diy solar

diy solar

Do you keep a spare solar panel?


I make things and fix stuff
Nov 2, 2023
I did a search a bunch of different ways, and nothing came up, so I assume that's a "NO", but figure I'll ask.

I ordered 10 400w panels - minimum purchase. I only need 6 for my "off-grid" installation on my garage, and they're hooked up and generating nicely, no issues. I have no use for the other 4 - No space for future expansion, or if I expand it would be after a full re-roof and I'd go grid-tied. It'd be a 2nd system.

So, do panels... fail? Do you keep 1 as a spare backup in case? If 1 fails, I imagine finding a "just like it" replacement would be difficult 5-10 years from now.

I'd sell them on FB marketplace or Craigslist or wherever. in 10 years you will probably be able to replace the whole string for 50% of what it cost today, but from my understanding PV panels don't die, they just fade away slowly, over a long period of time.
probably not worth keeping one for functional reasons. maybe worth it for cosmetic reasons if they are on your roof, street facing etc.
with only 6 panels in operation, not having a spare is not a huge risk
I had one get damaged in a big storm with a tree branch punching one,
Thought about that - where they are there's nothing obvious that will come down and damage one without doing significant damage to the garage. My neighbor's kid likes baseball, so there's a distinct possibility of it getting hit though.
Thought about that - where they are there's nothing obvious that will come down and damage one without doing significant damage to the garage. My neighbor's kid likes baseball, so there's a distinct possibility of it getting hit though.
Min was a pretty small branch it must of come down branch end first and it hit right in the middle of the panel
I thought about having a spare panel. But if I had one, I'd hate to see it unused. So, then I'd have to buy a micro-inverter; and that would cost twice as much as the spare panel :(
I wish I did. I bought 10 Canadian Solar 355w panels when I bought my setup from SS. I decided on a 6000ex split phase as it was the *new hotness* and I figured it would be easy to add onto. My inverter can handle 18 of these panels, and SS suggested that I run 9 panels and have 1 as a spare as 10 panels in series exceeds the voltage range. When I installed I went 5S2P configuration. I am now unable to find any Canadian solar 355 panels for sale. Now that I am finally installed, if I want to get more panels, I am better off buying a pallet of something different completely. I am leaning towards a set of 450w bifacial panels, but don't have the money to spend 4k on panels, especially a bunch of panels I will not be able to use right away. I think getting 4 more batteries is justified before I get any more panels now. People on FB are wanting waaaayyyyyy too much for 9 year old 250 watt panels as well. But I regret not buying 20 panels on my initial go around *I paid 1650 for 10 panels* 18 months ago.
I have a spare. Actually two but installed one on the roof after permits. Given the diy total install cost minus the 30% tax credit, the cost of one stored in the barn does not bother me. Ordered 5 extra from SS, a member was going to buy any extras I had, but three were damaged during shipping leaving me two extras. The extra stored panel in the barn has a very small dent on the frame and SS reimbursed for it. So, the stored spare cost nothing.
If you can store them somewhere, just keep all.

Got a different orientation available? A wall of the house?
How about 5s2p array, two strings of different orientations?
Yes I have a spare Evergreen for my pole mount array. Its more exposed than up on my roof.
I really only wanted 10 panels for my planned ground mount system, however the prices were just too good I figured I'd get 20 because I know I'll want to expand/tinker more later. (plus the 6000xp supports 2 input strings)

I should have room for another 8 or 9 panels on a 2nd string, but they wouldn't be receiving ideal light conditions all day, so that part of the project i'll mess with later, anything the 2nd string would generate would just be "bonus" power, or an excuse to run a backup air conditioner "just because its free" lol

diy solar

diy solar