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diy solar

Signature solar

I'd just like to point out that private messages are intended to be private.

I do not have any bias towards SS (except the one and only support email I've ever sent to them a month ago went completely ignored). But I wouldn't like it if my private messages to someone here was posted publicly.
We obviously live in a world where nothing is private anymore. There was nothing in that PM that needed to be private. I sent him a message there to not clog up this post.
I agree with you on private messages between individuals. I may have a different opinion on Customer Service support emails.
I believe that this is kind of the new customer service. They are more the customer service for their company on the forum.
Seems to be too many complaints after doing research. I get that things happen but when the ball gets dropped repeatedly maybe it’s time to review policy. As far as PM’s being private, only in name. Anything anyone posts in private should expect the chance of it getting repeated publicly. Maybe me think I’ll be shopping around more for when the time is right to buy.
This has got to be the worst company I have dealt with.

I received my batteries around the 18th of December. I couldn’t get them to work on my Growatt. I contact SS for them to tell me that the 48v EG4 waterproof batteries are dangerous, doesn’t recommend using them with my Growatt system. Tech support tells me to contact customer support to get a return started etc. I deal with them about sending me new batteries. On the 21st or 22nd I speak to someone and they tell me new batteries are on the way and to return my old one. I speak to someone else and they tell me that they can’t send new batteries until the old one are returned. I then find out that I need to deal with the resolution department. The resolution department doesn’t talk on the phone and only communicates via email. This is ridiculous. I speak to another person on the phone for an update and told that they need a picture of the batteries. On the 27th I get a return form to fill out. 1/5 my batteries get picked up.

1/8 I contact to pay for the difference between my return batteries cost and the eg4 power wall. I was told last week or so by Weston that it was going to be a $300 difference. Now today I get a quote that is about a $900 difference. I am currently waiting for a call back. In addition today I get told that it takes about a week to get the return process done after they get to the dock. And then another few days to process to get a new battery sent out. We are looking at close to February before I get a new battery.

@SignatureSolarJess returned my email very quickly. I wish the rest of SS was the same way.

Luckily the person I sold my old batteries to was ok with me using them to have power.

Never again will I do business with them.


@SignatureSolarJames @SignatureSolarPeyton
i had really good experience with the company so I cannot say anything negative.
They are supposed to call me today about my refund but haven't heard anything. I have since went to Current Connected.
No, there is no relation between the two companies.
Well clearly there is a business relationship as Current Connected sells EG4 equipment (as well as other manufacturer's equipment) and EG4 and Signature Solar are 'connected' as has been discussed in other threads. So make of that what you will.
Well clearly there is a business relationship as Current Connected sells EG4 equipment (as well as other manufacturer's equipment) and EG4 and Signature Solar are 'connected' as has been discussed in other threads. So make of that what you will.
He is asking if Current Connected and Signature Solar are related or "connected". No, they are not - they are totally separate companies. I think the question and response were perfectly clear. Yes, Current Connected sells EG4 products. They also sell Victron, MPP Solar, Samlex, and many other brands.
Signature solar and eg4 is the same.

Signature solar and current connected is not.
Yes, but Current Connected are a reseller which is what I said. They likely have an agreement to sell the EG4/Signature Solar products at 'list price' etc.
Yes, but Current Connected are a reseller which is what I said. They likely have an agreement to sell the EG4/Signature Solar products at 'list price' etc.
Yea just like every other business in the country.
They are all (at least some) are in cahoots with each other. How else can one company create a clone; for example I believe the Sungoldpower 10kw inverter is a clone of the SRNE inverter (or they are both clones of something else). They share the same firmware, use the same end user software and the same modbus protocol. Likewise the SGP 100ah rack battery is a clone of the SOK battery (or they are both clones of another). They use the same firmware, same communications protocol, look almost the same, the screens and menu are the same and the end user software is the same although the executable name is different. In fact the software for the SOK battery as provided by Current Connected has it's main window title the same as the PbmsTools provided by SGP and either software will work with either battery.
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Own by the same person though right?
Would you be so kind as to answer my question as posed?
For sure! Yes, owned by the same person. I think the mailing address is different now since we moved into our new HQ building but I'd have to double check. We're not related to Current Connected though. They are the competition ? ?

diy solar

diy solar