diy solar

diy solar

12kpv or 6000xp off grid ?

Jason flores

New Member
Nov 4, 2023
Las vegas nv
I currently have a 6000xp signature solar just released the 12kpv I'm 100% off grid no power to my property .we have 18 510watt panels 9kw .I'm using the 6000xp for my 42ft 50a rv with one 15k a/c unit I cannot run multiple items at once microwave ,vacuum, hairdryer and a/c . So we turn off the a/c to run these items is the 12kpv better for off grid or should I buy a second 6000xp ..

Second question I have a 50 pedistool box for my rv to plug into as we travel and don't want to hard wire anything into the rv the inverter and batteries are stationary in a shipping container we drive up and plug in. I recently bought a different pedistool box that has 50a / 30a and gfci 120v Does this schematic allow me to use both 3000 watt legs for 50a & 6000 watts ?1000016038.jpg1000016040.jpgwatts total ?
Question already answered above, but with the release of the 12KPV the question of, "Which of these for me?" is likely to come up often. I recently bought three 6000XPs instead of a single 18 KPV (and no regrets after 12KPV released) because:
  • With no desire to connect to grid, the KPV line offered no additional advantages for me
  • Three 6000XPs offered ability to have 6 separate MPPT PV strings so a total PV input up to 24KW (3 inverters x 2 MPPT inputs of 4000W each). Makes strings at varying azimuth and tilt much easier.
  • Total of 18KW output, which is what many people wrongly assume they'll get when they see "18KPV" (it provides only 12KW of AC output)
  • Ability to inexpensively add another inverter should I need more AC output or another two MPPT inputs.
The only downsides to the 6000XP for those staying off grid, as I see it:
  • 6000XP is not a sealed unit, so possibly earlier failure and no ability to install outside (going in a reasonably large, reasonably clean, dedicated mechanical room so not a worry to me)
  • Adding additional units takes more wall space (see above - I have the room)
So, for those reading this in the future - If you plan to connect to the grid and want to possibly sell back power / net meter, the KPV line might be worth a look. But if staying off grid, it's hard to beat the value promised by the 6000XP based on their published specs, general experience of users to date, and price point. Or at least that's the conclusion I reached after a ridiculous amount of time spent thinking about it.
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