also like every other country on the planet in that the average Russian knows that the average Russian bankster or technocrat or political stooge is a corrupt oligarch who does not have the Russian people's best interests in mind.

The galaxy brains of the "BRICS will save us!" blogosphere play on the ignorance of the average American (or Canadian or Japanese . . .) about the realities of Russian politics to lure them into a hopium narrative about Putin and Xi saving the world from the very globalist policies that they are working so hard to put into place in their own country.

As always, today's exploration is just a starting point for a real investigation into the Russian political scene, not its endpoint. By all means, continue researching and compiling information and expanding your knowledge of Russia and China and Saudi Arabia and Israel and all of the other "other countries" that we in the English speaking world generally know so little about.

But at the very least, now that you know a little bit more about the world of Russian politics, you won't be so easily duped by one-dimensional narratives about the 4D chessmaster in the Kremlin foiling the globalist agenda, will you?"
I would like to see a diagram of the puppeteers and how they implement their control of countries around the world. I'd also like to see how those puppeteers are controlling someone like Trump and Milei. If Milei is controlled so successfully by the puppeteer why is he doing all the things they hate? Why is he paring down the government and shutting down entry into Brics?

You are still assuming that because someone uses the same technique that proves they are complicit.
I would like to see a diagram of the puppeteers and how they implement their control of countries around the world. I'd also like to see how those puppeteers are controlling someone like Trump and Milei. If Milei is controlled so successfully by the puppeteer why is he doing all the things they hate? Why is he paring down the government and shutting down entry into Brics?

You are still assuming that because someone uses the same technique that proves they are complicit.

I can tell you with 100% certainty that Russia is ruled by Oligarchy, as described in both Edward and Corbett articles. How do i know its true? I lived it! Half of my life in USSR/Russia. I know intimately well who rules over Russians and who's orders they take.

Everyone else i judge by their action.
I can tell you with 100% certainty that Russia is ruled by Oligarchy, as described in both Edward and Corbett articles. How do i know its true? I lived it! Half of my life in USSR/Russia. I know intimately well who rules over Russians and who's orders they take.

Everyone else i judge by their action.
Draw me a diagram .... and you ignored my question about Trump and Milei.

I've got some running around to do .... so, you have plenty of time.
The diagram is in the Corbett article. They rule via influence.
More here

And here

And here

Be sure to read the whole thing as it answers every question you ask (and include diagrams you ask). And yes, they are all HYPERLINKED to official sources.
And here is for the lazy of you.
I will let you figure out where MILEI and PU are on it.

And here is for the lazy of you.
I will let you figure out where MILEI and PU are on it.

View attachment 186539
I was talking about specifically for Russia since you said you understood exactly how it works.

As you are aware, I agree with you on most things, but don't buy into the idea that ALL politicians are globalists. I think that ..... in Trumps words that the future belongs to the patriots .... not the globalists. I think voting for America first candidates is part of what we have to do to upset the globalists agenda. That is also the reason I won't read anything you post from Corbett.

I have no doubt that Biden is controlled by the globalists .... he has even talked about the inevitability of the great reset.
So far, I have only seen actions by Milei that indicate he is NOT on the side of the globalist .... He looks a lot like a patriot. He just countered the plan for Argentina to be part of Brics.
I posted these actions he took in his first 18 days ..... The globalists are going to hate all those things.
It is beyond obvious that the globalist has Trump and they and their puppets are doing everything they can do try to destroy him.

When I'm pushing you, I am often trying to get a more clear picture .... but when it comes to voting, we are totally on opposite sides.
I can assure you with 100% certainty that Russian oligarchy (Which includes Putin as a puppet but playing important) is completely controlled by globalists. As i said, you simply lack information on many things in Russia, and articles i posted, if you read them in full, will give you a good starting point.
Russian industry (What was left of it) was completely trashed under Putin (Since 2000 when he came into power) with Russia becoming de-facto dependent first on the West, and now on China for pretty much anything manufactured.
All of this while oligarchy and their kids (including both of Pu's daughters, daughter of Pu's presser Peskov, etc, etc, etc) living large in the "enemy West" paid by the sale of vast Russian resources (with all money from it going into the pockets of oligarchy).
Since you probably grew up in the USA, these concepts were/are foreign to you, and it is very hard for you to imagine that the entire government apparatus worldwide (and in USA) has been compromised, but it is, and no politician will save us.
You will find this out in upcoming years.

Bloomberg Pushes Climate Doom As Reason Why You Must Eat Bugs​

The US is one of the world's largest exporters of agricultural products. Still, the corporate press continues to promote 'climate change' disinformation (read: here) to accelerate the normalization of insects and lab-grown meat into the food supply.

Bloomberg is the latest corporate media to use fear to sell what might be a World Economic Forum agenda of introducing bugs and lab-grown meat into the food supply:

"You may see lab-grown meat and insects on the menu in future decades, as the world grapples with challenges to food security posed by climate change and conflict."

Bloomberg's Keira Wright was covering Sydney's South by South West festival earlier this month, when she said panelists were talking about lab-grown meat, edible insects, and vertical farming.

Wright continued with more climate doom in the article:

"Climate change has made weather more volatile and hotter in many parts of the world, damaging corn crops in the US, slashing wheat crop forecasts in Australia and even accelerating the spread of deadly pests in China."
However, did anyone tell Wright, the editors, or maybe even billionaire Mike Bloomberg about the inconvenient truth of 1,600 international scientists who said in August, "There is no climate emergency."

Meanwhile, Bezos' The Washington Post recently advised Americans to eat ants and crickets.

Remember, the effort to push edible insects comes from the World Economic Forum.


We must remember this one.

To counter the rogue billionaires who want to reset the food supply, move out of cities, purchase land, start a farm, or, easier, move to suburbia and buy local.

One of the very best exposés of the covert, very well-hidden, bellicose attempts to rob all of humanity – barring the miniscule number of psychotic individuals comprising the inimical opposition – of their material possessions and their ‘immaterial’ freedom, was published fairly recently. It is accurately titled The Great Taking (2023), and was written by David Webb, one of the most courageous and finance-savvy authors I have ever come across. He introduces the book on p. 1 in uncompromising terms:

What is this book about? It is about the taking of collateral, all of it, the end game of this globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. This is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass. Included are all financial assets, all money on deposit at banks, all stocks and bonds, and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment, land, mineral deposits, inventions and intellectual property. Privately owned personal and real property financed with any amount of debt will be similarly taken, as will the assets of privately owned businesses, which have been financed with debt. If even partially successful, this will be the greatest conquest and subjugation in world history.
We are now living within a hybrid war conducted almost entirely by deception, and thus designed to achieve war aims with little energy input. It is a war of conquest directed not against other nation states but against all of humanity.
In the Prologue of the book Webb paints a richly textured, autobiographical picture of his provenance as finance guru, obviously with exceptional intelligence and, it turned out, courage. His knowledge of finance and economics has been the result of long years of work in the field, but he recalls the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, before the start of his professional career, when he was a child, and what he calls (witnessing) the subsequent “industrial collapse” of the US in Cleveland, where the family lived, culminating in “the complete destruction of everything we had known” (p. vii). Before he gets into the details of his life, he commences the Prologue with an indirect intimation of his reasons for writing the book (p. vi):

Presently, as we well know, families are divided. People are experiencing a kind of isolation, perhaps not physically, but in spirit and mind. This has been made to happen through the dark magic of false news and narrative. This alone has been a great crime against humanity. The tactical purposes are many: to confuse and divide; to cause disengagement; to demoralize; to instill fears and to introduce false focal points for these fears; to manipulate the historical narrative; to create a false sense of the present reality; and ultimately, to cause people to acquiesce to what has been planned.
It is impossible to overstate the urgency of Webb’s message – everyone who reads this article should download the book (free) at the link provided above, or at least view the documentary based on it at CHD.TV, Rumble and (I don’t know for how long) YouTube. It makes for compulsive reading – a kind of non-fictional, real-world detective story, where you, the reader, are both the victim of the crime and the one looking over the detective’s shoulder at the evidence that he is digging up.

And is there persuasive evidence! In the ‘court of human justice’ – which should be established, if it does not exist – the primary documentary evidence adduced by Webb would be sufficient to incarcerate all of these culprits, if not condemn them to capital punishment (recalling that, etymologically, ‘capital,’ or ‘of the head’ in Latin, relates to one’s head, which was usually implicated in hanging and decapitation; it also echoes in ‘wearing a cap’). That Webb knows only too well how he has exposed himself (and his family) with this book – and earlier, in addresses where he shared his findings with audiences in Sweden and the US – is clear where he writes, against the backdrop of the two occasions where he presented his insights, together with evidence (p. xxx):

Less than a month after speaking at that conference in the U.S., a man contacted me who asked to meet in Stockholm. He had been the Chairman of a U.S. political party, and had a long career related to the defense establishment. He stayed at a hotel within a short walking distance from my apartment. We had lunch. He suggested a pint of ale. He asked me to explain the subject of which I had spoken at the conference. I went through the evidence and implications. The odd thing is that he then asked no questions about the subject. Instead, he fixed me in the eye and said, ‘Does your family know you are doing this?’ He said nothing more; that was the end of the meeting. I paid the bill and left. Perhaps it had been a ‘courtesy call.’ We all have to die sometime, and being assassinated must be among the most honorable ways to do it. One must have been doing something right! Made a difference! No classier way to die, really. I always wanted to be like John Lennon!
Rut Ro

””The motion seeks to have the charges against Michael Roman dismissed and for Fani Willis, Nathan Wade and everyone in the DA’s office to be disqualified from the RICO case against Trump.
The filing claims Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor hired to go after Trump, paid for luxury vacations he took with Fani Willis to Napa Valley and a cruise in the Caribbean – and used money from Fulton County to pay for their out-of-town escapades.
“County records show that Wade, who has played a prominent role in the election interference case, has been paid nearly $654,000 in legal fees since January 2022. The DA authorizes his compensation.” the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.
The motion claims “sources close to both the special prosecutor and the district attorney have confirmed they had an ongoing, personal relationship.”
The filing asserts Fani Willis never got Wade’s appointment to special prosecutor approved by the Fulton Board of Commissioners, which is required by law.
It alleges that Willis and Wade have been involved in a romantic relationship that began before Wade was appointed special prosecutor.“‘

While we are on a topic of Russian propaganda, here is the lastest news from the motherland (in English).

Greetings and merry Orthodox Christmas.

Welcome to the new and improved weekly Russian media news roundup and open thread-thing. Feel free to share your own URLs in the comments section.

The quote of the week:

Unfortunately, Russia’s almost two-year participation in the war of annihilation with the collective West has not led to the country’s exit from global trends, so desired by patriots. Moreover, many of [the aforementioned unsavory global trends] are being implemented in our country at an accelerated pace … We wish all of us in the new year to finally unhook from the globalist train, which is flying at full speed into the abyss of dehumanization!, December 31, 2023
And now for some news.
What is Zuckerbucks building? Is he aware of something that we don’t know? I figure the 1% elite are going to Nuke us then blame some supposed enemy…. Iran, N Korea, China, Russia Name one.

reality of bunker and after money loses value…. They created this World of Shit then want to run - hide.
Jimmy Kimmel always on Trump

what is this ? Can anyone confirm attached picture?

Was billionaire Oprah on the list? This guy with Oprah was friends with a lot of the same ppl. Real piece of work. I am starting to think that Q crap was onto something. I originally laughed at them because they were putting out some wild stuff. These ppl do seem to be connected to convicted ppl with sex slaves minors and what not. Epstein comes in different versions. Maybe Pizza Gate is REAL.


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klaus opened the can of worms

this guy is nutz ?? Klaus acts Like the kamona wearer in movie Demo Man.
completely disconnected from Real World
That jimmy Kimmel thing looks to be false for ties to Epstein.
However the Rodgers guy is not backing down according to the website and offering an apology.

That jimmy Kimmel thing looks to be false for ties to Epstein.
However the Rodgers guy is not backing down according to the website and offering an apology.

Quite a feud they have going there ..... Kimmel is one of those entitled smart asses that I would like to see taken down a notch.
Sounds like Rogers is using Kimmel's own game against him .... mentioning him in context with Epstein, but not actually accusing him of anything .... of course, once that gets to the 3rd person in the string it will be a whole different story.

The Final Countdown to CBDC​

The haunting tale woven within these pages, echoing the dystopian visions of Black Mirror and the literary masterpieces of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley, serves a dire purpose: to confront you with a stark choice between rising against the encroaching surveillance state for a brighter future or succumbing to the inescapable grip of tyranny. Every element of this narrative springs from today’s unsettling realities, from China’s social credit system to New York City’s pronoun laws and Canada’s MAID program. Governments are ceaselessly striving to mold a future where surveillance and centralized control reign supreme.

This is not a far-flung sci-fi fantasy; it is a looming possibility. This book aims to sound the alarm, educating you about the existing technologies and the political ambitions driving their implementation. Halting this relentless march demands awareness and decisive action. The time for complacency or the belief that “this could never happen in America” has long passed.

In the chapters that follow, you will discover that the technologies and systems discussed are not mere concepts but are already being trialed and adopted in the United States. At the heart of this dystopian nightmare lies the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), which empowers governments to manipulate behavior through social credit scores, vaccine passports, and more by leveraging digital, programmable, and censorable money. Stopping CBDCs can thwart everything else.

The solution is clear, though not as simplistic as casting a vote. Members of Congress, who draw power from their monopolistic control of currency, are unlikely to vote for a reduction in their control or authority. The true power resides with the people. "

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