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Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

They can start by stopping stealing our money via taxes and fees.
But ..... That's not going to happen is it?
We need to pick battles that actually have a chance of being won.
Government has steadily taken a larger and larger piece of the pie for a LONG time.
The first thing we have to do is stop the continual increase and then start dialing things back .... like most things, winning isn't going to be binary .... it is going to have to be incremental like it was getting here.
But ..... That's not going to happen is it?
We need to pick battles that actually have a chance of being won.
Government has steadily taken a larger and larger piece of the pie for a LONG time.
The first thing we have to do is stop the continual increase and then start dialing things back .... like most things, winning isn't going to be binary .... it is going to have to be incremental like it was getting here.

The problem is none of the elected or non-elected politicians care. They basically lie during their campaigns and then do what they are told as George Carlin correctly identifies.

The government is an extortion racket designed by elites to enable the elites to steal from the common people ALL based around the idea of a progressive tax code that ONLY the elites know how to avoid. Its a effedup system that enables the never ending growth in government that does NOTHING of value for the common people. MEANWHILE the border is wide open and the lunatics in power push war all over the planet, both activities designed to DESTROY the quality of life of commoners.

As long as that continues you are just going to elect another head of the extortion racket. They may slow down the racket sometimes (when people are too pissed off) or speed up the racket (current admin) but they are ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS screwing us. I have yet to see ANY politician on ANY level actually REPEAL at least one of the neverending money extortions (Taxes and fees) that they always have coming our way. It has NEVER happen. Taxes always go UP! They just vary the speed of it. Fees always go up. Fees for so called "govt services". Govt creates services that noone needs and makes you pay for them in addition to taxes and fees you already pay.
This is exactly why these parasites always want to be in positions of power, so that they can distribute all the collected loot to themselves and their enablers!!!
The problem is none of the elected or non-elected politicians care. They basically lie during their campaigns and then do what they are told as George Carlin correctly identifies.

The government is an extortion racket designed by elites to enable the elites to steal from the common people ALL based around the idea of a progressive tax code that ONLY the elites know how to avoid. Its a effedup system that enables the never ending growth in government that does NOTHING of value for the common people. MEANWHILE the border is wide open and the lunatics in power push war all over the planet, both activities designed to DESTROY the quality of life of commoners.

As long as that continues you are just going to elect another head of the extortion racket. They may slow down the racket sometimes (when people are too pissed off) or speed up the racket (current admin) but they are ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS screwing us. I have yet to see ANY politician on ANY level actually REPEAL at least one of the neverending money extortions (Taxes and fees) that they always have coming our way. It has NEVER happen. Taxes always go UP! They just vary the speed of it. Fees always go up. Fees for so called "govt services". Govt creates services that noone needs and makes you pay for them in addition to taxes and fees you already pay.
This is exactly why these parasites always want to be in positions of power, so that they can distribute all the collected loot to themselves and their enablers!!!

Mostly correct. They take by printing money. They don't even have to tax you.

FYI, you can't fix the current system. Once it's the way it is it's broken for good. You cannot change it.

One thing covid should have taught you is the character of the people around you.
The problem is none of the elected or non-elected politicians care.

So ... help elect some that care ... That's a battle that can be won.
Support organizations who support candidates that care .... Run for office yourself.
Support organizations and individuals who are fighting to regain control of the health care bureaucracy.

Waking people up is only part of the battle.

Refusing to give up is the only way. Why should we allow ourselves to be ruled by a small number of people? Convince the majority to go another way. Vote out the corrupt district attorneys and judges.
There is a lot of work to be done ... find a place that can move the needle in the other direction.
So ... help elect some that care ... That's a battle that can be won.
Support organizations who support candidates that care .... Run for office yourself.
Support organizations and individuals who are fighting to regain control of the health care bureaucracy.

Waking people up is only part of the battle.

Refusing to give up is the only way. Why should we allow ourselves to be ruled by a small number of people? Convince the majority to go another way. Vote out the corrupt district attorneys and judges.
There is a lot of work to be done ... find a place that can move the needle in the other direction.

You can not elect anyone that will help, because your choices have already been pre-vetted by the parasite class. And for the rare case that they slip by, the moment they are in power, they will very quickly be made to do what they are told, or else. Mostly number 1 though.
(Prove me wrong, everything that has transpired in thee last 30 years (of me following the events proves so, and studying history proves this since dawn of men, the difference today is technology makes it infinitely easier for parasites to control, brainwash and manipulate everyonee)
We are ruled by the unelected lobbyists and administrative apparatchiks who in turn will pull the strings on whoever you "elect". (they ofcourse report to the oligarchy/parasite class that pays them)
That is reality.
And understanding reality (and stopping lying to yourself with hopium) is the first step in attempting to solve the issue.

And I still fail to understand how "giving up on politicians to save us" is giving up. That could not be further from the truth.
The only way to even attack the game politically is to reduce power altogether. But that is not on the agenda. Whats on the agenda is more power. People have been brainwashed by public education that govt needs more power (to solve the problems govt power created in the first place, but i disgress). So explaining to people that politicians WILL NOT help them is of utmost importance.
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And I still fail to understand how "giving up on politicians to save us" is giving u

..... and that's a major problem for you ....... It's not politicians that will "save" us .... It is We The People.

The parasite class is using the power of government .... take it away from them. In order to do that, we have to put more like minded people in government to replace the worst ones .... It is an accumulation of small wins that will win the day.

An example .....Biden and his administration are trying to get another 160 billion to fund the "defense industrial base."
Instead, the speaker of the house is trying to move a bill forward that will divert the new funding for the IRS to narrowly fund help for Israel .... kill 2 birds with one stone. A much more narrow response that doesn't require new money.
It's unlikely that will fly because of the narrow majority the republicans have ... The Senate will have other ideas .... but, whatever the result, it will be more appealing than what this administration wants .... and they aren't going to get more funding for the corrupt oligarchs in Ukraine without a fight.

I'm not endorsing RFK Jr .... but, when he saw that things were rigged against him by the hierarchy in the Democrat party .... He didn't whine and give up .... He is running as an independent.
His life has been threatened and they deny secret service protection which is provided to virtually everyone else in his situation .... An intruder entered his house, was arrested and released and then he did the same thing .... Did RFK Jr give up .... NO.
I don't think he has much chance of winning the presidency, but he is waking up a LOT of people and he is actively engaged in the fight .... he is hurting the people who are trying to control the game.
I'm sure you can name a whole list of things you don't like about him .... would his election move the needle in the right direction?
Would the election of a full on America first candidate be a game over win .... No, but it would move the needle.

The idea that ...... if I don't get everything I demand, I'm not going to play .... is a loosing position.

Being a keyboard warrior isn't going to win the war.
Would the election of a full on America first candidate be a game over win .... No, but it would move the needle.

No matter who wins, the needle seems to always move in the direction the parasite class wants it to. At least for the last 130 years if we look at history. These "candidates" have no real power. They are puppets to the lobbyist/administrative class who never change (no matter which puppet is in "power").

Something like this

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No .... That's not the way it works. You can't take power away from government by walking away .... You simply give them the power uncontested. Anyone can dream up a graphic .... but it's just a dream.

Actually even if every tenth person "walks away" the entire structure will very quickly collapse. But this is exactly what they dont want you to realize.
Actually even if every tenth person "walks away" the entire structure will very quickly collapse. But this is exactly what they dont want you to realize.
Sounds like a more dangerous idea than communism .... but still a utopian idea with no basis in reality.
Uh Ooo ..... Politicos is turning on the Bidens. Better late than never I guess.

I'm sure this didn't have anything to do with it.
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'Terrorism Leads To Lockdowns Leads To Martial Law' - Martin Armstrong Warns Of Deep State Plan To Hold On To Power​

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong began 2023 predicting “chaos” would be coming around the world.

We have a bloody war in Ukraine, a new conflict with Gaza and Israel, and a wide open U.S. border with the FBI predicting huge terror attacks coming to America.

Is this kind of destabilization a coincidence or is it a Deep State globalist plan?

Why are the demonic dark powers taking peace from the earth and forecasting big terror events coming to America? Armstrong contends, “It is very simple."

"Basically, we are looking at a sovereign default. Governments are pushed to the limit at this stage. You even had Fed Head Jay Powell come out last week and say ‘the spending is unsustainable.’
The Biden Administration is a complete corrupt absolute disaster. It’s not really Biden . . . he’s just there to sign whatever they stick in front of him.
So, a debt default will tank the economy and make millions of Americans poor and broke overnight.

Poor and broke is how revolutions and civil unrest start, especially against the government that caused all the problems.

Armstrong contends this is why the Southern U.S. border has been wide open for the past three years.

The Deep State corrupt Biden Administration (RINO Republicans included) want terrorists to come to America and commit awful acts of violence and murder. Why? Armstrong explains,

“You have Neocons pushing for war on all possible fronts...
Terrorism leads to lockdowns. As soon as you start getting this, they will have to know what everybody is doing and where they are moving. You are looking at ‘Papers, Please.’ ...
Lockdowns are coming to America again, absolutely. This is to prevent civil unrest.
So, they want the terrorists to blow up some stuff.
This gives them the excuse to effectively enforce martial law. . . . This helps the government to hold onto power.

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