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diy solar

Signature solar issues. (Resolved!)

I buy things frequently that state final shipping and taxes will be calculated at checkout. No problem.

I don’t understand all the vitriol rhetoric. You didn’t like the final price and chose not to complete the purchase. The shopping cart is not a promise of a final price, it’s just an estimate. You have not been wronged or disrespected.
I buy things frequently that state final shipping and taxes will be calculated at checkout. No problem.

I don’t understand all the vitriol rhetoric. You didn’t like the final price and chose not to complete the purchase. The shopping cart is not a promise of a final price, it’s just an estimate. You have not been wronged or disrespected.
You’re right you don’t understand, time is money. Also it does say estimate but no where does it say that the shipping options presented may no longer be available at check out or anything about final shipping be calculated at checkout as you say so your opinions are all kinda irrelevant. Again came here and got the out come I was looking for but thank you for just getting more eyes on my post.
Well there ya go!

Thanks for making my point.
Who hurt you, an estimate allows for a slight deviation at best not a complete loss of options again I think you seem to lack the understanding or intelligence to catch the idea. Good day!
Accusing them of deceptive business practices is a bit harsh and it appears that you're just angry because you were unable to capitalize on what might have been a system error . The shipping price was at checkout and at that point you can choose to do business or not. Sorry, you've not proven your case.
i think too many of you do not have a dog in the fight and should probably just shut the heck up. a company with shitty customer service toss's a new female customer service rep out and you all lose your shit trying to be a bunch of white nights.

just my thoughts though.
i think too many of you do not have a dog in the fight and should probably just shut the heck up. a company with shitty customer service toss's a new female customer service rep out and you all lose your shit trying to be a bunch of white nights.

just my thoughts though.
I dunno anyone explicitly defending Signature Solar, by all accounts, there's a lot of nightmarish customer service experiences posted here with them, involving stuff like no communication for months at a time on placed orders. That's the kind of stuff I'd be willing to file a complaint on.

I'm sure as hell not buying anything from them based off all the posts here, at least not any time soon.

That said, some customer service person screwing up the shipping quote on a price match, in what appears to be just a genuine mistake, is an absolutely bizarre thing to threaten FTC complaints over, lol.

Maybe I am the one who is an imbalanced person, since my respose to their initial email would have been "I see, I think I will order elsewhere, thanks."
I dunno anyone explicitly defending Signature Solar, by all accounts, there's a lot of nightmarish customer service experiences posted here with them, involving stuff like no communication for months at a time on placed orders. That's the kind of stuff I'd be willing to file a complaint on.

I'm sure as hell not buying anything from them based off all the posts here, at least not any time soon.

That said, some customer service person screwing up the shipping quote on a price match, in what appears to be just a genuine mistake, is an absolutely bizarre thing to threaten FTC complaints over, lol.

Maybe I am the one who is an imbalanced person, since my respose to their initial email would have been "I see, I think I will order elsewhere, thanks."
I am not commenting on if the OP is correct or not.... I am commenting on how everybody is starting to pile on...even though they honestly have no dog in the fight. i see this constantly on this forum. half the time i wonder if 90% of the accounts here are not sock puppet accounts the way they all mirror each other.
wow -- this sounds like the same guy that will take an estimate from an automotive shop or contractor and treat is as gospel.

Mistakes happen, and even on top of that sh*t happens too, but original poster's approach, attitude are all just wrong given the situation.

he never bought anything, he was never charged, the only thing lost was all of our time reading his HyperKaren reaction to a simple mistake. I'll give him a point on one thing, the laugh he gave me when he was so fired up about filing an FTC complaint, LOL. I really did chuckle.
Just want to thank all the kids who continue to post and get traction here on my post. It’s been corrected for more then a day now and still they want to bring more attention to my post and continue to bring it to the top of the page. Just amazing, thank you.

I love how you all add your opinions here and how none of them have any logic or intelligent thought in them. Please keep posting it really makes me laugh everytime I come back here at this point.
Accusing them of deceptive business practices is a bit harsh and it appears that you're just angry because you were unable to capitalize on what might have been a system error . The shipping price was at checkout and at that point you can choose to do business or not. Sorry, you've not proven your case.
I wasn’t angry about anything in the end I got a better price then they where offering even if they stuck to the originally quoted price so nothing you’ve said has any bearing or value. Thanks though for bumping this back to the top and giving me some stupid comments to laugh at.
I wasn’t angry about anything in the end I got a better price then they where offering even if they stuck to the originally quoted price so nothing you’ve said has any bearing or value. Thanks though for bumping this back to the top and giving me some stupid comments to laugh at.
I see you just discovered what the concept of shopping around is. Welcome to being a functioning adult.

You went on a tirade about filing a FTC complaint -- it takes a special kind of angry to get to that point, claiming you weren't angry just makes you look childish and unable to accept responsibility for your words.

You posted it about it here thinking everyone would jump on the sympathy train for you, but you got a hard dose of reality: we all think your behavior is a little hilarious, and a lot sad.

Just remember: you are the one who started the thread. The only reason you are saying the comments are stupid is because nobody agrees with you or your behavior.
I see you just discovered what the concept of shopping around is. Welcome to being a functioning adult.

You went on a tirade about filing a FTC complaint -- it takes a special kind of angry to get to that point, claiming you weren't angry just makes you look childish and unable to accept responsibility for your words.

You posted it about it here thinking everyone would jump on the sympathy train for you, but you got a hard dose of reality: we all think your behavior is a little hilarious, and a lot sad.

Just remember: you are the one who started the thread. The only reason you are saying the comments are stupid is because nobody agrees with you or your behavior.
I posted here and got what I needed and wanted. Your words again while your opinion mean nothing at all. Your the only one that seems to not agree and you’ve said enough here for me to really not care about anything you’ve tried to say cause again I got what I needed and you are just not happy about it for what ever reason…
I posted here and got what I needed and wanted. Your words again while your opinion mean nothing at all. Your the only one that seems to not agree and you’ve said enough here for me to really not care about anything you’ve tried to say cause again I got what I needed and you are just not happy about it for what ever reason…

1 - Your vs You're, I'd suggest mastering that before partaking in any electrical project.

2 - I'll recap the entire thread for you, everyone thinks its hilarious (including me). You've provided a fair amount of amusement with your silly ranting and non sensical replies. Have you already forgotten you were the one complaining to begin with?

How did that FTC complaint go for you, just curious?
1 - Your vs You're, I'd suggest mastering that before partaking in any electrical project.

2 - I'll recap the entire thread for you, everyone thinks its hilarious (including me). You've provided a fair amount of amusement with your silly ranting and non sensical replies. Have you already forgotten you were the one complaining to begin with?

How did that FTC complaint go for you, just curious?
Oh no I forgot punctuation. Grow up and get a life what are you 10?
I have no clue how their prices compare with anyone else on whatever product.

That said I do host a BUNCH or online stores for companies. Shipping is, to put it simply, a pain in the arse for any online store.

They have no control over what it presented half the time by a shipper. Be it fedex, ups or whatever. A call is made to the shipping company via an api and the results are presented to the customer. The store itself has no control over what comes back on the first estimate.

The final estimate during the checkout process is the only accurate price shipping wise. Especially if you order more than one product.

Shipping cost are why I rely so heavily on amazon for most of my purchases. I pay for amazon prime and I get the money back by the bucket load on shipping cost savings each year.

Ordering something that was hundreds of pounds in weight and getting it with free shipping rocks.
Not helping Signature Solar to have this thread at the top. It probably impacts Google ranking etc.
gonna be honest I feel no sympathy for them. they have showed their collective ass repeatedly on this forum alone. I shudder to think how they treat people who are not on the forum. that being said. the OP needs some kind of chill. I think he lost his shit over practically nothing. but what do I know?
Not helping Signature Solar to have this thread at the top. It probably impacts Google ranking etc.
Have you ever typed in "Signature Solar Review" into Google? It's not pretty!
I bet that's the main reason they split off EG4 into a separate company.
I'm so glad we could get this resolved for you! Please don't hesitate to reach out with any other questions or concerns! We're here to help!
oof I feel bad for the signature solar person that had to deal with OP Karen on the phone.

kinda funny how the online Karen absolutely lost his mind and threatened FTC complaints, because different companies offer different prices and shipping deals? Through all this he apparently whined and complained enough and hasn't even updated their post (or even apologized for going full Karen)

Hope he can contact the FTC in time and walk back that complaint he said he filed -- he was so excited to get them fined $50k too. Guess that's one way to go through life, whine and complain over trivial non issues till someone feels sorry for you.

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diy solar