diy solar

diy solar

Anybody own a diesel PHEV in the USA?


Solar Enthusiast
Feb 20, 2021
Would love to get one but they seem to be like unicorns. I would rather not buy a Mercedes, but they have the GLE 350de (diesel motor, small battery with about 40 miles of EV only range) but for whatever reason they don't seem to sell the diesel version in the U.S.A. and I don't want to try to import one.

We're trying to get off of gas entirely. We'll need to keep diesel to run our heavy equipment, and I like that diesel stores longer than gasoline so limiting our fuel to diesel is a good path forward for us. And I like the idea of having two sources of power for the vehicle (especially during Alaska winters). In the summer and shoulder season we could easily use solar to power our local trips to the nearest town, but in the winter the sun isn't going to get it done so we'll need to burn dinosaurs to get around then.

My little bit of research suggests the reason I can't find a diesel PHEV in the U.S. even though they're popular in Europe and New Zealand and Australia and other places, is because our EPA has made it a pain that companies don't want to deal with and so they stay out of the U.S. market. But that seems odd because Europe's emission standards, I would think, would be as stringent as anything in the U.S. and, of course, we have diesel vehicles here.
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I don’t get it either. The USA govt set us on the gasoline path a long time ago early 1900’s The weird part …. we were suppose to be set on the diesel path according to some articles but some how it all got reversed to gasoline.
I agree would think the diesel in Europe would meet our standards or better. I haven’t looked at them since they are unobtainium ….

I would like the chance to maybe look at - buy a Toyota Hilux with a diesel. Or hybrid diesel that was hyped in 2021 but never delivered.
I don’t get it either. The USA govt set us on the gasoline path a long time ago early 1900’s The weird part …. we were suppose to be set on the diesel path according to some articles but some how it all got reversed to gasoline.
I agree would think the diesel in Europe would meet our standards or better. I haven’t looked at them since they are unobtainium ….

I would like the chance to maybe look at - buy a Toyota Hilux with a diesel. Or hybrid diesel that was hyped in 2021 but never delivered.

That would be awesome if Toyota offered a diesel PHEV. Thanks for that article.
I think Audi was prototyping a Diesel-Electric Q7 in Europe that had a combined 120MPG or so.
The project was canned.
I used to also wonder why that is, but now it is clear - they most certainly DO NOT want to give you increased mobility and freedom. That does not suit them. They are pushing reduced mobility and more dependency via pure battery EV.
Diesel-Electic HEV would absolutely be the best of both worlds (But battery tech still needs to improve - Lithium Chemistry is inherently unsafe, although i think smaller LFP batteries have merit when complemented with a diesel engine.

(Just look at Hybrid Electric Diesel locomotive - they are the most efficient transport we have)

I still have a Q5 TDI from 2014. Its a pure V6 diesel, and fully loaded car (kids, rooftop) still gets 45mpg on a highway. Amazing car!

PS. I also know why they implemented Dieselgate - same globalist agenda intended to push inefficient and fully dependent on the grid EVs
I don’t get it either. The USA govt set us on the gasoline path a long time ago early 1900’s The weird part …. we were suppose to be set on the diesel path according to some articles but some how it all got reversed to gasoline.
I agree would think the diesel in Europe would meet our standards or better. I haven’t looked at them since they are unobtainium ….

I would like the chance to maybe look at - buy a Toyota Hilux with a diesel. Or hybrid diesel that was hyped in 2021 but never delivered.
Look up Edison Motors. Canada.

They are developing kits for 3/4 1 ton trucks.

Their original mandate is big rigs.
So far they are moving right along..

I have a spot reserved for one of the kits when they become available.
Big diesel fan here but I want nothing to do with the new vehicles with diesel engines.

When they started require owners to buy DEF fluid to put in a tank in their vehicles I gave up wanting one.

I'll keep my old diesel vehicles but not going with the new ones. Between the DEF fluid, particle filters that catch fire and other maintenance nightmares I'll pass.
Big diesel fan here but I want nothing to do with the new vehicles with diesel engines.

When they started require owners to buy DEF fluid to put in a tank in their vehicles I gave up wanting one.

I'll keep my old diesel vehicles but not going with the new ones. Between the DEF fluid, particle filters that catch fire and other maintenance nightmares I'll pass.
Edison motors has Electric conversion kits with a CAT c6 as a generator for 3/4 1 ton trucks.

No emissions, no def..
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To my knowledge Diesel Tractors started the crap with shutting down operation until done running through emission cycles.
I don’t like that shit. Why didn’t buy a mini farm the owner was giving his emission controlled tractor away if bought the farm. Old tractors are better. ?

We built tier 4 diesel electric locomotives. They didn’t stop pulling to do an emissions engine cycle clean. The diesel tractors stop operation until done.

we also had ev back in early 1900’s. It was reported that women and sissy men that were afraid of getting their arms broken while cranking the gas car loved them. First challenge requirement with fuel vehicles was to crank them …. ?? Diesel have high compression.
this link shows ev in 1881

Why were ev killed off? All of it was new technology.
Standard Oil may have been prompt.

Ever notice most military vehicles switched over to diesel? I know our govt pushed independent truckers off the roads years ago by running diesel up for price. Noticed other day there are lot more trucks on the roads. When govt pushed fuel prices up for independent truckers they were buying commercial grade consumer diesel. The govt wanted business to transfer shipment to rail traffic to remove trucks kill independent truckers as s business. So rail - locomotives were allowed to run RED Diesel farm oil… at lower cost. Hmmmm damn govts and their over reaching consumer and business controls.
Yet people always vote for more government! I just dont get this!!!!
The government did push development in technology.

gas - diesel became more popular with electric start system.

later on diesel electric locomotive incorporated ESS engine start stop to become EPA compliant and conserve fuel. Diesel loco advanced by going from simple starters to complex starting systems …. Air starters replaced electric which is fine and dandy unless the air reservoir leaks down. It was okay because they were trying kill off those 2 stroke diesel.
ESS is on my current Toyota….govt

on another front different brand we changed from simple starters to where the main alternator was made into the engine starter. Very complex. This was 4 stroke diesel.

hmmm govt pushes technology alright. As locomotive became more government regulated = complex they also became more problem prone.

Diesel Electric locomotives were and are hybrid. Big diesel drove big generator that was also starter…. Later Big diesel drives big massive alternator massive full bridge rectifier into dc to drive dc traction motors … the newest tier 4 version triple or quad turbo diesel engine drive big massive alternator full bridge into dc, dc into massive IGBT into ac traction motors. Use set of traction motor igbt to drive alternator to crank diesel engine. Yippie mix in about 10 computers all required onboard fiber optics and back up comms sate cell wayside wifi goodie goody gum drops and it all has to play and mesh together.
Some of earlier version had windows xp over all control blue death screen ….. others had linux version which was leaps bounds better.
To make sure railroad keeps govt happy the FRA and EPA go in and fine them all the time. Then get mad when shipments are delayed and customers complain. Govt overly regulates the railroads - charge them with Surface Transportation Board over sights among other groups and who could buy what or not. More fines and control. Most Class 1 railroads with exception of Amtrak are stock holder owned some small private companies but they are not Class 1. Amtrak govt owned controlled gave Hunter Biden a job via Bush 2 with govt family deals ties. Those 2 probably shared cocaine.

Govt are definitely responsible for pushing technology. When they push to hard to fast we get what the automotive makers are seeing right now with EV. Hybrid has draw back of maintenance marriage and cost for both techs but would have provided slower easier change overs. Plug too. Newest College Leftist and Right are innovators - they run into big companies cut workers downsize and roll up carpet before moving over seas or gone forever. Say it is not profitable to stay here. Ever notice most times prices never go down for consumers - the goal is corporate greed and shed govt control. Welcome import tarriffs … and our yech becoming foreign technology theft when companies moved over seas

remember media and left were upset with Trump playing doctor over covid yet allowed Biden? Hmmm Biden did the same with EV and the Big Green Weiner Deal loved it. It is ok because where the work goes our former purchasing powers go to. Why we have States that let manufacturers do anything they want The State govt here in USA spends our money on the manufacturers then taxes us even more. BTW NAFTA is back and doing well. Thanks to Biden - o Bamonomics it would be pointless to say nafta was a republican thing just as obama care was romney care….why he supports democrats.
So people post that government always screws them (which it does) yet people attribute to GOVERNMENT things that could have easily be done on a free market even better without government interference....
That is some menta gymnastics lol
So people post that government always screws them (which it does) yet people attribute to GOVERNMENT things that could have easily be done on a free market even better without government interference....
That is some menta gymnastics lol
Exactly like mafai starting las vegas get govt to take over govt has private industry - mobster run it Same as our govt

And the United States has the most strict emissions standards in the world.

That's why Volkswagen got sued.

If it's a PHEV, why do you care if it's Diesel? You shouldn't be digging into the tank much and when you do the gas engine is going to work so much better in the cold.

And the United States has the most strict emissions standards in the world.

That's why Volkswagen got sued.

If it's a PHEV, why do you care if it's Diesel? You shouldn't be digging into the tank much and when you do the gas engine is going to work so much better in the cold.

I'd prefer diesel because it stores longer and I can use it with my DC generator and heavy equipment and diesel heaters. Makes it easier to buy and store in bulk and then use it efficiently.
I'd prefer diesel because it stores longer and I can use it with my DC generator and heavy equipment and diesel heaters. Makes it easier to buy and store in bulk and then use it efficiently.

You're allowed to use off-road diesel on-road in Alaska?
My opinion: Diesel are usually better at torque so due to low end grunt can get all that vehicle weight moving easier. All current ev are heavy. Plug is probably worst in my opinion. I think it is Toyota that makes a hybrid - that use switch selected ev mode which can be used in places like parking lots and stop - go traffic…. up ~15 mph. I think that is better approach then plug hybrid. The regular hybrid with ev mode charges the batteries vs plugging it up. Right? ??

I’d bet they heat the diesel engines to be epa compliant with diesel hybrid We had to heat loco diesel engine - cooling water with small onboard Kubota diesel apu to comply with epa requirements for older locomotives. They also charged the locomotive 64v battery set. These systems were semi-permanent mount on most all older locomotives.

Some older diesel cars had 120volt block heaters. Again bet they heat the diesel engine for ev - cold diesel are epa - dirty. ?? on loco we even heated the diesel fuel to try get little bit more Compliant…. Diesel fuels gets thick when cold there is a fluid added in winter time for locomotives too. I forget what it was called for that fluid - served several functions. Fungi and bacteria can - do grow in diesel too.….. Water is diesel pitfall. ……. diesel injectors and water are mortal enemy. Comic book legends fighting it out - water wins. ?? With old locomotives the oil filled rack governor would get really cold so the engines would sit there and surge until the internal governor oil heated. Whistle forget about it. 32 and below temp cranks were interesting. ?

At some point ev test proto-type vehicles turned into heavy over weight luxury pigs. What happened? The proto type looked so fraile. During testing they would find the smallest person possible to drive them.

I had hoped Elio Motors would take off. Watched them for years while they took money from ppl but no production …. Gone. They bought a huge building for production and were going for it. They stated 84mpg on gas 3 wheel motorcycle car ….. hybrid was mentioned - Then electric. There was even talk of diesel for europe. All Vaproware. Nuthin burger invisible fries. Imagine cheap commuter ev for ~$10k or less. Didn’t even make Tucker car status.

I found over the years that away from highways where big trucks are at that diesel might be harder to find. Diesel was usually more available near interstate hwys. If storing diesel you should know it can get fungi-bacteria in it. There is a fluid additive for diesel the railroads use but can’t remember what it was called. The fungi crap clogs up fuel filters when it grows and water is more absorbed. Water does a number on fuel diesel nozzles like a water cutter since the pressures are so high.
A diesel PHEV in the U.S. would be silly. The cost would be astronomical and nobody would buy the thing.