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Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

This is why whoever you elect, they will control via money or via dirt. This has been the case since dawn of men, and it wont change now
Wasn’t always that way and it can be again.
Just because the people currently in office are weak doesn’t mean all are weak.

You can get candidates in office.

Protesting and yelling does Nothing.
That was evident in the speaker election.

They told you to pound sand.

You can elect people who will do what is right or you can revolt.
That’s it.
The people in power don’t give a crap how much you yell or scream.
Wasn’t always that way and it can be again.
Just because the people currently in office are weak doesn’t mean all are weak.

It was always like this. Since the dawn of men. Saying otherwise is not knowing history.

You can get candidates in office.

You can only get preselected ones who will serve the Oligarchy. If you somehow (it never happened) get an uncorrupted candidate into office, this candidate will be corrupted via money or dirt.

Protesting and yelling does Nothing.
That was evident in the speaker election.

They told you to pound sand.
Au contrare my fraire.

You can elect people who will do what is right or you can revolt.
That’s it.
The people in power don’t give a crap how much you yell or scream.

You are contradicting yourself. According to above you only have one choice - revolt.
Au contrare my fraire.
How about electing a Governor or Supreme Court that doesn’t have any vaccine mandate?

This is a small issue on the country stage.

The ones who are bought and paid for are not bending to your whims on anything important.

The fact Reps told their constituents to Pound sand they were picking who they wanted in the speaker race is the issue not some local vaccine exemption.
Not contradicting.
Elect the people who will do the right thing or revolt.

Absolutely no contradiction in that.

Nobodybusiness said:
You can elect people who will do what is right or you can revolt.

The people in power don’t give a crap how much you yell or scream.

This is the logical fallacy. The people in power don't give a damn about you, yet you will elect people into power.
How about electing a Governor or Supreme Court that doesn’t have any vaccine mandate?

As i have shown you time and again, they never hold up their campaign promises. Not one. (Prove me wrong).
Also, you can not elect Supreme Court judges. They are appointed. You do know that right?
Nobodybusiness said:
You can elect people who will do what is right or you can revolt.

The people in power don’t give a crap how much you yell or scream.

This is the logical fallacy. The people in power don't give a damn about you, yet you will elect people into power.
Why are you trying to take statements out of context?

Is it really that hard to distinguish Electing good people a people who aren’t?

The true bought and paid for don’t care how much you yell or scream.
Why are you trying to take statements out of context?

Is it really that hard to distinguish Electing good people a people who aren’t?

The true bought and paid for don’t care how much you yell or scream.

No I am not taking things out of context. I am trying to show you the fallacy of your thinking.
People in power do not give a damn about you!
You want to elect people into power!
People in power do not give a damn about you!

People in power obey those who brought them into power (And that is NOT we the people, as i have already shown many times). It is special interest - lobbyists, oligarchy. The real power.

This is why you will not bring "your" candidate into power ever. Because the choices you have will always be oligarchy's choices. They will make theatrics of being against each other, but when in "power" they will do what they are told, or else.
And even if you did, your candidate will be instantly bought by the oligarchy, because they actually have the money (and dirt) and all you have is "your vote" which is worthless to a politician who is in power.

Prove me wrong with historical facts.
No I am not taking things out of context. I am trying to show you the fallacy of your thinking.
People in power do not give a damn about you!
You want to elect people into power!
People in power do not give a damn about you!
Which is why you have to get people in who do.

The ones bought and paid for in there will not bend to protest.

Got to start somewhere.
Hiding and yelling does nothing on important issue.

Didn’t say it was going to be easy.

Trump is fighting both sides.
Like him or not he is showing the obvious lines in the sand.
As i have shown you time and again, they never hold up their campaign promises. Not one. (Prove me wrong).
Also, you can not elect Supreme Court judges. They are appointed. You do know that right?
Here's a list for Trump ... Some kept, some a work in progress. He had an impressive list of wins in spite of an unprecedented pandemic and non stop attacks from the swamp.
A huge number of judges assigned to federal courts and the Supreme court .... This is one of the few things keeping us from sliding off the cliff.

Trump is a former democrat from NYC. Just in case you forgot.
The only one Trump seems to be fighting for is his ego.

As i said, we will have to agree to disagree.
Lets revisit this in 2025.
I will even say lets hope your candidates win.
I have a feeling that agenda 2030 will be full steam ahead, oligarchy will get richer and people will get poorer with less liberties.
Trump is a former democrat from NYC. Just in case you forgot.
The only one Trump seems to be fighting for is his ego.
The Democrats from years ago were much different than the ones now .... gotta give him credit for waking up.
His ego does sometimes get in the way ... but, a huge ego is necessary to do what needs to be done.
Trump is a former democrat from NYC. Just in case you forgot.
The only one Trump seems to be fighting for is his ego.
That’s you talking.

He could easily drop out and live the rest of his life in luxury.
He chose to show all the ludicrousness of it all.

Vote for him and his candidates in force.
Once you get state elections covered then the rest turns around.

If not you have lost nothing and can go hide.
As i said, we will have to agree to disagree.
Lets revisit this in 2025.
I will even say lets hope your candidates win.
I have a feeling that agenda 2030 will be full steam ahead, oligarchy will get richer and people will get poorer with less liberties.
Well then only one option left if that’s the case.
That’s you talking.

He could easily drop out and live the rest of his life in luxury.
He chose to show all the ludicrousness of it all.

Vote for him and his candidates in force.
Once you get state elections covered then the rest turns around.

If not you have lost nothing and can go hide.

You guys vote to you hearts content.
I simply don't believe that this country's problems can be fixed by voting anymore.
I used to (Ron Paul was the last person who I voted for) but since then I learned a lot about real world history (not the smudged version they teach in public schools), geopolitics, power structures (and a lot of it confirmed my own observations).

I dont believe Trump anymore than I believe "Biden Inc". Trump could start by standing up for J6ers and by denouncing "wonderful vaccines" (Instead of tripling down his ego). I gave him benefit of the doubt 2016-2020, but he blew it in high colors (lockdowns, swamp, money print (although last one they are all guilty of)

I will act at my level.
You guys change the system. Sincere good luck!
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You guys vote to you hearts content.
I simply don't believe that this country's problems can be fixed by voting anymore.
I used to (Ron Paul was the last person who I voted for) but since then I learned a lot about world history, geopolitics, power structures (and a lot of it confirmed my own observations).
I will act at my level.
You guys change the system. Sincere good luck!

You just said agenda 2030 is full steam and nothing to stop it.
So if that’s the case why not vote?
You embarrassed?
What’s it gonna hurt if nothing matters anyway?

Is it that hard to vote really? Man got to stand in line for an hour.
You just said agenda 2030 is full steam and nothing to stop it.
So if that’s the case why not vote?
You embarrassed?
What’s it gonna hurt if nothing matters anyway?

Is it that hard to vote really? Man got to stand in line for an hour.

Why NOT vote? Because i will not be legitimizing the boot that will stamp on your face, whether Red or Blue flavor (because real flavor is oligarchy).
Why NOT vote? Because i will not be legitimizing the boot that will stamp on your face, whether Red or Blue flavor (because real flavor is oligarchy).
The only hopium I have is that the number of people who are thinking like you is extremely small .... and also that you will be unable to convince others of the warped view you have acquired.
It seems that either you were seriously damaged during your formative years ..... Someone in authority tricked you and hurt you badly ....... or, you are completely disingenuous and are merely a Ray Epps type trying to convince conservatives to take actions that insures their demise.
Regardless of the reason ..... Your views are self destructive and worse.
Can we get an update on the Biden articles of impeachment? Why is it going so slow if republicans have control of the house?
I don't get it, why isn't the house impeaching biden? do they not have enough evidence?
I don't get it, why isn't the house impeaching biden? do they not have enough evidence?

The answer is more mundane. The uniparty is simply following orders issued by the Oligarchy.
Everything that resembles "opposition" is a theatrical distraction.
Should Johnson be a "free agent" (not subservant to the oligarchy) he would have never been made speaker. (On that note he would never make it to the House. Only controlled opposition is allowed)
you're* also right. I don't get it.
If Biden is as corrupt as I am being told he is from republicans, and they have all this evidence against him, why wouldn't they impeach him? Its almost like they actually DON'T have evidence.

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diy solar