diy solar

diy solar

America's melting pot

B-ManFX4, I have to agree, there are lots of very complicated processes happening seeming by natural
causes(supernova/neutron star collisions gold is made here), the processes needed for new life may also
be natural(planets collisions is possible IMO)

With that said, it leaves me with two possibilities - someone or something may/may not have created life.(we don't have the information yet)
once we encounter other life forms we'll have more information.

I would think the question then becomes what natural process created them :unsure:

seems that implies a god is needed to make the aliens, so in the end RussNM's "well bless your heart. Intelligent design IS GOD!!!!!!"
can be the only answer. until there is a natural process found.

I'm proud of myself, I didn't need any pictures to express my views :)

the general view right now for the reduction in faith based believers has to due with Science(education system) but
could it be more because our life span has increased 30% in the last 200 years, eternal life means something
different when you live to 90, maybe it's less attractive :unsure:

You continually refer to "what" might have caused the event, but you completely ignore the "how" it caused it. Are you saying a star exploding or two planets colliding can create amino acids and then assemble them in the proper order and structure to work with other different amino acids to perform specific functions in biological creatures? That is exactly what your statement implies, although it is a gross over-simplification on my part. We didn't address RNA / DNA / sexual reproduction vs cell division, etc.

I'm all ears - please show me where we have ever observed a fusion / fission based event that resulted in anything organic being created. That would be awesome - an atomic bomb that rains down millions of pounds of food instead of fallout. World hunger eliminated !!!! 🙃
I'm guessing I have 4 days of Battery reserve capacity(without AC), looks like I may get a chance to test that.

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my world without AC appears tranquil(peaceful like Neil Dimond )
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but anything put tranquil when AC is added(head banging like Black Sabbath )
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Pink Floyd

Did you see the future yet?


EV batteries at 400vdc. 😎👀 Technology…phasing out old for new. The old will get cheaper when replaced. I am sure it won’t disappear then can get bigger - old battery.

The new inverters are not crazy expensive compared to the high price one being sold right now. Seeing 600-1000pv too. Small wires less copper. Personal grid systems. Safe Space

We had better music
Are you saying a star exploding or two planets colliding can create amino acids and then assemble them in the proper order and structure to work with other different amino acids to perform specific functions in biological creatures?
B-ManFX4, the part I failed to convey is the shear volume of those natural processes, and the time frame(billion of years)
laws of averages come into play at some point.

IMO RNA and a energy source is all it needs to get the ball rolling in Darwin's idea , which leaves the door open for your aliens .

ask yourself, how many rouge planets are in the universe :unsure:
how many suns with orbiting planets with standing water plus an iron core and with the energy output needed to support carbon based life:unsure:

You continually refer to "what" might have caused the event
IMO because this stuff happened billions of years ago all we have is theories
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aenyc, does it matter :unsure:

IMO 98% of this type of data comes from collages/universities which are funded from a very diverse population.

It matters a lot.
Especially if it comes from colleges and universities who have proven to be a lot less than honest and instead pushing whatever narrative they are paid to support.
Question everything, especially if it pushes a narrative
aenyc, can you define the narrative you wish to avoid

"A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police State Dictatorship it's going to get."

If unsure, educate yourself
who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts
aenyc, it may take more then that with me, because the only one that seems to be standing on me, is me.
while I would love to be able to point a finger at some government, media or collages/universities in my head I know it's me
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Once you stop learning you start dying
aenyc, I'd turn that around, once you start disbelieving the information because of a assumed narrative
learning stops and your only left with the image in your head, taking up space :unsure:

I can't use dying because of rule number 1, no harm
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Mass Formation and Totalitarian Thinking in This Time of Global Crisis
going to take me some time to go through this much information :oops:

aenyc, while I'm picking this apart could you express your views on the Intelligent design topic?
going to take me some time to go through this much information :oops:

aenyc, while I'm picking this apart could you express your views on the Intelligent design topic?

I closely align with this

I am a believer in God. (but not religion and especially organized religion)
I am not a believer in most men, although there are certainly exceptions in history. But this belief is more of a trust.
I closely align with this
I have to agree, he did raise the bar.

I am a believer in God. (but not religion and especially organized religion)
I am not a believer in most men, although there are certainly exceptions in history. But this belief is more of a trust.
I also think B-ManFX4, would find commonality with the lines above.

I am not a believer in most men, although there are certainly exceptions in history. But this belief is more of a trust.
aenyc, the line above and this "Mass Formation and Totalitarian Thinking" highlight my main weakness
my little man thinking, IMO everyone is more then me, hell my little brother is taller and 50lb heavier
then me, I've always been an under achiever so if I was born into a capitalistic system I'd feel the need
to work with that, never once giving it a thought that I could change that.(little man thinking)
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The average life expectancy for upper-class Egyptians 2,000 years ago was 25–30 years, according to mummies. However, life expectancy varied depending on the era and region:
  • Neolithic Age: 10,000–4500 BC, 28–33 years
  • Bronze Age: 3300–1200 BC, 28–38 years
  • Classical Greece: 510–330 BC, 25–28 years
  • Classical Rome: 510–330 BC, 20–30 years
  • Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica: 1175–1520 AD, 24–32 years
  • *
for working-class males Egyptians 2,000 years ago 22.5-25 years and for females at 35-37 years.

It's been shown that those numbers are BS, calculated by people who do not understand statistics. Infant / child mortality was extremely high back in the day. If a baby dies at one month of age and you lived to be 70, the average of your lives is 35 years. Take a look at the life expectancy calculations once the child reaches 5, or even better, 15 years of age. You will then see the timeframes were very much like what we see today.

If a baby dies at one month of age and you lived to be 70, the average of your lives is 35 years
the means average yes, checking none for average format of information I posted.
means, mode, medium

"The average life expectancy for upper-class Egyptians 2,000 years ago was 25–30 years, according to mummies. However, life expectancy varied depending on the era and region:"

but, but... they said they used information from according to mummies. :unsure:
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my little man thinking, IMO everyone is more then me, hell my little brother is taller and 50lb heavier
then me, I've always been an under achiever so if I was born into a capitalistic system I'd feel
Check this out Tommy.. EVERYONE is straight up 100% equal as far as God is concerned. He shows no favor over another. He loves ALL equally. You, me, Bob, D71, aenyc, b-man etc etc.......even ruintard!
EVERYONE is straight up 100% equal as far as God is concerned.
RussNM, but there is a catch, “thrown into the lake of fire
when I was born there was things I knew, crying, breathing, sucking on nipples, the things needed for
life, IMO if my survival depended on my understanding of a god(if not “thrown into the lake of fire”)
then I would think I would be born with that knowledge, yet in depends on where you were born what
knowledge is needed :unsure: but I could be reading it wrong

example: if I was born in Pakistan and I did not stone you(infidels) I could face “thrown into the lake of fire

example if I was born in tibet china and I couldn't write a line that confused you I could face “thrown into the lake of fire

I'm being to get it and I'm only only chapter 2 of the book, Intelligent design = god with no catches, works here, pakistan or even china :unsure:
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two planets colliding can create amino acids and then assemble them in the proper order and structure to work with other different amino acids to perform specific functions in biological creatures?
B-MANFX4, to make large amounts of RNA(adenine, guanine, uracil, and cytosine) a lot of random these has to happen
all a the same time like when planets collide

I kind of think we can't prove anything ...

Different note. Tommy does your inverter transformer hum? Is it loud or tolerable.

diy solar

diy solar