diy solar

diy solar

Consumption from the grid smx II/ smh II?

Adrian R

New Member
Apr 14, 2021
Hi everyone!

I am interested in the consumption from the grid of Easun SMX II 3,6kw 24v and Easun SMH II 4,2 - 24v when they are connected to the grid but don't charge the battery from the grid.

Anyone using these models?

I know some models take nothing from the grid, like Easun SMV 3k 24v, or they take 22-35 watts (SMG 2 series, 24v/ 48v)

Easun SMV 3k 24v is not in production anymore and its max power is only 3kw, I am looking for at least 3,6-3,8kw ...

Thank you!

diy solar

diy solar