diy solar

diy solar

Any recommendations for some cheap test panels (50 watts, 42 volts minimum)?


New Member
Apr 20, 2022
I'm looking to test my system with the EG4 3kw inverter and battery. The AOI inverter has a startup voltage of 42 vdc and idle consumption of 50 watts (which I'm guessing is 50 watts at 48 volts for 1 amp). But it also says it has an MPPT range that starts at 120 vdc so I guess it will turn on at 42 but won't charge until 120.

The hard part is finding panels with a high voltage that is near the wattage (small high voltage panels). I was wondering if anyone had some ideas or recommendations for a small/cheap set of solar panels to meet these reqs?

I was looking at these:

I could get 5 30 watt and make 150 watts at 120 volts but that's like 250 dollars for a test. Any ideas for something cheaper? I would like to test before ordering a larger number of large panels but haven't been able to find anything good at lowes, home depot, or amazon.
Yes it is that one. I just want to test that solar goes in, batteries will charge, power is drawn, communication lines work, nothing catches on fire, etc

I'm looking to buy at least 6k worth of panels. I would like to go with Signature Solar and the smallest they offer for shipping is 10 panels so that's 3k for an initial purchase. I may not have that 3k until some time next year. I can charge with AC and use the inverter but it would be nice to see the whole system in operation before I spend that kind of money. It will really just help me plan and avoid any costly mistakes or money tied up in equipment I cannot use for a year.
Yes it is that one. I just want to test that solar goes in, batteries will charge, power is drawn, communication lines work, nothing catches on fire, etc

I'm looking to buy at least 6k worth of panels. I would like to go with Signature Solar and the smallest they offer for shipping is 10 panels so that's 3k for an initial purchase. I may not have that 3k until some time next year. I can charge with AC and use the inverter but it would be nice to see the whole system in operation before I spend that kind of money. It will really just help me plan and avoid any costly mistakes or money tied up in equipment I cannot use for a year.

Craigslist? Offerup? I'm local to SanTan Solar and purchased 10kW of used panels for about $2,500 ($70/285W panel). You may be able to find something locally that's far more cost effective and useful than 300W of panels.

Shoot for a Voc of at least 160V.
42V is the minimum turn-on voltage, below which the unit can not function at all. It's designed to turn on with an almost completely dead battery, and initiate charging to bring the voltage level back up. Looking at the specifications for your unit though, you won't be able to accomplish what you want to accomplish with less than 120V.


Doable though. I can see 30V grid-tie panels on Craigslist in my area for 65-75$, depending on their wattage. Four of those in series would give you 120V+ for ~ 260$.

BTW, always try to buy panels locally with local pickup rather than mail-order. The shipping cost to the single biggest factor for pricing panels, so you'll get the most W/$ with local pickup, usually cash and carry.

I did buy panels one time on Ebay that way. The seller was only one town over from me, and I contacted him through Ebay about local pickup instead of shipping. He agreed, I purchased the panels through Ebay, then drove 20 minutes to his location to get the panels. The down side of buying through Ebay though was that I had to pay sales tax. My more typical purchases are just cash and carry.

By selecting this route, you'll be getting the same kind of panels you need for the real setup, so you just need to purchase more of the same in the future.