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diy solar

Add Heating Pads to EG4 or Switching to Trophy Batteries?


Solar Enthusiast
Jul 30, 2021
I am currently running my off-grid cabin with (1) EG4 48V battery. This year I need to add at least 1 or 2 battery racks to my system. The only issue I had last winter was the cold weather limitation in which I had to wait until mid-day to charge my EG4.

I was recommended Trophy rack batteries instead of EG4 for my cold climate cabin. I basically would like to hear from more experienced users which way would be better: stick with EG4s and add heaters to batteries OR dump EG4 and move to Trophy batteries, which already have heaters built-in.

I ran into low temperature charging shut off as well. I've 6 batteries in a rack and I resolved the BMS shut down by buying 2 seed mats putting each one on each side of the bottom two batteries, plugging in the two seed mats into an Inkbird temperature controller which turns them on when the temperature inside the rack drops below 35F and turns off when the temperature exceeds 40F. I then covered the rack with a moving blanket for insulation. Never had an issue since with temps being in the teens. Total cost ~$70 to keep a rack of 6 warm. Trophies are about ~$150 extra for each battery.

Seed mats:

Inkbird temp controller:

Will also has a video on using a holding tank heater, but that seems overkill for my purpose.
resolved by buying 2 seed mats putting each one on each side of the bottom two batteries, plugging in the two seed mats into an Inkbird temperature controller which turns them on when the temperature inside the rack drops below 35F and turns off when the temperature exceeds 40F.
Do you happen to have any photo of your rig that you could share?

So only the bottom (2) batteries get the heater pad, 2 pads per battery. And

Trophies are about ~$150 extra for each battery.
And for some reason slightly taller, taking more space in the rack then EG4s...

Any concerns about power consumption from these heating mats?
Do you happen to have any photo of your rig that you could share?

So only the bottom (2) batteries get the heater pad, 2 pads per battery. And

And for some reason slightly taller, taking more space in the rack then EG4s...

Any concerns about power consumption from these heating mats?
No picture, it would be hard to take anyway, the seed mats are hidden on the sides of the rack.

Heat rises so the two mats around the bottom two work for me, but my temperatures get to 20F in the shed when its in the teens outside, so your mileage may wary. Cool thing about this setup is, you can just add more seed mats.

As far as power draw, each mat is 20W, and i also have the Inkbird controller on a timer, so it turns on about an hour before sunrise (6am) and turns off at sunset, 7pm. No point in heating the rack at night when there's no charging going on, unless you charge from the grid. The trophy heaters draw power as well, don't know how much, and you have less control on when the heaters turn on AFAIK.
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Well it’s Trophy only here and honestly I have asked this question before: Why in the world does anyone pick EG4 ‘s over practically any other battery brand out there? The amount of grief I see on these forums with EG4 batteries is astounding but everyone seems to line up for the punishment. And given the choice why do most choose to install a bunch of 100Ah batteries when by my way of thinking less connections are better for a host of reasons?
Why in the world does anyone pick EG4 ‘s over practically any other battery brand out there?
I have a different question: why in the world someone with 700+ posts in this forum cannot figure out why people buy EG4 batteries? That is puzzling to me.....

The amount of grief I see on these forums with EG4 batteries is astounding but everyone seems to line up for the punishment.
I only can speak for my experience and despite having issues with GroWatt & SigantureSolar costumer service, I've had ZERO issues with the EG4 battery, at least as of now. Fingers remain crossed!

And given the choice why do most choose to install a bunch of 100Ah batteries when by my way of thinking less connections are better for a host of reasons?
Again, I really don't get how someone allegedly with 700+ posts does not understand why people would start small and add up storage as they go along...

The only thing as shocking as your questions is how "shocked" you sound when I read your posts. I honestly suspect you'd benefit from a break to cool off and relax...
I redesigned my entire cabin system to be able to use Trophy batteries because of the simplicity of the heating and capacity.

It seems to me that if you're using EG4 inverters with EG4 batteries the communication works, but if you're using any other combination the communication features pretty much require a PhD in dark voodoo magic.

I personally would rather go with Trophy and ditch the EG4's before you get cold damage or have to figure out how to get heaters jerry-rigged to work right.

But that's just me.
Why heat the batteries when you can instead dig a hole, bury a box and let the earth regulate the temp for you?
Dig below the frost line. I'm in NH. The granite state. It can't be any harder where you are.
I have a different question: why in the world someone with 700+ posts in this forum cannot figure out why people buy EG4 batteries? That is puzzling to me.....

I only can speak for my experience and despite having issues with GroWatt & SigantureSolar costumer service, I've had ZERO issues with the EG4 battery, at least as of now. Fingers remain crossed!

Again, I really don't get how someone allegedly with 700+ posts does not understand why people would start small and add up storage as they go along...

The only thing as shocking as your questions is how "shocked" you sound when I read your posts. I honestly suspect you'd benefit from a break to cool off and relax...
Making a lot of assumptions aren’t you. Perhaps a mirror would be helpful. I made my points prove them wrong.
Making a lot of assumptions aren’t you. Perhaps a mirror would be helpful. I made my points prove them wrong.
What points you made ? What are you talking about? You simply asked some weird questions that, if taken seriously, shows that you either live in a bubble or that you need some vacation and time off.

You do you bro.
What points you made ? What are you talking about? You simply asked some weird questions that, if taken seriously, shows that you either live in a bubble or that you need some vacation and time off.

You do you bro.
Another post search function is your friend. But let me clarify.
10:1 complaints on this forum about EG4 batteries than all other brands.

Multiple complaints about Sig Solar and their customer support and wait times.

Customers receive their batteries and have to spend hours of time getting them working and balanced.

In regards to 100ah batteries, starting small is fine but at some point one must realize when they get in this game that they are going to need additional storage. So do you want to keep wiring up 100ah batteries? I have 1850Ah of storage. So do I buy 18 100 Ah or 8 Trophies?

I just installed 4 more a week ago. I spent almost $500 on wire and supplies to add the 4. If I had 18…well you do the math. Not even mentioning the space requirements.

Price….Trophy ends up .21 cents more per Ah. For that I get excellent customer service, someone who always answers the phone, top notch build quality, fast shipping, heaters even though I don’t need them, etc.

These are my points…now convince me why I should buy the EG4’s.
You asked a question and I gave you my opinion. I guess you’ve already decided EG4 is your brand. Why you ask in the first place?
You asked a question and I gave you my opinion. I guess you’ve already decided EG4 is your brand. Why you ask in the first place?
Man... I don't want to be responsible for another person's stroke or heart attack. I am a free man with a clean conscience. Your help comes with this anger and is not worth for me.

Please, simply block me and you won't come across these "stupid posts" from me.

Customers receive their batteries and have to spend hours of time getting them working and balanced.

Try 40 cycles or 2 months. But now that I understand the battery BMS, it could be done over a few days.
Man... I don't want to be responsible for another person's stroke or heart attack. I am a free man with a clean conscience. Your help comes with this anger and is not worth for me.

Please, simply block me and you won't come across these "stupid posts" from me.
You’re the guy who got his panties in a bunch and decided it was time for me to take a break. I asked a simple question. Convince me I am wrong and I should buy a truckload of EG4’s. So sell me and point out where I’m wrong. No hard feelings but you asked for our opinions. Obviously I have plenty of those. No stupid questions just some don’t really want an answer.
This page here tells me all I need to know.
You may get a good laugh.

Post in thread 'Planing to use Victron lynx 1000A Shunt but can only find fuses up to 800A' https://diysolarforum.com/threads/p...-only-find-fuses-up-to-800a.53881/post-691178
Yes i caught some flake for that post. Blocked that guy. I’m very willing to help or offer an opinion but when the personal attacks start I’m done. On occasion I take the bait and let er rip. Then it’s like a volcanic reaction. Getting testy in my old age.
Yes i caught some flake for that post. Blocked that guy. I’m very willing to help or offer an opinion but when the personal attacks start I’m done. On occasion I take the bait and let er rip.
I read through a few of your comments and most of them are helpful but you appear to have a brand loyalty and strong opinions.
This page here tells me all I need to know.
You may get a good laugh.
Whew... I read it but don't even need to say anything... I came here to ask for HELP and I am not interested in pseudo-help tactics to engage with angry people disguised as helpful beings.

Help is an action for others, not for one self. It is clear to me from his "thirst to be proven wrong" he is more interested in internet action than actually providing any help.
I read through a few of your comments and most of them are helpful but you appear to have a brand loyalty and strong opinions.
Two big issues with me and these forums. #1 it’s usually a Sol Ark bash a thon. Always from those who don’t own them and never will. If you have a point make it but don’t throw around total inaccuracies and complete BS. Be accurate at least. Yes personally I don’t think there is is a better inverter on the market at the moment. That being said @timselectric is not a fan but is a great resource. We agree to disagree on this. Sol Ark isn’t for everyone.

#2 Those ask for help or have a question then spend 10 post’s arguing the point and when they lose the debate launch in with a personal attack or judgement. They know nothing about me.

I really don’t care and I can always dish it out with the best of them. I have zero interest or concern with what anyone does or buys. If you want help or advice I’ll go out of my way. If you start in with personal stuff the gloves come off quickly.

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