diy solar

diy solar

Bad days for Solar Production.

On February 10th, I achieved my best production of 42 kW. I managed to recharge my 6 3.6 kW DeltaPros and 4 5.12 kW EG4-LL's from nearly dead! I had to rely on the grid for 5 kW to get me through the night on February 9th; a week of rain and clouds didn't help! LOL. I need to install my other 10 panels (545W each) so I can generate more power on cloudy days. I believe I was pulling in 300-600W during cloudy weather with a 5 kW array. So I can only imagine the potential with 20 panels!
Did you see sig solar has free shipping on 10 or more panels? When I bought my 10 Hyundai 300W they only had the $150 shipping promo. So can potentially put the savings towards some 400W bifacial talesuns at $108, very similar Voc, just more amps.

I already bought a full pallet of panels. Back surgery only let me put 2 of them up so far. I have some of the materials and panel racking for a pergola that can fit up to 20 panels, but I am not yet supposed to do any serious lifting.
Suns shining bright but temps are 27F. Thinking of putting my 24v battery in a cooler along with 150/35 thinking it can prob keep things above freezing?
So far so good, temp seems to stay around 46F in the cooler, can't get a full seal due to the solar cable input. Maxed out at 35A at 24V tho.

2.34 kWh today. Limited by 35A charger limit at 24V. Took my two redodos out at lunch and brought them in at dark. Thinking of a midnite solar 3 string combiner with DC breakers as the interface where the strings enter the house. Then I can switch to a 48V bank inside and bump up my input watts.

Got 11.3kwh yesterday out of a 3.6kw array, it was sunny most of day until 4pm, otherwise we would've hit 12k, our best ever. Did some laundry and ran the space heater for about 6 hours, so that racked up the generation.

That pushed us up over 100kwh for the month, never have done that before. With four more days left in the month, we ought to get close to 110k. Hope to be adding another 5kwh battery soon, so that will mean more production to charge up a 10kwh battery bank.
My battery bank (105kWh) is full for the first time in months. Made 52.8kWh yesterday. Feb has been turning great. We've created 0.6MWh and consumed 0.8Mwh. A huge turn around from Jan.
Do you have a link to your battery bank build? Is it a DIY build, server rack or combination? How has your bifacials done for you (or maybe they're not bifacials)? We just have eight CS 445W bifacials, but on Sat we had a couple times where it hit 3.7KW, which is about 105% of the total power rating.

Like your website.
Thanks on website! Slowly working on getting it off the ground. I own a CNC service business and I'm finally in a stable spot with that to focus on PreppenWolf.

*Note for those that haven't looked PreppenWolf is not a solar vendor, it's training in how to homestead.

My original build thread is here:

DIY battery bank using BYD semi-blade 260Ah EV cells. You can find them on Ali. Entire bank cost me roughly $12k to build with wiring, BMSs, etc included.

No using bifacials. Hyundai (40) 390W panels in 10s4p to (2) 6500EXs. I'm considering moving to a single18K to reduce idle consumption and repurpose the 6500s to my garage ans shooting cabin.

If you have any specific questions on my setup feel free to PM me.
Thanks on website! Slowly working on getting it off the ground. I own a CNC service business and I'm finally in a stable spot with that to focus on PreppenWolf.

*Note for those that haven't looked PreppenWolf is not a solar vendor, it's training in how to homestead.

My original build thread is here:

DIY battery bank using BYD semi-blade 260Ah EV cells. You can find them on Ali. Entire bank cost me roughly $12k to build with wiring, BMSs, etc included.

No using bifacials. Hyundai (40) 390W panels in 10s4p to (2) 6500EXs. I'm considering moving to a single18K to reduce idle consumption and repurpose the 6500s to my garage ans shooting cabin.

If you have any specific questions on my setup feel free to PM me.
Thanks for the reply, I'll check the thread out. Like you, I started up a website, got it going around August of last year. I've added a few blog posts on it, but since I started back to work last October, I haven't added anything since then. You can check it out on my About page.

How's your 6500's been running, and how long have they been online? Any issues?
They have been online with zero stoppages since Nov 2022. I have not had a single fault, even when testing before they were full time up. The build dates on my units are July 2022 I believe. I have had zero issues. I have not updated my firmware. I do not have the light flickering issues some others have reported. I did have one LED bulb that flickered, but it was the bulb. I swapped it out and that fixture is fine now. And I have all LED lights and many different brands.

My only negative is the idle consumption is high. But when I built these inverters were untouchable for the PV voltage they allowed and pricing.

If I were building today I'd 100% buy an 18K from
February was identical to October, for me. (Abnormally)
And exceeded December and January, combined.
Dang Dude that is awesome.

6375.9 actually, lol. Right now I am actually wasting some as my battery is charged by 11 to 1 pm daily on a full sun day, so I am bringing in about 50 to 57kw per our, but after the battery is charged, I only have about 30kw of load turned on in the house.

I really need to get my in floor heating and huge water storage finished in the house so I can use that as a dump load during the day also. I have it in my shop.

And I need to get better on how low to take the battery to at night. Don't want to get burned with a cloudy day after I run the battery down at night.
February has been pretty good, only a few bad days. I think a normal year will be better, as we usually have solid snow cover, not so much this year.
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Sounds about right with what I have for February. You have 56.8 Kw of PV and I have 8.4 Kw of PV.

I did 829 Kwh for February and you did just under 6400 Kwh. I could have done more as there were many days with excess PV by 1 pm I didn't have any place to use it.

Yesterday was pretty amazing, I did 61.4 Kwh. Started the day with battery around 40% SOC and running electric heat all day to soak up the electrons.
Just a fun thing to share. Here are my normal dump loads running on a sunny day in the winter during a week day.

12kw of electric heat running in my basement.
7kw of bitcoin miners (also heats my shop).
4.5kw of infloor heat in my shop
2.4 to 4.8kw of forced air, air to air heat pump to heat house.
1.4 to 2.8kw of mini split units in the house
1.4 to 2.8kw of mini split heat in shop if needed.
Wife will do laundry, and or dishes as needed
5 to 18kw When I get home I will charge a car as solar permits (will kill other loads as needed to max charge car on solar as not to do off battery at night).

All the fun I can handle using free power, lol.

diy solar

diy solar