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diy solar

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  1. T

    confused about micro vs string for ground array in empty field

    I have 12 bi-facial panels on a ground type array without any micro inverters or optimizers (They work great BTW). I don't have any shade from trees, but obviously weather will affect all panels at the same time so micro/optimizers won't really help in my opinion.
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    Battery back up without solar

    Originally, I was thinking about doing the same thing, but after I got my solar and battery backup, I realized there is loss when you convert from AC/DC, and in this case, you convert AC to DC to put it in the batteries, and then convert DC back to AC to use in your house so just know it's not...
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    EG4 18kPV Q+A general thread

    if you set charge time 1 / end time 1 (user current date - 2 hours from now) it'll charge the batteries. (make sure to delete the values in charge 1 start end after the batteries are full or it'll do this everyday)
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    EG4 18kPV Q+A general thread

    set the AC charge start time / end time and it'll charge the batteries. I haven't had any luck using the quick charge button either.
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    Using second port of EG4 18 KPV to extend battery bank

    I wonder if you need to flash the firmware on the batteries and set the dip switches to the correct #'s for all 9 batteries
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    Battery Strategy

    1. Do you try to keep at a higher SOC in case of a power outage? 2. Do you try to maximize the usage of all stored energy so only charge when at a low SOC? Currently, I only have 12 panels and is not enough to power my whole house so inevitably my battery can never catch up without grid...
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    EG4 18kPV Q+A general thread

    Ok, I did that one. And I did the user one. Maybe it's the station one I haven't changed?
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    EG4 18kPV Q+A general thread

    I have the app, but I can't find how to edit inverter time settings.
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    EG4 18kPV Q+A general thread

    I cant find where to change the inverter time???
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    EG4 18kPV Q+A general thread

    Did anyone with 18kpv not have their datetime not update with the time change? I have mine set to GMT-6 (I live in Houston) and it's showing an hour ahead. Thanks for your help.
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    EG 4 18 K

    This actually gets to the crux of the issue. I agree that clarification can help when searching for this post in the future, but how he said it was the issue. We have some users that English isn't their first language and might not be able to pick up on the humor.
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    EG 4 18 K

    Because I didn't want you to make fun of me?
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    EG 4 18 K

    I can't imagine what the original poster thinks when he comes back and reads this :)
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    EG 4 18 K

    He had Eg4 in the title, you're just being argumentative.
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    EG 4 18 K

    Since the origins of web forums, users would rather berate the writer instead of actually helping them. Feels like I'm back in middle school.
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    EG 4 18 K

    Are you assuming people don't know what he means when he says 18k? You are delusional.
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    EG 4 18 K

    I just started down this road as well about 2 months ago. The 18k is a great inverter, very easy to setup and wire my panels to. Good luck!
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    EG 4 18 K

    Seriously, why are people such jerks? He literally wasted his own time to post something useless that doesn't help anyone.
  19. T

    Panel spacing on ground mount pergola style frame

    Thanks for the nice comment :) I used silicone between each panel so it blocks the water. Seems to work well!
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    Groundmount water heater discussion

    I got on craigslist and found someone that had a whole bunch of the unistrut for $10 a piece (I bought 10). I used lagbolts and huge washers to attach the unistrut to the 2x8's. I used 1.5" 1/4 bolts with washers to attach the unistrut to the solar panels. It feels super strong. Lastly, I...
  21. T

    Post your Ground Mount Setup

    I guess I'm far enough along in my build that I can start posting some pics of my ground mount. Here is 12 bifacials on a pergola that I extended to cover my whole deck: I have an 18Kpv and 6 lifepower batteries. I'm still waiting on my electrician to wire up the 200a disconnect between...
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    Signature Solar EG4 Battery Rack Delays

    Ironically, I just got a call from the freight company to schedule a delivery of my battery rack today.
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    Signature Solar EG4 Battery Rack Delays

    I'm in the same boat. I ordered my whole system and got everything but the rack. Right now batteries are sitting on some wood. Everything else is hooked up and running fine, but I'm limiting my batt amperage to 40a. I ordered everything about 6 weeks ago.
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    <CLOsED> EG4 Enclosed Battery Rack 3 Slot with wheels (MSP/ MN)

    Good luck getting one of the 6 slot ones. I've been waiting for 6 weeks for mine.
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    18kpv Solar panel wiring question

    I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying 12 is too many for mppt1?
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    18kpv Solar panel wiring question

    I do have a 25 amp/1000v DC breaker on this string before it comes into the inverter just in case. Thanks so much for the help! -Troy
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    18kpv Solar panel wiring question

    I am currently installing 12 SEG 460W bi-facials . I was wondering if this would be ok to run all off the #1MPPT on the 18k? I live in Houston so the temp doesn't get much below freezing. Panel info: VOC - 41.52 ISC(A) - 13.96 Vmp(V) - 34.48 Imp(A) - 13.34 Using online calculators: All...
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    My 12 new bifacials took a 5 ft nosedive off the shipping truck

    I am pretty sure it was vertical before it fell. The delivery guys supervisor attempted to convince me they were OK, but I said no.
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    My 12 new bifacials took a 5 ft nosedive off the shipping truck

    I couldn't see any physical damage, but didn't want to risk it. Here is a picture after we got it stood back up. It did damage the pallet underneath
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    My 12 new bifacials took a 5 ft nosedive off the shipping truck

    Today I received my whole solar setup of inverter, batteries and panels. First pallet came off without a problem, but unfortunately the 2nd pallet got away from the delivery guy and all 600 lbs rolled off the back of the 18 wheeler! The delivery guy took full responsibility, and got it back on...
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    12 SEG 460W Bifacial on a Pergola. Wiring Question?

    I just pulled the trigger on the 18kpv, 30kW battery and 12 460W bifacial panels. I am going to add them to the top of my pergola in the backyard (no shade at all). The panels will be about 35 ft from the inverter. I was planning on running a single set of 10gauge wires in metal conduit to the...
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    Eg4-18KPV - Troy goes on a new adventure

    The inverter and battery system I am planning to buy is 9540 listed : I was just joking with the big battery comment and wasn't specifying a particular brand. The specific question I really need...
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    Eg4-18KPV - Troy goes on a new adventure

    Absolutely! When I install the Solar I will add the external shutdown module(s). Based on current reviews, I'm pretty set on the 18KPV. It will give me room to grow in the future as I continue to add. I would definitely want to follow current building codes! Ok, I found THIS that talks...
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    Eg4-18KPV - Troy goes on a new adventure

    Ok, it seems I found the answer to my 2nd question if optimizer or micro inverters are necessary:
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    Eg4-18KPV - Troy goes on a new adventure

    I'll try to keep this short and to the point :) Total Newbie, never had solar anything on my house. I live in Houston Texas, new(er) neighborhood with very short trees, nothing blocking roof. I am an avid DIY and do a lot of carpentry work (I've shingled a few houses..etc) I also have...

diy solar

diy solar