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diy solar


There is a game here, something is going to happen around Joe that is going to really set things on their ear. I just don't see him being the guy in Nov.
There is a game here, something is going to happen around Joe that is going to really set things on their ear. I just don't see him being the guy in Nov.
Seems highly unlikely to me also.
Can the news media be trusted. MSM to make someone quit. They did it to trump at South Carolina video edit seem like racist. They want Joe to quit.

I don’t want him gone. Trump can easily beat him just like he did in 2020
i don't want him to quit because i want to see him get beaten like a red headed stepchild then put on trial, found guilty and then put out to pasture. he does not need huge jail time or fines, just enough to let his handlers know that we are coming for them next.
i don't want him to quit because i want to see him get beaten like a red headed stepchild then put on trial, found guilty and then put out to pasture. he does not need huge jail time or fines, just enough to let his handlers know that we are coming for them next.
Nope 50+ years being a criminal want him spend rest of life at Gitmo. Military tribunal
Rapidly rising and Hmmmm this is still not enough????? Who are they going to buy?

2024 Election is going to be bought.

We need to know who is chipping in. Where is this money going?
From open secrets website:

Act Blue sample donors …. How are so many “not employed ppl chipping in $6000? “

O'keefe did an expose on these "donations". He went to interview a number of people who were supposedly donating significant amounts every month .... they said they had never donated.
It's a huge scam. Another way for the billionaires to inject invisible money into campaigns.
let me tell you all a short story. in 1982 my parents divorced and I knew at that point in time that my chances of going to college was slim, but i pressed forward with all of the Classes necessary to do so if the opportunity presented itself. it did not, so in 1985 upon graduation, I joined the military to kickstart my life. 8 years later i was out and on my own. still no college but with a lot of skills. several times I considered going to college but never quite had either the time, or at other times it was a lack of cash flow. I now own my own business, have two houses four kids (two grown up and out of college that I paid for, no loans) and two more in middle school waiting for their chance.

I just do not see where all of these people are so blind to the fact that college while essential for some jobs, is not the right fit for all, and not even needed in many cases. The fact that they would take a loan out to study lesbian seagull dancing is amazingly short sighted.

everything you will learn in a college is already written down in a book somewhere, just waiting for you to read it.

short of you going into an experimental field or a research field for science or medicine, it is already available either on the internet, or in your local library.
The hearing about classified documents yesterday didn't go well for Biden.

It was revealed that he made 8 million dollars from a book deal by sharing the classified documents with the ghost writer for his book ... Who had no security clearance.

☕️ SELLING SECRETS ☙ Wednesday, March 13, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
In other words, by the undisputed facts, Biden illegally disclosed classified U.S. intelligence to enrich himself. Biden sold secrets. Trump has never been credibly accused of improperly disclosing classified information. So Biden’s situation is, as democrats are constantly bleating, totally different from Trump’s.
The truth is Biden’s classified documents problems are much, much worse than Trump’s.
☕️ SELLING SECRETS ☙ Wednesday, March 13, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
Even worse, after Hur began investigating Biden’s misuse and illegal retention of the classified documents, Biden’s panicked ghostwriter desperately and unsuccessfully tried to delete the recordings of Biden reading from classified files. If the ghostwriter had been a Republican, he’d be locked up right now. He would have been promptly prosecuted and convicted of obstruction of justice and intentional destruction of evidence. He’d have earned a long stint in federal prison.
But no charges were filed against Biden’s ghostwriter, even though Hur’s report clearly described the facts. Biden’s ghostwriter clearly rides in the Justice System’s first class section.​
The hearing about classified documents yesterday didn't go well for Biden.

It was revealed that he made 8 million dollars from a book deal by sharing the classified documents with the ghost writer for his book ... Who had no security clearance.

☕️ SELLING SECRETS ☙ Wednesday, March 13, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
In other words, by the undisputed facts, Biden illegally disclosed classified U.S. intelligence to enrich himself. Biden sold secrets. Trump has never been credibly accused of improperly disclosing classified information. So Biden’s situation is, as democrats are constantly bleating, totally different from Trump’s.
The truth is Biden’s classified documents problems are much, much worse than Trump’s.​
☕️ SELLING SECRETS ☙ Wednesday, March 13, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
Even worse, after Hur began investigating Biden’s misuse and illegal retention of the classified documents, Biden’s panicked ghostwriter desperately and unsuccessfully tried to delete the recordings of Biden reading from classified files. If the ghostwriter had been a Republican, he’d be locked up right now. He would have been promptly prosecuted and convicted of obstruction of justice and intentional destruction of evidence. He’d have earned a long stint in federal prison.
But no charges were filed against Biden’s ghostwriter, even though Hur’s report clearly described the facts. Biden’s ghostwriter clearly rides in the Justice System’s first class section.​

Ha ha. Did you see pencil neck schiff trying to chastise Hur?

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diy solar