diy solar

diy solar

EG4 18kPV Q+A general thread

Anyone here AC coupling?

How do I track my AC coupled production for the day?

I started drinking when everything powered on and worked, so I am likely missing something, but any input here is appreciated.
Why didn't you stack the inverter on top of the battery?
I also forgot the shipping company damaged my first conduit box...and the inverter box was also dented. I wanted to get it on the wall and hooked up to the battery ASAP to make sure the inverter wasn't dead. Then once it was up it wasn't coming down! Conduit box came about a week later and I wasn't re-doing anything.

I'm 1:1 net metered, so I'm not looking to "use" my battery much and mostly just keep it near full for emergency outages. I was thinking to let it discharge down to something like 80%, then top itself back up and balance every day.

Is this thought process sound?

Other project for this week is to test out parallel vs. serial for my 8 panels. I get some morning and evening shading in the E/W direction...4 of the panels are in full sun for about an hour ahead of the full array, while 4 of them are getting shading. Reversed direction in the afternoon. Hoping I can squeeze some extra juice from them in parallel, but I'm curious to see if they will maintain voltage.
Did anyone with 18kpv not have their datetime not update with the time change? I have mine set to GMT-6 (I live in Houston) and it's showing an hour ahead. Thanks for your help.
Did anyone with 18kpv not have their datetime not update with the time change? I have mine set to GMT-6 (I live in Houston) and it's showing an hour ahead. Thanks for your help.
Still working on getting my time correct as well. It's all over the place right now.
A little weird behavior this morning that I want to make sure isn't an issue.

I am getting strange spikes that are occurring as my DC coupled array is working through the shading period. Big spikes in export, weird AC coupling fluctuations.

Anything I need to be worried about or just part of the DC coupled array working itself out with shading?

It didn't do this yesterday and I haven't changed anything besides tightening up my AC coupling settings (start 85%, stop 90%). But the grid is up so that shouldn't have mattered.

EDIT: "Battery priority" was enabled so maybe I did change that. I'm going to leave that disabled for tomorrow's shading period and see if that was the culprit.
spikes #1.png

spikes #2.png
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diy solar

diy solar