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diy solar

2x Seplos 10e in parallel VictronCan :only one shows up

LFP addict

New Member
Jan 2, 2021
I did already some installs i the past with Spelos en Victron. Last system was a 3p. (3x280ah) master-slave-slave (dipswitches)
My first problem with this newer BMS was the management software, Seems that only the newer management software could connect. No problem as long theres a connectio n to set the bms to the VictronCan protocol. Next thing is set the dipswithes in 2p and use the rs485 ports to connect.

To connect the 2 packs i assume to use a normal rj45 cable (as always) and put it in in pack1: RS485 and pack2:RS485-1 (or both in the rs485-1?)
Set the dipswitch as in the manual :

Only one shows on the cerbo. I red someting in the Seplos manual about set the parameter on auto indentify when use in parallel so you do not have to use the dipswitches... This is disturbing because the dipswitches are on this board... and next question is in wich position do they have to be when in this " auto-mode" ?? I assume everthing on off. But assumtion is the mother...
Whatever i do, the Victron Cerbo does see only one..
Anybody have an idea ?
solution : in the new seplos monitor software click parralel use, normally it stays on standalone mode. Its in the lower right corner of the software.
I didt test it with the switches all off, just as above.

diy solar

diy solar