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diy solar

6000xp firmware update then error


New Member
Oct 12, 2023
Dillingham and Portage, Alaska
I tried searching the forum for my error code and couldn't find anything on it. Code on the monitor app says Internal communications fault 2. I will include a pic of the inverter screen but there is an unhappy face with [17] next to it. The update I did was ccaa-000C0D. Everything was working fine prior to update. Any thoughts?

Edit: also it doesn't see my PV but it sees my batteries.


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Same issue, new install on a second inverter. Everything was working fine until I tried updating the firmware to match my existing inverter. The update seems to be taking much longer than the last one I did a few weeks ago.
I received y first 6000xp about 3 weeks ago and it updated fine to the correct version ccaa-180C0D. I just installed a new one and when I updated it, it shows ccaa-180C0C as the firmware.


Station nameDevice typeBattery typePower RatingFirmwareStatusConnect StatusBattParallelNumBattCapacityExportAction
container6000XPLithium battery6kWccaa-180C0DPV&Battery Grid offConnected2560trueManagement
container6000XPLithium battery6kWccaa-180C0CPV&Battery Grid offConnected0560trueManagement
I received y first 6000xp about 3 weeks ago and it updated fine to the correct version ccaa-180C0D. I just installed a new one and when I updated it, it shows ccaa-180C0C as the firmware.


Station nameDevice typeBattery typePower RatingFirmwareStatusConnect StatusBattParallelNumBattCapacityExportAction
container6000XPLithium battery6kWccaa-180C0DPV&Battery Grid offConnected2560trueManagement
container6000XPLithium battery6kWccaa-180C0CPV&Battery Grid offConnected0560trueManagement
That's Strange because according to their website 180COD is the newest firmware. I have tried multiple times and the update will not complete. It is still the base firmware ccaa-000A0D
I received y first 6000xp about 3 weeks ago and it updated fine to the correct version ccaa-180C0D. I just installed a new one and when I updated it, it shows ccaa-180C0C as the firmware.


Station nameDevice typeBattery typePower RatingFirmwareStatusConnect StatusBattParallelNumBattCapacityExportAction
container6000XPLithium battery6kWccaa-180C0DPV&Battery Grid offConnected2560trueManagement
container6000XPLithium battery6kWccaa-180C0CPV&Battery Grid offConnected0560trueManagement

That is strange. Did all three updates say that they were successful? If so, I would recommend a full system restart. However, feel free to DM the serial number for the inverter and I can take a look.
Is solar connected? Additionally, are there any third-party applications linked to the inverter?
Yes solar is connected and there are no third party apps. I got this message the last time i tried updating, i restarted right after and it was successful that time updating. It then started on the second download/updating and that was successful as well. It seems like it is taking longer than usual for the update to complete but who knows. The other two xp's i updated I didn't babysit like this one so not sure how long those actually took. I initially tried updating yesterday and my problems started after that. I got the install complete yesterday afternoon and did collect some solar before the sun went down. I started the update last night and awoke to the alarm. The only thing its not doing is tracking at this point. I am currently just waiting to see if this update attempt is going to work. 3393740497 is the SN.


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    Screenshot 2024-05-15 150240.png
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That's what mine was saying when it had the error. Now at ccaa-140A0D and working without errors. Fixed itself over the course of 3 days.
After about the 4th update attempt it finally went through tonight. It updated to the 180COD firmware and the fault went away. The past few attempts went very slowly over a couple hours just to fail. Tonight it went normal speed, so either it was something on my end or more likely EG4's servers.
What was your final cure? I am in exactly the same boat, EPS mode being turned on as one suggested did nothing as expected, I have the same initial firmware version = ccaa-000C0D, solar is not connected as that currently on the first operating inverter, and solar being connected should in no world or scenario be required just to update the damn firmware... Mine seems to continue to fail on the first of the 3 firmwares that get updated??? which is in this case CBAA-18xxxx

Like a few of you (since this seems to be happening to more than two of us) the first seemed to take forever, It seemed stuck and after about 30 minutes I restarted the inverter. Been stuck in this failed update mode since.
Edit Update: Not so unlike others a half day later after repeated failures to update it appears to be fixed. I can only assume something is busted and either SS, EG4 or Lux has something set up so they can see specific failures happening and are possibly stealth fixing the issues. I have seen stranger things done to avoid showing there is an issue. Things generally don't magic themselves better. I would like to know the truth about what is occurring, why it is occurring or how its being fixed.

I was already leery enough of having a way to remote access something in my house that could be turned into a destructive device by altering settings in such a way that could cause a fire, short or otherwise especially when said item comes from a communist china. I understand ease of access for the installer, but there is no firewalls here, Its risky business. That side the update is there now, i will hope i can get the system running in parallel....
What was your final cure? I am in exactly the same boat, EPS mode being turned on as one suggested did nothing as expected, I have the same initial firmware version = ccaa-000C0D, solar is not connected as that currently on the first operating inverter, and solar being connected should in no world or scenario be required just to update the damn firmware... Mine seems to continue to fail on the first of the 3 firmwares that get updated??? which is in this case CBAA-18xxxx

Power does need to be present on the MPPT for the firmware 18-xxxx to be updated.
Power does need to be present on the MPPT for the firmware 18-xxxx to be updated.
Odd, It did it without the power on the MPPT because I wasn't hooking solar up until I had it matching the original to get it going, in fact solar was not hooked up until after the system was updated and running with the first inverter for a while. So if that is the case then maybe that stray voltage that is often present on the second MPPT from somewhere activated it?? Also if that is true maybe that should be stated somewhere?
Odd, It did it without the power on the MPPT because I wasn't hooking solar up until I had it matching the original to get it going, in fact solar was not hooked up until after the system was updated and running with the first inverter for a while. So if that is the case then maybe that stray voltage that is often present on the second MPPT from somewhere activated it?? Also if that is true maybe that should be stated somewhere?

I agree. I will definitely make a recommendation for this to be added.

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