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diy solar

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  1. D

    6000XP AC (Grid) charge setting not behaving as expected?

    Thanks for the reply -- since the system manages everything going into the battery, and based on my setup/breaker/wire, it would seem like I could punch that number up to around 85A and be totally fine? (48V * 85A) would translate to 4080W, so at my main panel it would be 17A @ 240V, totally...
  2. D

    6000XP AC (Grid) charge setting not behaving as expected?

    screen shot attached with highlighted area -- SOC control is separate and when I tested that it works as expected, kicks on at 20% and will go until 50%, no issues there. the value of 24 in the box is applied no matter if it auto charges itself at 20% or if you hit the quick charge button...
  3. D

    6000XP AC (Grid) charge setting not behaving as expected?

    Got my system up and running, zero real issues so far, everything is running smooth from charging the car, to powering house basics :) I have my 6000xp with grid AC input available, no need for super rapid charging, 30A breaker, 8AWG wire, the setting: "AC Charge Battery Current(A)" had a...
  4. D

    Do you keep a spare solar panel?

    I really only wanted 10 panels for my planned ground mount system, however the prices were just too good I figured I'd get 20 because I know I'll want to expand/tinker more later. (plus the 6000xp supports 2 input strings) I should have room for another 8 or 9 panels on a 2nd string, but they...
  5. D

    EG4 6000XP Grid Feed

    There has been no suggestion -- it's just a hard fact. 6000XP can't back-feed the grid. No one knows the details of your setup, no doubt what you want to accomplish is possible, but the 6000XP isn't going to be part of feeding anything back to the grid.
  6. D

    Signature solar issues. (Resolved!)

    oof I feel bad for the signature solar person that had to deal with OP Karen on the phone. kinda funny how the online Karen absolutely lost his mind and threatened FTC complaints, because different companies offer different prices and shipping deals? Through all this he apparently whined...
  7. D

    EG4-6000XP how much idle draw from grid if AC-in connected but not used

    info you need is exactly here at the time stamp embedded in the link: with AC only - looks to be around 10W.
  8. D

    Wow! I Guess Anything Goes On YouTube

    so that's a roughly 100kwh capacity system? 100 bucks a battery times 128 batteries, and all the time wiring. I'm slightly new so I'm not versed on all the "what not to do's" in this video, but it just kind of makes me happy I went with a pre-manufactured solution from my two LG4 indoor units.
  9. D

    Signature solar issues. (Resolved!)

    1 - Your vs You're, I'd suggest mastering that before partaking in any electrical project. 2 - I'll recap the entire thread for you, everyone thinks its hilarious (including me). You've provided a fair amount of amusement with your silly ranting and non sensical replies. Have you already...
  10. D

    6000xp Mobile App Setup Help

    heh -- I called them today when I got to that step thinking it might be some per-customer based number (unique). Didn't know it was something *that* simple, made me chuckle.
  11. D

    Slow and steady build -- it's online! Question on 2nd battery disappearing?

    Update: adding to the weirdness - when I sign in on my phone to the monitoring portal, it does indeed show 2 batteries in parallel with the correct total capacity. (screen shot attached) Thoughts on why the portal on my desktop PC only shows 1, but the phone app shows correct (2)? Thanks!
  12. D

    Slow and steady build -- it's online! Question on 2nd battery disappearing?

    So I know this isn't going to have any juicy info or anything ground breaking, but I'm too excited to not share. Got all 6000xp and 2 EG4 indoor batteries about a week ago. Slow and steady build, got them in place, got my PV wires run (but panels arent setup), all the heavy cabling done...
  13. D

    House burned down

    First off sympathies to the family, glad everyone got out okay! As a noob to the DIY and still in the process of setting up my first system, I'm glad these EG4 indoor batteries have integrated fire suppression, and I'm using the metal conduit boxes all around. As well as one of the ionizing...
  14. D

    Did i put it together right?

    My brain hurt read OP's list of questions -- 1/2 could be answered with a basic google search, or even have chatgpt read you the answer. What really got me was "how long will the batteries last". It's like asking how far can I go on a tank of gas not knowing what you drive, how you drive, or...
  15. D

    When do you get rid of your packaging?

    I have a (neat) pile in my garage from the massive haul FedEx freight dropped off at my house Wednesday. Two empty crates from EG4 Indoor batteries, quite a few boxes of various electrical things, and need to break down the pallet holding the 20 aptos panels on it. I like a nice clean garage...
  16. D

    Wondering exactly what conduit to pair with EG4 indoor battery conduit box

    Hello all -- quick question maybe someone will know. I got all the major pieces for my project in, unboxing, inspecting, planning. The conduit box that sits on top of my EG4 indoor battery - plenty of knockouts and it comes with an assortment of the following conduit glands M63 x 1.5 M32 x...
  17. D

    psa: Chargeverter is LOUD

    I see the grey/black chargeverter is listed as pre-order on Signature Solar's website, but there are other sites that have the (older?) yellow box model in stock and ready to ship. Is there some new features or build of it with the new grey color pre order model? I only have my eye on one...
  18. D

    Trying to understand the requirements for EG4(indoor) battery to talk to Home Assistant via MQTT

    change all default usernames/passwords, I don't have hands on the dongle adapter just yet, but it does have the ability to create it's own wifi bubble (which you then feed your own wifi info into) security wise - instead of giving it full access to your home network you could restrict it as a...
  19. D

    Trying to understand the requirements for EG4(indoor) battery to talk to Home Assistant via MQTT

    Nice - my freight shipment arrives tomorrow, so will probably order the SA bundle "just because" at this point $180 is nothing in the grand scheme of things. And yay federal rebate applying? hah Normally I'm with you as my whole home is primarily 10gig hard wired, but the location of my...
  20. D

    Solar Assistant set Grid Charge times via MQTT

    wish I could help with an answer, but if you don't mind a question on your SA / HA via MQTT setup: Are you using all eg4 hardware? I have a 6000xp and eg4 indoor battery on the way, and while I think the stock interface in the EG4 app is nice, I think long term I'll want to tinker with a...
  21. D

    Trying to understand the requirements for EG4(indoor) battery to talk to Home Assistant via MQTT

    So while I wait on all my goodies to arrive Wednesday, I dove back down the Solar Assistant rabbit hole. I realize the stock wifi dongle/app from EG4/Luxpower is much improved for the 6000XP inverter, but from my reading on here, I'd like to confirm something: If I wanted to move the core...
  22. D

    Signature solar issues. (Resolved!)

    I see you just discovered what the concept of shopping around is. Welcome to being a functioning adult. You went on a tirade about filing a FTC complaint -- it takes a special kind of angry to get to that point, claiming you weren't angry just makes you look childish and unable to accept...
  23. D

    Signature solar issues. (Resolved!)

    wow -- this sounds like the same guy that will take an estimate from an automotive shop or contractor and treat is as gospel. Mistakes happen, and even on top of that sh*t happens too, but original poster's approach, attitude are all just wrong given the situation. he never bought...

diy solar

diy solar