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Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

'Terrorism Leads To Lockdowns Leads To Martial Law' - Martin Armstrong Warns Of Deep State Plan To Hold On To Power​

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong began 2023 predicting “chaos” would be coming around the world.

We have a bloody war in Ukraine, a new conflict with Gaza and Israel, and a wide open U.S. border with the FBI predicting huge terror attacks coming to America.

Is this kind of destabilization a coincidence or is it a Deep State globalist plan?

Why are the demonic dark powers taking peace from the earth and forecasting big terror events coming to America? Armstrong contends, “It is very simple."

So, a debt default will tank the economy and make millions of Americans poor and broke overnight.

Poor and broke is how revolutions and civil unrest start, especially against the government that caused all the problems.

Armstrong contends this is why the Southern U.S. border has been wide open for the past three years.

The Deep State corrupt Biden Administration (RINO Republicans included) want terrorists to come to America and commit awful acts of violence and murder. Why? Armstrong explains,


That's why they have deliberately left the border open. Attacks WILL happen here as a result of that. The Israeli's have killed 10,000 in Gaza. That's 1.8 billion who are not very happy with the Israeli's and United States and you have 5'5" Lindsey Graham talking tough saying kill them all in regards to Russia and Palestine, all emotional as if either of those wars are his to fight.

Yeah.....we're in trouble.
Lets avoid ad-hominem, that does not add anything to discussion.

Regarding Hunter - I will personally believe it when i see it. I mean there is absolutely zero doubt that he is guilty and is just a shit person (along with his daddy) but the whole "investigation" thing is pure theater. Nothing will happen. They are all in on it.
This is just like that guy "special council" (forgot his name, guy with mustache) that was investigating corruption for 3 years and then nothing came out of it. Pure hopium

Remember these guys? 2008 Financial Crisis? Government Sachs!
Well, they are back (or should i say, they never went away?)

The People From ‘Government Sachs’; Paulson, Kashkari & Others Carried the Bag For The Bush Administration

Goldman Sachs Was Top Obama Donor

Trump Continues White House’s Goldman Sachs Revolving Door Tradition

Goldman Sachs Vets Quietly Added to Biden Transition

Interview 1252 - Nomi Prins Exposes Government Sachs

Government Sachs Gets Golden Wrist Slap For Global Financial Crisis

Episode 315 - Meet Goldman Sachs, the Vampire Squid

Interview 1249 - Carey Wedler on How Government $ach$ Won The (s)Election
Lets avoid ad-hominem, that does not add anything to discussion.

Regarding Hunter - I will personally believe it when i see it. I mean there is absolutely zero doubt that he is guilty and is just a shit person (along with his daddy) but the whole "investigation" thing is pure theater. Nothing will happen. They are all in on it.
This is just like that guy "special council" (forgot his name, guy with mustache) that was investigating corruption for 3 years and then nothing came out of it. Pure hopium

Define nothing.

Even if they can't get him impeached more and more people are going to be exposed to the corruption taking place .... and therefore ... REFUSE TO VOTE FOR HIM .... You know, that other useless activity.
Define nothing.

Even if they can't get him impeached more and more people are going to be exposed to the corruption taking place .... and therefore ... REFUSE TO VOTE FOR HIM .... You know, that other useless activity.

Nothing in this case would be, noone in the corrupt Biden admin will answer for anything. It will be another "show" presented to the people, but in the end nothing will change - politicians will still advance oligarchy agenda, your taxes will go up, and your liberties will disappear.
Like that guy Jon Corzine. Look it up!
There's no doubt she's the worst press secretary ever ... and there have been some bad ones.

The entire administration's willingness to lie about things that are so obviously false it downright strange ....but, how many are there that actually believe them?
We have at least one of the believers following this thread.
The conclusions outlined in this article are obvious .... but rarely thought about by users of social media.

One of the things I have always been aware of is the hazard of living in a large city. If you have a city of 2000 people and 2 criminally minded people, it is easy for the other 1998 people to keep them under control or incarcerate them.
In a city of a million people, if the proportion of criminals is the same, there will now be 1000 criminals who will band together and create havoc.

In social media, the effect is even more amplified and in a huge number of different ways. For instance, we may find it hard to understand the mind of a pedophile .... but, if there are only a small percentage of them in the population, there can still be a huge number of them who can get together on social media and amplify their aberrant inclinations and convince each other that these thoughts and feeling are perfectly normal and OK.

People are going to become more and more tribalized and intolerant of others who don't think like them ... They will go to the places that amplify their tribalism and get more and more radical.

I think we all need to guard ourselves very carefully in our use of social media and make sure we continue to read opposing opinions with an open mind.

The conclusions outlined in this article are obvious .... but rarely thought about by users of social media.

One of the things I have always been aware of is the hazard of living in a large city. If you have a city of 2000 people and 2 criminally minded people, it is easy for the other 1998 people to keep them under control or incarcerate them.
In a city of a million people, if the proportion of criminals is the same, there will now be 1000 criminals who will band together and create havoc.

In social media, the effect is even more amplified and in a huge number of different ways. For instance, we may find it hard to understand the mind of a pedophile .... but, if there are only a small percentage of them in the population, there can still be a huge number of them who can get together on social media and amplify their aberrant inclinations and convince each other that these thoughts and feeling are perfectly normal and OK.

People are going to become more and more tribalized and intolerant of others who don't think like them ... They will go to the places that amplify their tribalism and get more and more radical.

I think we all need to guard ourselves very carefully in our use of social media and make sure we continue to read opposing opinions with an open mind.

The bots infest Facebook and Twitter.

Like holy crap.

Facebook isn't worth looking at anymore.
So you still think they are on our side? lol
Gaetz and his idealism not to mention Terrible timing really messed up Comer and Jordan investigations.

The thing Is McCarthy is still running the Speaker job behind the scenes.
Nothing has changed.

Gaetz should have waited until had a larger margin in the house.
The conclusions outlined in this article are obvious .... but rarely thought about by users of social media.

One of the things I have always been aware of is the hazard of living in a large city. If you have a city of 2000 people and 2 criminally minded people, it is easy for the other 1998 people to keep them under control or incarcerate them.
In a city of a million people, if the proportion of criminals is the same, there will now be 1000 criminals who will band together and create havoc.

In social media, the effect is even more amplified and in a huge number of different ways. For instance, we may find it hard to understand the mind of a pedophile .... but, if there are only a small percentage of them in the population, there can still be a huge number of them who can get together on social media and amplify their aberrant inclinations and convince each other that these thoughts and feeling are perfectly normal and OK.

People are going to become more and more tribalized and intolerant of others who don't think like them ... They will go to the places that amplify their tribalism and get more and more radical.

I think we all need to guard ourselves very carefully in our use of social media and make sure we continue to read opposing opinions with an open mind.

Sorry man. I draw the line at diddling children.
Or anything that has to do with children for that matter.
Gaetz and his idealism not to mention Terrible timing really messed up Comer and Jordan investigations.

The thing Is McCarthy is still running the Speaker job behind the scenes.
Nothing has changed.

Gaetz should have waited until had a larger margin in the house.

In other words, business as usual. Great theatrics to keep the hopium alive
In other words, business as usual. Great theatrics to keep the hopium alive
It was Kabuki theater but really really bad timing.
People can’t seemed to understand you have GOP reps in blue districts that don’t vote straight conservative.
That’s why you have all the back room dealings going on.
The bots infest Facebook and Twitter.

Like holy crap.

Facebook isn't worth looking at anymore.
There are a few specialized groups I follow on Facebook .... and keep up a little with what extended family is up to ..... If I could convince my extended family to go somewhere else, I wouldn't use Facebook at all.
There are a few specialized groups I follow on Facebook .... and keep up a little with what extended family is up to ..... If I could convince my extended family to go somewhere else, I wouldn't use Facebook at all.

And that his how they grip people by the balls.
Nothing against you, but this is exactly what the oligarchy is counting on - that people continue to engage in their digital control grid, of which Facebook is one of the worst.
It was Kabuki theater but really really bad timing.
People can’t seemed to understand you have GOP reps in blue districts that don’t vote straight conservative.
That’s why you have all the back room dealings going on.

I wish Voting mattered. I am in NJSSR, supposedly its bluest blue, but everyone around me is a conservative, and they all vote conservative. But somehow, "D"s always win, and the few "R"s that NJ has are all RINOs.
The whole thing is a charade. All of these cocksuckers are in on globalist agendas. They keep making promises during election year, but then they forget them the first day in office and continue to enact along the "great reset". Ds, Rs - does not matter.
It was also like that in NY (Where the state is very conservative outside of NYC and Albany) yet its the same shit, over and over and over again. And even NYC, there were a lot of people against the lunacy and voting "red", but its D's always win, and few R's that did make it in were all in on making the life of people more miserable (Ticket cameras is one example, parking another example, the list is endless. Always extort money from productive class!)
When I read this article, I had a brief flash of understanding .... A big part of the reason our society is getting more and more polarized and radicalized every day.

I have always found it incredulous when these obscure woke agenda's suddenly pop into the mainstream and amazingly, a large number of people who are totally into this stuff come along at the same time .... For instance, guys who want to compete in women's sports and think it is their right to also run around in the women's showers and locker rooms.
I mean, how does a warped thing like that suddenly become such a big issue that the majority has to slowly beat it back into submission ..... It has to be that it has been percolating and growing in some obscure corner of the internet for a long time .... Probably initiated by some Marxist elite who created a place for these people to meet and keeps stirring the pot to convince these individuals that what they are thinking is perfectly normal and they need to demand that their desires be accommodated.

This same thing is there on the far right ..... The web sites where ideas are percolating and being amplified by the Ray Epps type individuals who are there to take things to a ridiculous place. A place the individuals frequenting these sites would never go unless they were pushed there by a continuous steam of propaganda. Over time they become more and more radical and are just glad they have found a place where people think what they think ..... Not even realizing that what they are thinking now is a long way from where they started.
The article explains how a lot of these people were forced to these radical web sites because they were censored and kicked of other social media.
These places are also controlled by those who want to enhance the chaos.

They are convinced to go to the capitol and protest .... The most radical among them .... and the Ray Epps types are there to push them to a place they would have never gone on their own.

Then, those who set them up swoop in and use their actions to show how evil and dangerous those right wingers are.

Both ends of this spectrum are being controlled and egged on by the same people.
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I wish Voting mattered. I am in NJSSR, supposedly its bluest blue, but everyone around me is a conservative, and they all vote conservative. But somehow, "D"s always win, and the few "R"s that NJ has are all RINOs.
The whole thing is a charade. All of these cocksuckers are in on globalist agendas. They keep making promises during election year, but then they forget them the first day in office and continue to enact along the "great reset". Ds, Rs - does not matter.
It was also like that in NY (Where the state is very conservative outside of NYC and Albany) yet its the same shit, over and over and over again. And even NYC, there were a lot of people against the lunacy and voting "red", but its D's always win, and few R's that did make it in were all in on making the life of people more miserable (Ticket cameras is one example, parking another example, the list is endless. Always extort money from productive class!)
Only Harvesting isn’t cheating.
It’s just smart.

The dems do it and they have a majority in Big cities.

Mail in voting and Covid was the excuse last time they had every dead person voting and those who didn’t bother showing up.

People had vote’s registered to them that didn’t even vote.

They can only manipulate the vote via counting inside a small margin.

All of the election groups have said as much.
That is why it’s so important to overwhelm the cheat but you won’t get there by sitting at home supposedly teaching them some inane lesson.
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Only Harvesting isn’t cheating.
It’s just smart.

The dems do it and they have a majority in Big cities.

Mail in voting and Covid was the excuse last time they had every dead person voting and those who didn’t bother showing up.

People had vote’s registered to them that didn’t even vote.

They can only manipulate the vote via counting inside a small margin.

All of the election groups have said as much.
That is why it’s so important to overwhelm the cheat but you won’t get there by sitting at home supposedly teaching them some inane lesson.

You are not going to overwhelm the cheat because the entire system is completely "obstructed". You have no say, and 2020 proved that.
It was beyond obvious that cheating took place, but people still did not do anything. Life is still to comfortable.
Whatever you do to "overwhelm" the cheat (ie. vote harder? LOL), they will simply add the needed number.
And that is assuming your "candidates" are actually different. In my mind they are not, as proven by the Globalist agenda advancing with every iteration of politicians. The only difference is pace. None of it is ever reversed or even stopped.

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