diy solar

diy solar

Am I overloading my 50amp epever with 6 280w panels?

Nevermind I am over loading it. Changing it to 48 and that will fix the problem
29.4V x 50A is 1470...
So...1680W panels will SLIGHTLY be overpowering during peak sun, but during the rest of the time, I'm sure you will be fine.
In another thread someone just told me it’s not overpowering because epever recommends 1.5 x over paneling. So. Ow I’m confused again
They are wired half series half parallel.
‘Overloading’ implies your Epever SCC is under strain and could eventually suffer damage or premature death.

The answer to that question is ‘NO’, your 50A Epever SCC should have no difficulty handling your 6x280W panels.

‘Overpanelling’ means that you have enough solar power wring your Epever SCC that it can cause clipping during the peak part f the day, and the answer to that is ‘yes, depending on battery voltage.’

If you are charging a 24V battery, 50A x 24V = 1200W.

You have 6x280W = 1680W of panels capable of putting out well over 1200W of solar power under the right conditions.

When that happens, your SCC will limit charge power to 50A / 1200W, so you will be ‘clipping’ potential solar charge power that will be wasted.

If you are charging a 48V battery, your same SCC will not clip below 50A x 48V = 2400W, so your SCC will never be forced to clip incoming solar power from your 1680W solar array.

Typical solar arrays rarely exceed ~90% of ratings during summer months and even less through the rest of the year, so in practice, you 1680W array is rarely going to give you over 1500W of power meaning you’ll never be clipping more that 20% of your potential power when charging a 24V battery at midday over summer months.
They are wired half series half parallel.
Good day. My understanding is that is what your solar controller is supposed to do is regulate your power being produced. I would expect that a fuse or breaker should keep it all in check in case the controller fails to police the power. My thoughts but new to the game.