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diy solar

diy solar

18650 Battery Store

Unfortunately 18650 does mess around with the shipping they are $25-35.00/cell shipping vs the $15.00-$20.00 they were. However the price was 115.00 / cell vs the 105/cell. So its a game with them.
I ordered 18 LF280K cells from 18650 on April 5th, 2024, paid in full ($1,889.32) incl. shipping. I've heard from them twice via email. Once to provide a data sheet for the cells and a second to respond why my cells have not shipped. I was told that they would look into this and prioritize the shipment (April 8th), last I heard from them. I have since asked why my cells still have not shipped and another question about the grade of the cells. Crickets so far on (April 9th). *Prince lyrics playing in the back of head.* Maybe I'm just too demanding...

*UPDATE* (5 mins from original post)
And so it happens...not but 5 minutes later 18650 Battery Store just sent me CONFIRMATION that my cells have indeed shipped! YAY! Not so bad experience after all!

*UPDATE April 11th*
18650 Battery Store FINALLY shipped my cells! It was certainly not same day nor was it within 24hrs (as stated on their website). At the time of them taking the money it took an additional 6 days before seeing movement on the shipment. I hope the cells are worth the trouble.
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did you get a test report sheet form 18650batterystore? I need 4 cells and they have the best price online but if they are not giving the test reports I think maybe they have grade A- cells? I heard Gobelpower is another good place. 18650 appear to have the best price for small cell quantities.

did you get a test report sheet form 18650batterystore? I need 4 cells and they have the best price online but if they are not giving the test reports I think maybe they have grade A- cells? I heard Gobelpower is another good place. 18650 appear to have the best price for small cell quantities.
I tested mine from 18650m, 306ah for the eve 280ah; I will find the post with the graph.

did you get a test report sheet form 18650batterystore? I need 4 cells and they have the best price online but if they are not giving the test reports I think maybe they have grade A- cells? I heard Gobelpower is another good place. 18650 appear to have the best price for small cell quantities.
They sent the overall data sheet on cells to me but no individual test data. I think the left hand doesnt know what the right hand is doing over at the 18650 Battery Store. Nothing nefarious, just someone inexperienced or careless working there. I will report back on the quality of the cells when I get them which is this coming Monday.
They sent the overall data sheet on cells to me but no individual test data.

can you upload what you have, if it doesn't looks like this then you don't have the report:

Then I would demand they send one to you.

Actually I think I have had enough of 18650 not sending test reports, this has been going on for long enough, they are off my list!

Verified vendors:


* = ONLY for the ones with test reports and intact qr codes from this vendor, do not fall for the SLEV, or all the other baloney grades they make up.
can you upload what you have, if it doesn't looks like this then you don't have the report:

Then I would demand they send one to you.

Actually I think I have had enough of 18650 not sending test reports, this has been going on for long enough, they are off my list!

Verified vendors:


* = ONLY for the ones with test reports and intact qr codes from this vendor, do not fall for the SLEV, or all the other baloney grades they make up.
The document they sent me is what EVE has published for their Overall Standard on the cell type. According to the 18650 Battery Store website, they state if you request the test data they will send it out. I did this but received the other document I just described.

GB/T 36276-2018 (National Standard of the People's Republic of China) contains the grading how the Chinese and cell manufacturers grade them. Its costly information though.
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can you upload what you have, if it doesn't looks like this then you don't have the report:

Then I would demand they send one to you.

Actually I think I have had enough of 18650 not sending test reports, this has been going on for long enough, they are off my list!

Verified vendors:


* = ONLY for the ones with test reports and intact qr codes from this vendor, do not fall for the SLEV, or all the other baloney grades they make up.
How do I contact you privately?
I've had 2 separate orders for 280Ah cells from 18650 store with absolutely no problems.
So a few days ago I decided to order 16 more cells for $1,640 and $227 for the shipping. But I got a pop up from 'shop' saying that an access code had been sent to my e-mail address which I had to enter to make the purchase. Odd, but OK. Then I went to pay with PayPal and again I get a popup from 'shop' saying they sent an access code to my cellphone. which I had to enter before using PayPal. The alarm bells began to ring so I just walked away.
Thinking it may be due to using my laptop for the order I tried with my desktop which uses Linux, but this time I added 2X 18650 cells for a project I'm working on. Bill was now $1,655.98 but the shipping had jumped to $289.94 !!!
And again 'shop' wanted me to use an access code before I could use PayPal.
E-mailed them with questions and received what now seems to be the normal response of none.
I'll be looking elsewhere which is a shame as the previous purchases went without a hitch and customer service always answered e-mails in a timely manner.
I just made a purchase through Alibaba and they to prompted for an access code from by bank and it was legit. Seams that how credit cards are confirming it is you.

diy solar

diy solar