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diy solar

❓ TDT-BMS Wanted Feedback/Experience

Currently the TDT6032 and TD6022 firmwares are OK. The BMS is fully functional even in parallel operation. The only problem I sometimes have is with the SOC calibration
Hi, I am also using TDT 6022, could you please explain that how you have managed to get the data via wifi . Are you using Bluetooth to Home assistant or RS 232 to home assistant then WiFi from home assistant or any other method. Also please share the links if any. Thanks
Hi. This is how I use Wi-Fi for Home Assistant.It took a while, but the effect was very good. My BMS via the rs232 connector connected to the rs232 ttl to uart converter. And further to esp32. I converted the esp32 software from seplos-bms. Here's your software: . Look for the comment from February 3. There is a file there.
When in doubt, ask.
Hi. This is how I use Wi-Fi for Home Assistant.It took a while, but the effect was very good. My BMS via the rs232 connector connected to the rs232 ttl to uart converter. And further to esp32. I converted the esp32 software from seplos-bms. Here's your software: . Look for the comment from February 3. There is a file there.
When in doubt, ask.
Do you think it works well with a TDT BMS 16S?

Any advice to connect uart-to-ttl ?

Do you think it works well with a TDT BMS 16S?

Any advice to connect uart-to-ttl ?

I don't understand.
You mean the cooperation of the Inverter with BMS-tdt.
Is it about the cooperation of esp32 software with BMS-tdt.
The RS232 connection is UART through such an adapter.
For me it's 14s, for 16s in the .yaml file remove # here:
# cell_voltage_15:
# name: "${name} cell voltage 15"
# cell_voltage_16:
# name: "${name} cell voltage 16"


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I don't understand.
You mean the cooperation of the Inverter with BMS-tdt.
Is it about the cooperation of esp32 software with BMS-tdt.
The RS232 connection is UART through such an adapter.
For me it's 14s, for 16s in the .yaml file remove # here:
# cell_voltage_15:
# name: "${name} cell voltage 15"
# cell_voltage_16:
# name: "${name} cell voltage 16"
Hello there,

no it’s just about esphome and the TDT’s BMS, I’d been looking for something like that for a long time.

about the rj11 (6 pin) of the BMS, what number of the connector can I use to uart-ttl ?
Editing the .yaml file. there is .yaml for two batteries.
done! I've deleted the second part.

But same, enabled debug:

[08:29:39][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "~25014642E00201FD30\r"

[08:29:39][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "~25014642E00201FD30\r"

[08:29:39][W][tdt_bms:022]: Unhandled data received (data_len: 0x02): (7)
Esp32 ---> ttl<-->uart--------------------------------------------------------------------------->RS232

I did!

I've change a new esp32 and uart-to-ttl, I think during my last connection I've burn the ttl converter, otherwise done!!!

Thank you so much.

Just the last one.., there is no switch entity CHG MOS and DSGg MOS ?

Hi. This is how I use Wi-Fi for Home Assistant.It took a while, but the effect was very good. My BMS via the rs232 connector connected to the rs232 ttl to uart converter. And further to esp32. I converted the esp32 software from seplos-bms. Here's your software: . Look for the comment from February 3. There is a file there.
When in doubt, ask.
Thanks I will check it out. I have also noticed that after few cycles the FCC (Full charge capacity) is incrementing in one BMS and decrementing in another one . did you experienced anything like this
Currently the TDT6032 and TD6022 firmwares are OK. The BMS is fully functional even in parallel operation. The only problem I sometimes have is with the SOC calibration
did you get any solution for SOC problem. I also facing the same and reported to TDT
Yes, there is a problem with this. I wonder if it is necessary to calibrate the current, because it is used to calculate Ah.
When I have tested with JUNCTECH KG110F Battery Moniter, there is a small difference in the volt and Amp may be that cause this issue. per day its reducing about 2.5A in one bms
Hello, everyone,
finally I can see what's going on in my battery pack, I noticed that the cells are not aligned in voltage, in fact I mounted a 1A daly balancer, I noticed though that in the BT application of the BMS (Bms META) there are some setting values that I don't understand, could someone kindly explain me what they are?

Thanks for your time!!

Hello, everyone,
finally I can see what's going on in my battery pack, I noticed that the cells are not aligned in voltage, in fact I mounted a 1A daly balancer, I noticed though that in the BT application of the BMS (Bms META) there are some setting values that I don't understand, could someone kindly explain me what they are?

Thanks for your time!!

View attachment 210427
The BL threshold is when the balancer turns on so in your example any cell over 3400mV the balance function for that cell will be open.BL delta cell is the deviation or difference between cells which in your example is set at 30mV.The balancer will work to get all the cells within 30mV of each other
did you get any solution for SOC problem. I also facing the same and reported to TDT
There is in the parameters a spot where you have Design Capacity,Full Capacity,Remain Capacity.Fully charge your battery dont worry about whether you charge to 3500mV or 3650mv just pick a mV,hopefully all you cells are decently balanced.When fully charged, Full Capacity is equal to Remain Capacity click W.Discharge the battery to a point your happy with 0% if you like but I dont like doing that.Charge your battery up and you will see your Remain Capacity climb up in Realtime Monitoring under DATA.When your battery is fully charged you will have a new Remain Capacity in Realtime Monitoring.Plug this value into Full Capcity and Remain Capacity in Parameters click W.If you have a real quality capacity tester like a ZKE that Andy uses in OFF GRID GARAGE you would just plug that capacity test value into Full Capacity and if fully charged Remain capacity would be the same and click W.IF not do what I did for a number of cycles and your SOC will become more accurate.So in my situation I have REAL QUALITY EV cells LF280K with like 314 or 315AH.So I guessed my Design Capacity was 300AH,Full Capacity 300AH and yeah I quessed that the remain capacity on my new cells was about 50%.When you charge it up the Remain Capacity will climb in my case it shot right past 300AH.Keep cycling keep plugging in the new values and click W and the Law of Averages will get you closer to your true SOC.Iam at about 314AH but it will come down a bit more but already Iam around the value of capacity for each of my cells.Not bad for a guess

diy solar

diy solar