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diy solar

EG4-6000XP how much idle draw from grid if AC-in connected but not used


Solar Addict
Jan 19, 2022
Arizona, Mohave County
Just curious (I don't own the EG4-6000XP), has someone ever measured how much power the 6000XP draws from the grid if just connected the AC-in with the grid at idle - even if grid is not used, just connected?

I'm using the EG4-6500EX which has an idle usage of about 92W. It draws about 50W from the grid if just connected to the AC-in, even if grid is not used and only the rest of 42W is drawn from the batteries/solar (I think it has to do with backfeed potection, but not sure). Just want to know, if the 6000XP behaves different in this scenario (a friend is thinking about using the 6000XP and think about using the grid as a rarely required backup and wonder how much it would also consumes permanently from the grid).
In the current manual of the EG4-6000XP there are different values compared to the video. It looks like EG4 updated the manual since Will's video:

IDLE CONSUMPTION (STANDBY) w/ PV (<30W) | w/ Battery (~50W) | w/ AC (<50W)*

So this seems close to what the EG4-6500EX is using when AC-in connected.
In the current manual of the EG4-6000XP there are different values compared to the video. It looks like EG4 updated the manual since Will's video:

IDLE CONSUMPTION (STANDBY) w/ PV (<30W) | w/ Battery (~50W) | w/ AC (<50W)*

So this seems close to what the EG4-6500EX is using when AC-in connected.
The 6500 was anywhere from 70-120W. I've heard a lot of different values from different folks. Mine was between 84-90W.
The 6500 was anywhere from 70-120W. I've heard a lot of different values from different folks. Mine was between 84-90W.
I was a bit imprecise with my question. I'm interested in how much of the total AIO's idle consumption will be drawn from the grid in case the grid is just connected via AC-in. In case of my six EG4-6500EX all are drawing 93W idle power. If the grid is not connected, the 93W are drawn from the battery (and/or solar), but in case the AC-in is just connected (but not used, no bypass mode), the 6500EX using 50W from the grid and 43W from battery/solar to fulfill the 93W total idle consumption!

In my case with 6 AIO's it would add up to (6x50W) 300W permanent grid consumption just to be prepared for using the grid as a backup. That's the reason why I've installed contactors between the AC-in of the AIO's and the grid, I don't want to spend about 2,600kWh per year grid usage just to be prepared for such a backup which I may need only 3-5 days per year.

These contactors are only connecting the AIO's to the grid, just before the AIO's change to bypass mode.

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