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It could happen ……. There is some wild stuff posted over on X …like that meme was posted there months ago.. don’t worry they say Elon is about to lose it. Probably just in time for the Left to use in 2024. The Left are very unhappy with him. With the Left it is total devotion or death sentence from them. The Left are vicious. ….CRAZY. personally still don’t see the supposed value of twitter and facebook ….

Why are the Social Media Platforms worth billions of dollars? I thought Elon Musk was insane for paying the Twitter sale price. Insane I say. Is access to ppl and in return ppl to twitter - X really worth that money.? I have never understood the inflated values.

Companies that produce nothing but get to charge money for it are always worth a lot.

The margins are huge and the product is easily scaled.
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Companies that produce nothing but get to charge money for it are always worth a lot.

The margins are huge and the product is easily scaled.
We have several south american type restaurants and some south american type grocery store combos in my local area. Been in operation 10-15 years. Never moving much product if any. Matter of fact if go look in some of the stores will find old products that have been on shelves and are dusty. Again these places are open every day sometimes at night but rarely anyone buys anything - ppl just don’t go there. Been that way for years. Most locals wonder about these places do too. They look like were decorated and laid out by same exact person for each place. How do they stay in business? ???


The weird part the Asian ppl like Chinese come in buy a business are extremely out going. Always waving smiling plenty of business …Earn . So much from their hard work that they often buy more places and do other types of business. They are out in the community. You see them. They drive nice new cars. They are living the dream.

Do you know how they do money laundering from drugs? Places like these restaurants with no business in first part. Just fronts. Hmmmm facebook and twitter really doesn’t do business up front. The bankers have to do something with all that dirty drug money. I’d bet those restaurants and stores not doing much public business are busy on the books. Just a thought.

crazy conspiracy. ??

You can spot the real south american style restaurants… they look different, the ppl are active, and they do a lot of business - real customers too.

Anybody else see these shell looking business fronts in your local areas? I see them on internet sometimes: nX facebook myspace ?
I can see them slowing rolls for political figures with ppl being banned - twitter facebook. I can imagine political figures paying them for access and paying them to deny access.
Wait .... What?

“Just take a step back, and be honest. He was kind of right about NATO. He was kind of right about immigration, he grew the economy quite well. Trade. Tax reform worked. He was right about some of China,” said Dimon. “I don’t like how he said things about Mexico, but he wasn’t wrong about some of these critical issues. And that’s why they’re voting for him.”​

Batshiteecrazy your name checks out as much as checkedout's name checks out
Thats all dickhead has to offer in reply to a slew of facts he cannot begin to refute. Make fun of my screen name. Are you 8 years old or what. Why are you even here, to look like a jackhole... By intent?
The are so many things happening surrounding the Fani Willis and her boyfriend it is getting ridiculous.

I guess it should be expected that when someone has low character it extends to all sorts of other things in their life ..... Like Fani's boyfriends divorce .... In his divorce filings, he somehow forgot about the million dollar contract he had signed with Fani.
The former wife is taking him to court for that .... and has also introduced a pile of receipts from the lavish jaunts Fani and her former husband took .... and has filed for Fani to be deposed for that case ..... Jeff Childers thinks that will guarantee that the former wife will get a huge settlement before Fani can be deposed.
Kind of reminiscent of Hunter who did similar shenanigans during his divorce .. and his refusal to acknowledge his child.

If there is any justice ... these 2 will pay a heavy price for their scumbaggery.

Here's one link to the kind of things being exposed ....
Oh .... and I will post a 2nd link of Fani during her campaign declaring that anyone in here department who dates a co-worker will be immediately fired.
As usual .... these people accuse others of the things they are doing themselves.

There use to be a saying when you point a finger at someone be careful because you have 3 pointing back at yourself. … these ppl are criminals. Whether they are held to accountability depends on who is in charge pushing it. These ppl don’t mind breaking the law as long as their ppl can pardon them. Why they went all out to steal 2020 election and why they will get extremely violent if lose 2024. They know what is coming….

Silly republicans have often made rules and laws that flipped back on them. They usually - always tried to follow the rules while the other side did not. 2024 will most likely be the year the Left start WW3 and Civil War in the USA. All at Once.

Hell I am still waiting for the known vax criminals and pedo island criminals to be punished but also know if they are brought to charges right now that Biden will pardon them. They know if Trump gets in it is rut ro.

I’d like to see Biden pardon Hunter and himself. Let the history books record it.

Victor Davis Hanson

What Are “They” Afraid That a "Dictator”/President Trump Might Do?As Joe Biden’s political viability implodes, the exasperated Left has yet a new narrative: front-runner Trump and his extremist/semi-fascist/Ultra MAGA 160 million are out for “revenge” and “retribution—and that Trump might well become a “dictator” and “trample” the Constitution. Ok, let’s examine what a supposed dictator Trump might do if he were to be elected this November?

1) Will he hide the fact that in 2024 he attempted to hire a foreign ex-spy to work with Russian sources to create a fake anti-Biden dossier (while sneakily hiding his payments behind three paywalls), seed it with the media, and hatch lies that Biden was a “Putin poodle” and “Russian asset”?

2) Would a Trump president weaponize a vengeful FBI to begin contracting with X and Facebook to suppress stories he feels will hurt MAGA candidates? Would his FBI alter FISA warrants to go after his leftwing opponents? Would he and his FBI henchmen have leftwing newspapers blacklisted from X?

3) Would Trump’s future Secretary of State round up 51 right-wing ex-CIA “authorities” to swear and lie on the eve of the balloting that the Russians created the Stormy Daniels nondisclosure agreement?

4) Maybe Trump will get his DOJ to go easy on any future accusations of tax fraud on behalf of his sons by weaponizing the IRS

5) Maybe Trump will dictatorially cancel student loan debt on the eve of the 2026 midterms. Or would he dare by fiat drain the strategic petroleum reserve merely for Republican advantage in the midterms?

6) Maybe a dictator Trump might appoint a special counsel to investigate the entire Biden family. Would his legal counsel consult with local and state Republican prosecutors to coordinate 90 or so more indictments against ex-president Joe Biden? Will he order the FBI to sweep down on one of the Biden residences to hunt for more missing classified files that Biden removed as a senator and vice president?

7) Will he postfacto declare the 2020 riots to be an armed “insurrection” and retroactively start trying, convicting, and jailing the some 14,000 who were arrested and released—on charges of rioting, looting, arson, murder, and assault, in addition to “illegal parading” and conspiracy to burn a federal courthouse, a city police precinct, a historic church? Would dictator Trump keep in preventative detention indefinitely those arrested in 2020 for rioting and violent protest?

8) Maybe dictator Trump will refuse to discuss all medical questions concerning his 78-year age.

9) Will Trump minions in the media and military start talking about rooting out “leftwing rage”, or Antifa and BLM “domestic terrorists” from the military ranks? Would Trump order the Pentagon to discharge any soldier who refused to get one of his Operation Warp Speed COVID mRNA boosters?

10) Will dictator Trump protect some 500 “sanctuary cities” from ignoring federal laws—as they nullify the endangered species list or federal gun registrations statutes?

11) Would dictator Trump’s America destroy the southern border deliberately and invite in 10 million illegal aliens from countries he thought would ensure new conservative voters?

12 ) Would dictator Trump's America start seeing red-states removing the names of Democratic candidates from the ballot?

13) Would dictator Trump start jailing ex-Biden officials who refused Republican congressional subpoenas?

14) Would dictator Trump’s America turn over $50 billion in weapons and supplies to terrorists like the Taliban?

15) Would dictator Trump’s America see an epidemic of big-city lawlessness, as conservative prosecutors deliberately let out felons convicted of smash and grab and car-jacking, and exempted theft and shoplifting from punishment?

16) Would dictator Trump start shaking down foreign governments to send $30 million into the Trump family coffers?

17) Would dictator Trump camp out at Mar-a-Lago for 3-4 days a week, and turn the presidency into a pastime job?

So what exactly would a “dictator” Trump do that our "civil libertarian” Joe Biden already has not done?

*Thinking* about opening up a new X account and paying the $8.00 a month.

Also: I mean, I can look this up but would rather start with an ask.

Did Tucker and Russell Brand not get banned from YouTube?

They are both on there. I thought they had been been banned or had they and they were now "let" back on?
*Thinking* about opening up a new X account and paying the $8.00 a month.

Also: I mean, I can look this up but would rather start with an ask.

Did Tucker and Russell Brand not get banned from YouTube?

They are both on there. I thought they had been been banned or had they and they were now "let" back on?
I never followed either of them on YouTube .... so, don't know.
They hacked a Dominion voting machine and changed votes live .... in court in Georgia.

If memory serves me the Female Trump lawyer that was there is one of the first that turned in Georgia case - she was there In court. Think they charged them for showing it was possible. Hacking.

The democrats showed this all the way back in 2000. Yes back to 2000 when baby bush won. “Hanging chad days. “

I use to think our politicians payed ppl with money to be selected. Why does it cost so much to become president for a job that pays around $450,000 a year. They spend billion + Think Hillary spent 2 x as much as Trump ……. Biden did about the same for out spending Trump. Wonder where he spent all that money?

*Thinking* about opening up a new X account and paying the $8.00 a month.

Also: I mean, I can look this up but would rather start with an ask.

Did Tucker and Russell Brand not get banned from YouTube?

They are both on there. I thought they had been been banned or had they and they were now "let" back on?
I just have a regular account. I don’t follow many - no one there. Weird part I think it signed me to follow Musk by itself when joined.

Americans Are Fighting For Control Of Federal Powers That Shouldn’t Exist​

It’s no secret that politics in the United States is growing increasingly acrimonious — to the point that a 2022 poll found 43% of Americans think a civil war is a least somewhat likely in the next decade.

But here’s what few people realize: The intensity of our division springs from a federal government operating far beyond the limits of the Constitution — fueling a fight for control over powers that were never supposed to exist at the national level.

To put it another way, if the federal government were confined to its actual granted authorities, federal elections would be of little interest to the general public, because the outcome would be largely irrelevant to their everyday lives.

America’s founders drafted the Constitution with great trepidation. Having just escaped British tyranny, the people of the separate states that would comprise the proposed union were wary of centralizing too much power at the federal level, and thus sowing the seeds of a new tyranny.

They therefore set out to create a federal government to which the states delegated only certain limited powers, with all other subjects of governance reserved to the states.

Those powers — only 18 of them — are listed, one by one, in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. They include such things as the power to raise armies, maintain a navy, declare war, borrow money, coin money, establish punishments for counterfeiters and pirates, set standards of weights and measures, secure patents and establish post offices.

Reassuring those who were considering the enormously consequential decision of whether to ratify the Constitution, James Madison wrote,

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. [Federal powers] will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce…The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects, which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties and properties of the people.”
To win over those would-be ratifiers who still feared the proposed federal government would undercut state sovereignty and infringe individual liberties, ten amendments were drafted — the Bill of Rights. The 10th Amendment codified Madison’s previous assurance about the division of authorities between the federal and state governments:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
We arrive then at a hard fact: Today’s sprawling federal government, which involves itself in almost every aspect of daily American life, is almost entirely unconstitutional.

To rattle off just a random fistful of the federal government’s unauthorized undertakings and entities
brace yourself — there is zero constitutional authority for the Social Security, Medicare, federal drug prohibitions, the Small Business Administration, crop subsidies, the Department of Labor, automotive fuel efficiency standards, climate regulations, the Federal Reserve, union regulation, housing subsidies, the Department of Agriculture, workplace regulations, the Department of Education, federal student loans, the Food and Drug Administration, food stamps, unemployment insurance or light bulb regulations. Even that sampling doesn’t begin to fully account for the scope of the unsanctioned activity.

Don’t let your affinity for any of those enterprises short-circuit your intellectual honesty: Even if you view some of them as benign, that doesn’t render them constitutional. And if you’ve ever invoked the Constitution to spotlight a different kind of government overreach, it would be hypocritical to nod approvingly when it’s violated in ways where you deem the result beneficial.

So how did we get to this place where the intended relationship between federal and state powers has been completely inverted — with a federal government wielding powers that are now “numerous and indefinite” rather than being “few and defined”?

Much of the current state of affairs has been driven by the Supreme Court’s extreme and expansive interpretations of certain clauses of the Constitution. Among the most significant are the General Welfare and Commerce clauses.

The General Welfare Clause, found at the start of Article 1, Section 8, says:

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States…
Embedded in a clause focused on the power to tax, the words “general welfare” were meant to ensure that Congress’s taxation and spending would be confined to purposes that were broadly beneficial, rather than catering to narrow or localized interests.

The clause’s language was copied from the Articles of Confederation, where, as Madison explained, “it was always understood as nothing more than a general caption to the specified powers.” Indeed, he said, it was copied for the very reason that its prior use and understanding would hopefully minimize the risk of it being misinterpreted as a grant of power.

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