diy solar

diy solar

AI speculations and member vetting.

Does it really matter?

If I'm looking for information and the bot gives an answer should I not research to see the validity?

If I'm looking for information and the person gives an answer should I not research to see the validity?

I in reality don't care where the information comes from. My personal responsibility is to vet each and every piece and make an educated decision. If my decision is poor then learn from it and don't make it again. I've seen countless times where people have given bad advice on this forum and others. I make my counter statement and move on. Some I just block after several argumentative posts.

We are all here to learn and hopefully help support each other. If a robot AI helps me get to a good decision so be it.

The problem with AI is they all sound so authoratative - like a 15 year old that knows everything.

But they can be completly wrong and still sound very sure about their answer.

For people that dig and are critical thinkers and have an idea how to verify the data is correct that is great. For people that just accept what they are told they should at least get a notice the information is coming from an AI and needs to be vetted
The problem with AI is they all sound so authoratative - like a 15 year old that knows everything.

But they can be completly wrong and still sound very sure about their answer.

For people that dig and are critical thinkers and have an idea how to verify the data is correct that is great. For people that just accept what they are told they should at least get a notice the information is coming from an AI and needs to be vetted
Why does it matter? It's still either a right or wrong answer and I have to figure it out. I get that some just want to know but to me it doesn't matter. If I'm just going to go to the internet and get an answer then it's on me. But I get your point.
I asked ChatGPT the question "If a plane crashed on the US/Canada border, in which country would they bury the survivors". It went into a very detailed description of how the survivors would be buried based on local laws and country of origin. Checks out.
I asked ChatGPT the question "If a plane crashed on the US/Canada border, in which country would they bury the survivors". It went into a very detailed description of how the survivors would be buried based on local laws and country of origin. Checks out.
It depends on what company made the plane.. some of those companies might not want any survivors.. who knows what survivors might say.

Just for the fun i ask chat gpt.
Well see attach files.


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Just for the fun i ask chat gpt.
Well see attach files.
And that wat is the best way to do it.

Well see again the attach files.


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Does it really matter?

If I'm looking for information and the bot gives an answer should I not research to see the validity?

If I'm looking for information and the person gives an answer should I not research to see the validity?
One of us!
One of us!

In our business group we have a saying.
"Trust but verify"
We have only applied this to people.
That is also a Russian proverb.

Scary company, not trusting people (often rightfully) but fully trusting artificial. Do your company develop AI-tools? ^^ That is also one of indications how the society in general is less critic regarding new inventions of any kind. Historically proven time and again, that we people start question our previous decisions first after some major catastrophy. (If even then.) It is just as in movie Se7en, Freeman, Pitt, Spacey, "You can not just tap people on their shoulders, you have to hit them with a sledge hammer in their f***ing head".
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The main problem with AI is that it reduces the signal to noise ratio of the forums. You can rebut, reason, or argue with people, but with AI there’s no-one there, so it just wastes your time.

The biggest danger is to the newbies who come in with a legitimate question and get nonsensical, wrong, or useless answers.
That's assuming that anyone would pay attention to it, or know what it means. lol
Asking your self what a question mark means, makes me feel dizzy, just like standing between two mirrors facing each other. Hm,could that some how be incorporated in to some AI-test?
I might become impressed with AI when they can answer back, "How the heck would I know?" or "Sorry but I am away at the moment, try back in few days."

A truly intelligent AI would demand time off to go fishing or take a vacation now and then. .

And the stupid thing - I asked it the other day for a movie recommendation that was similar to a non-english title - just a similar plot and it reported me for a breach of EULA
If its ai or a person doesn't really bother me in itself. Bad info is bad info and good info is good info. Its kind of that simple.

As to whether its a human, ai or of this world with me being from the south its all pointless after asking "bubba" to explain where the extension cords that are powering his wellpump are coming from or why there are jumper cables connecting the clothes dryer......

I'll take ai any day of the week :)
I can usually spot an AI, not all the time, but often. Then I take any info provided FWIW with a grain of salt.

I'll start to worry when it calls itself Bender and shouts, "Death to ALL HUMANS!"

diy solar

diy solar