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diy solar

Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

You should have rented an excavator and been done in Ten minutes. Now you're still not done and have to go to the Mangina repair shop to fix your broken Wussy.
An excavator wouldn't fit in there... Unlike you, I'm not afraid of doing a bit of hard work.
An excavator wouldn't fit in there.....

An excavator would definitely in your gaping mangina.

Newsflash dingus, your tractor is bigger than about 50 different mini-ex's.

It's not about fear of hard work, it's about wasting time digging a hole when I could go fishing or focus on the more interesting aspects of the project.
An excavator would definitely in your gaping mangina.

Newsflash dingus, your tractor is bigger than about 50 different mini-ex's.

It's not about fear of hard work, it's about wasting time digging a hole when I could go fishing or focus on the more interesting aspects of the project.

You're either in your mother's basement, which means you don't have any money, or you're a Russian troll, which also means you don't have any money.
Either way, you feel free to waste your money how you see fit.. I'll keep my money.
You're either in your mother's basement, which means you don't have any money, or you're a Russian troll, which also means you don't have any money.
Either way, you feel free to waste your money how you see fit.. I'll keep my money.

Therein lies the essence. Your time should be worth more than digging a ditch and injuring yourself in the process and $400.00 should be chump change to an early retiree.

Especially with something involving land and home improvements.

Also, my mom's house has a crawlspace, not a basement. We keep the liberals down under there.
Therein lies the essence. Your time should be worth more than digging a ditch and injuring yourself in the process and $400.00 should be chump change to an early retiree.
Do you live by these cliches? "your time is worth", "you deserve".. etc? I enjoy doing this stuff.. its mindless physical labor. I've spent my life burning out my brain solving industrial problems and challenges so spending time digging a ditch with some good old fashioned manual labor is relaxing.. It also gave me time with my daughter as we dug much of that ditch together.. Good for my body, good for her to learn the value of hard work.

But please feel free to take the lazy expensive approach and give someone else your money. If you find it too taxing to dig a 50 foot ditch then that's on you.. I'm not on a clock, this is my home..

Now I'm looking for a door for the barn.. I don't want one of those wimpy wood doors, I want the kind of man-door they put on industrial buildings.. One that is made of 14 or 16 gauge steel with a steel frame.. Got a quote today for $1600.. WTF?

Especially with something involving land and home improvements.

Also, my mom's house has a crawlspace, not a basement. We keep the liberals down under there.
I would never live in a house without a basement, or one that isn't covered in stone or brick. If I couldn't dig, I would blast a basement if I had to..

No wolf is going to huff and puff and blow my house down.. And if a tornado comes or a radioactive cloud, I want my family to have somewhere to go.
Do you live by these cliches? "your time is worth", "you deserve".. etc? I enjoy doing this stuff.. its mindless physical labor. I've spent my life burning out my brain solving industrial problems and challenges so spending time digging a ditch with some good old fashioned manual labor is relaxing.. It also gave me time with my daughter as we dug much of that ditch together.. Good for my body, good for her to learn the value of hard work.

But please feel free to take the lazy expensive approach and give someone else your money. If you find it too taxing to dig a 50 foot ditch then that's on you.. I'm not on a clock, this is my home..

Now I'm looking for a door for the barn.. I don't want one of those wimpy wood doors, I want the kind of man-door they put on industrial buildings.. One that is made of 14 or 16 gauge steel with a steel frame.. Got a quote today for $1600.. WTF?

I would never live in a house without a basement, or one that isn't covered in stone or brick. If I couldn't dig, I would blast a basement if I had to..

No wolf is going to huff and puff and blow my house down.. And if a tornado comes or a radioactive cloud, I want my family to have somewhere to go.

If you had rented an excavator, you could have put ditch-digging energy into fabbing up a barn door.

Something fun.
Ryujin, there are only 2 genders. Male and Female.
No matter how much you are going try to convince yourself otherwise.

Just for the record, i do not care one bit who does what in the privacy of their own home, but stop pushing your perversion onto everyone else.
The people claiming it in the 60 or so court cases?
Why do they say all this stuff they ahve on the media, then don't mention any of it in court where they can be held accountable for perjury?
Maybe cuz they full of shit?
Stop eating it.
The lawsuits were filed within days of the election. They had to be. It took months until they uncovered what Zuckerbucks had done, too late to do anything in court about it. The election could not be overturned now so to claim it must be proven in court when there is no possible legal avenue to have cases heard and democrats waged a systematic censorship blanket when cases were being filed, is just more democrat dishonesty.
Not surprised, thats why youre called lieberals.

If you want to anger a republican, tell him a lie. If you want to anger a democrat, tell him the truth.
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Ill believe it when i see it. I still think the whole thing is theater designed to distract us. Noone in government is doing anything for the people. No One.

diy solar

diy solar