diy solar

diy solar

Acrel AGF-AE-D/200 Modbus meter register list?


Solar Joules are catch and release
Jul 6, 2023
Turks & Caicos Islands
I've just had one of these delivered today, and can't seem to find the Modbus register list. Is there supposed to be a standard for these things, or are you just supposed to know? The vendor has stopped responding and I've sent a couple of email queries, but there has to be something online somewhere , no?
I've just had one of these delivered today, and can't seem to find the Modbus register list. Is there supposed to be a standard for these things, or are you just supposed to know? The vendor has stopped responding and I've sent a couple of email queries, but there has to be something online somewhere , no?
Watching. What are you trying to do?
Watching. What are you trying to do?
Measure power, probably voltage, current, PF, and make decisions based on that. Want to see how well it works, but either grid power (my offgrid 18Kpv does voltage and frequency but not power) or load from my outbuilding
Measure power, probably voltage, current, PF, and make decisions based on that. Want to see how well it works, but either grid power (my offgrid 18Kpv does voltage and frequency but not power) or load from my outbuilding
Why that specific meter though?
Why that specific meter though?
Was recommended on this forum, seemed to have all the features, was only $100 delivered from AliExpress. 🤷‍♂️ I have had good luck with modbus products from AliExpress, but mostly it’s just a question of asking for the modbus register list.
Ah, it turns out it's based on some standard from the SunSpec Alliance, so I think I've gotten the Modbus listing. I'll check it out and if it's real I'll post it to resources(?) if I can figure out how...
Standards? In PV? Where MC4s from different manufacturers may or may not mate properly depending on the phase of the moon?

If you got the register list, better post it in this topic, since it's the first google result for "Acrel AGF-AE-D/200 register list" ;)
OK, here's the unverified register list (from for your enjoyment. I won't get to trying it out for at least a couple of weeks, but it looks pretty straightforward, plus or minus a couple of details that I've asked for clarification on.
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  • SunSpec-Information-Model-AGF-AE-D V102.pdf
    510.5 KB · Views: 3

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