diy solar

diy solar

Do we need a system to ban members?

Should there be a voting system to remove members?

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If the Original poster was allowed control over their own post then that would solve a lot of problems.
An undesirable spammer - off topic could be removed from that post by the OP. Not sure that is a software possible option For OP having control but it should be. Of course admin would still has ultimate control.

Just ignoring them doesn’t seem to work. Look at Bob’s “do we need a control group” covid-19 thread… Leo is melting down because new science - discoveries are coming out.
Old science is being re-evaluated and it has changed. Leo is denying new science.
Leo is pissed that the anti-vax did not die.
Leo is pissed off = him and entire family caught covid and they are fully vaxxed.
Leo is pissed because Bill Gates dumped his covid vaccine stock.
Leo’s fear factor is swelling - Maybe because tv is telling everyone to run get another covid vax booster - Leo probably has an iv of covid vaccine applied right now. Rut ro.
Panic is setting in. Social distance - Military Intervals. 1 allergy sneeze will kill everyone.
Put on your mask.
Mad because can get myocarditis from covid. Can get myocarditis from covid vaccine . Can get Double whammy. Just Mad.

Leo has even broke down and claims ppl are threatening his life. Which is not true. He is Delusional and trying to control the conversations. Leo posted the “ Admin will not do anything for him when he complained to them about death threats aimed directly at him.“
I have not seen any death threats aimed at him. Have you?

Leo is a self admitted foreigner engaging in USA election - interference, politics, USA Military conflicts, calling USA ppl - russian trolls, and such.
The very thing that got USA citizens ppl deleted from Twitter at request of FBI -“ foreign - suspected election interference.. “ Leo is guilty.- foreigner doing USA meddling in Our USA affairs.

Have you ever seen Leo make his own post? To save time…. Me either ??

I hate censorship so no vote…. sorry
Unfortunately Leo wants ppl banned - controlled - permanently silenced - CANCELLED ….you name it. He is a CONTROL FREAK I am sure he wears the admin out….. asking them to ban ppl. Imagine if he were admin then there would be a lot of bans. 2 tier system party.

If you want to see something funny look how Murphyguy responds to and answers post then watch Leo. Don’t remember who it was but they noticed it first. Ever see them disagree?

If Leroids got banned from here then he might go nutz and hurt someone or himself. He hates religion so churches and worshippers would be at risk. He has angry bird issues. He is the angry bird that blows up. Someone just needs to tell him Pluto tv has an lgbtq+ channel now. They advertise it over and over on all of Pluto TV ruined it.
~7.2% of our population are on a pedestal. Everyone line up to kiss their butt …. You will be queer and like it. Imagine ~7.2% of USA population ruling over and controlling ~92.8% rest of population. Only in America. Placed on Pedestal where their rights cancel 92.8% majority - rights.
I believe in free speech regardless of the civility of it. Allowing only speech based on a measurement of civility means someone has to judge what is civil and what is not. And the minute you put a judge in charge, there is no longer free speech. The two concepts are as mutually exclusive as science and religion or light and darkness.

The only speech that can be easily classified, and therefore ethically regulated, is that speech which has a quantifiable property such as threats of violence or personal threats, some racial speech is easily quantifiable, etc. Even scientific information is quantifiable if a sourcing standard is created.. although that's why the source standards are attacked these days.

Beyond that, it isn't free speech. Not that it matters in a website forum since the owner of the forum can do whatever they want for whatever reason they want.. or not.
Any forum that doesn't have a real commitment to free speech will decline over time.

We're adults. We can ignore those whose content we don't want to see.

Nothing else need be or should be done in my opinion.
Sometimes they will nag the mod so much that the mod will ban ppl even on chit chat. Chit chat is a ban zone too. I guess Murphy-Leo got banned or took one to many vaccine boosters Their removal happened while I was banned from here for 6 months. Sad.

I was listed as homophobic because won’t stick a pack of hot dogs in my mouth and so therefore am not civil because won’t bend over either. I was called toxic too. Which is noice way of saying I am your leader.
you degenerate deplorable almost expired without my presence for 6 months. Jedi Mind Trick. Hahahaha

I reckon post above hurt …Leo deeply. Still see the animations of Leo with fake threats and posted fears just new names and accounts to tag on here since I returned.
I doubt the Mod could or even want to catch them using multiple accounts. Why it is pointless to ban them. I used my time and enjoyed myself. I did drop in and read once in a while …… you have to clear cookies - history because otherwise it tries to stay signed in on the banned account. Of course when viewing without an account can only read. Oh well I survived ..without sharing my toxic post…. I’m pretty sure Leo survived and is now posting with new account here. Again see the mental fear…. and same threats posted by new names. Imagine being so twisted need multiple accounts to back yourself up.……

so were the Leo-Murphy accounts banned? What were the blow out points? Dual accounts? The name sakes are gone but ppl-person remains active. The mods are either to dumb to catch them or don’t care….why these ppl - that person use VPN. He even bragged about it. Just like they bragged about getting ppl in trouble with mod when tattle tale. It is just words …. Imagine being in the same room. They would be wearing Trump hats like 6 jan.
You can see them in mental melt down modes in this post….about Trump. Want to lay some cheese on the trap for the rat …. Just mention Trump or Tucker. Their heads throb their face distorts and a whole pack of hotdogs pop out of their mouth.

Nasty Uncivil wishing death on ppl as they want to be no consequences …. ??? You can spot the old ppl with new names - new accounts.
A system like that can be gamed. Like wiki with its cabals of editors that contact each other and employ sock and meat puppet tactics whenever votes are requested even tho thats strictly prohibited. I dont even like the ignore feature here but use it because some have no constructive dialogue to offer and think annoyance alone is a legitimate position. I do think unrestrained free speech should have rules like not allowing personal attacks. It makes me better at debate because I have to focus on making your argument look stupid rather than calling you stupid. That depends on intelligent moderators who can recognize the difference. But if its just a name calling profanity laced free for all thatll do. I can choose to stay clean or wrestle the pig.
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Yea.... I don't know wtf I was thinking when I made the thread....
I guess one of the past hemorrhoids really flared up a post...

Say what you want where you want whenever you want.

We could make some educated guesses on the yesses...
No banning.
The best ban is a simple ignore from individual members.
I welcome a well reasoned opposing view.
I do not welcome thread flooding (posting bs to "move" posts with true info)

diy solar

diy solar