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diy solar


Easter changes dates every year.

"Trans day of Visibility" doesn't.

Why does everything have to be nefarious?
Biden did it intentionally.
What does me asking " Why does everything have to be nefarious?" have to do with what you posted?
Bob, grizzman and myself might wonder why you are obviously trolling so hard. 🤡
If someone announces an event such as abortion day on the same day your child is born then ….

The Biden did what the Biden did on purpose either as directed or his own whim. I feel as directed by the 3rd termer Obuma. The Church Leaders have already called him out on this. Biden claimed to be Christian. Just like his response was not to grieve the ppl murdered in Nashville by doing Govt Promoted Transgenderism and on top of that the FBI seized the manifesto and will not release it. So is it nefarious? Directed? Or just coincidence that the FBI are breaking the law about FOIA over a murderer’s message.?

Are you really that unconnected? Again or just trolling? Wasting time. What is your level of retard 0-10 with 0 not being retarded?

What is your end goal? Just random discussion or teach someone your point of view?
You were listed with transgender recognition dates so why on Easter Sunday a day for Christians go perverted from Christianity in multiple ways?
There are only ~1-1.5 million transgenders reported in Country of ~330 million ppl.
I think Christians should been allowed their most holy day.

There is going to come a time when Christians have had enough. Make sure you want to object when it happens. 🤡
Biden did it intentionally.
Biden made the calendars rotate, like they do every year?

My dude, in 2025 Easter is going to be on the 20th of April.

It isn't ever on the same day and never will be and in your lifetime has never been on the same day year to year.
Biden made the calendars rotate, like they do every year?

My dude, in 2025 Easter is going to be on the 20th of April.

It isn't ever on the same day and never will be and in your lifetime has never been on the same day year to year.
You never answered my question. Do you live with a transgender person?
Bob, grizzman and myself might wonder why you are obviously trolling so hard. 🤡

Why does it make you feel like somebody is trolling you just because they ask you to clarify the things you are saying?

I want to make this abundantly clear, I am absolutely 100% not here to stick up for Biden, because I think he's an absolute complete and utter shithead.

There are plenty of things to criticize him for, why then go ahead and make up really blatantly untrue and borderline childish things to go after him for?

If someone announces an event such as abortion day on the same day your child is born then ….
I don't understand the relationship between that and what you're claiming Biden did.

Why would there be an "Abortion day"?
And even if there was... Why would that bother you if it PURELY BY CHANCE happened to fall on your child's birthday?

The Biden did what the Biden did on purpose either as directed or his own whim. I feel as directed by the 3rd termer Obuma.

I literally don't know what any of this means and do not even understand what you are trying to say.

You were listed with transgender recognition dates so why on Easter Sunday a day for Christians go perverted from Christianity in multiple ways?
There are only ~1-1.5 million transgenders reported in Country of ~330 million ppl.
I think Christians should been allowed their most holy day.
Who said they couldn't?

You realize "Trans Day of Visibility" isn't a national holiday, right?

No one said you had to celebrate it or partake in it or give a shit about it.

There is going to come a time when Christians have had enough.
Had enough what?
Being left in the stone ages where they belong?
Along with every other religion?

Make sure you want to object when it happens. 🤡
I do not know what this means.
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What does that have to do with me asking " Why does everything have to be nefarious?" at all?
It provides a unique perspective on the gender dysphoria syndrome. I take it that sense you are dodging the question it is a "no"
It provides a unique perspective on the gender dysphoria syndrome.
But what does that question to me have ANYTHING to do with me asking you why you chose to believe that Biden directly controls the calendar and also created and caused the "Trans Day of Visibility" 15 years ago just to make it sometimes fall on Easter.

Why are you choosing to see something nefarious behind it when this is just how calendars work and it's how they've always worked.

I take it that sense you are dodging the question it is a "no"
Regardless of what I say you're gonna go "Aha! Gotcha! and use it to fit your narrative"

But yes, my partner is non-binary due to an autoimmune disorder.
Why does it make you feel like somebody is trolling you just because they ask you to clarify the things you are saying?

I want to make this abundantly clear, I am absolutely 100% not here to stick up for Biden, because I think he's an absolute complete and utter shithead.

There are plenty of things to criticize him for, why then go ahead and make up really blatantly untrue and borderline childish things to go after him for?

I don't understand the relationship between that and what you're claiming Biden did.

Why would there be an "Abortion day"?
And even if there was... Why would that bother you if it PURELY BY CHANCE happened to fall fall on your child's birthday?

I literally don't know what any of this means and do not even understand what you are trying to say.

Who said they couldn't?

You realize "Trans Day of Visibility" isn't a national holiday, right?

No one said you had to celebrate it or partake in it or give a shit about it.

Had enough what?
Being left in the stone ages where they belong?
Along with every other religion?

I do not know what this means.
Thanks for saying you are atheist and think religion has no place. Now we are getting somewhere.

Hahahaha 🤣 Just remember there are a lot of Christians so when you piss them off don’t run trying to get relief. Go meet them ….explain that they should not worry that their traditions and recognitions of religion are replaced in Biden’s public form. Deny Biden altered traditions and pretend insanity is reality. I think by you grief that you prefer transgenderism over religion. Just a perception.

I agree…. In reality our govt is not suppose to be bias so there should be no recognition of ppl that dress as women at all. Medical Professionals determined they were mental ill long ago. The biological science proves that a man can’t be a woman which is reality. No amount of crazy can change that - transgenders are 1.5 million crazies. Nor should there be any recognition of any religion by govt. regardless that wiki states there are around 210 million Christians in USA. Equality means everyone is treated the same no perches given by the govt. but the problem is Govt has given out way to much recognition and high perches to about 1.5 million ppl as over representation…. 🤣🤡

10 Oct …. ‘Day of World Mental Help” should be Transgender Day

There is that darn Christian thing again. This country was formed by christians. They are probably not going to be killed off mentally or physically. So when you get them going make sure you make the personal sacrifice and leave me out of it. I really don’t want to see a Civil War.

While at same time….
Don’t get me wrong I actually prefer no religion which I view as causing ppl to be overly pacifist and restraining them from doing things that religion tells them is wrong. Imagine a World where we act on initial impulse. I think we could have Purge Day like in that movie. 🤡 the strongest survive. Without religion as a constraint then it might be closer than imagine. So yes remove moral oblligated religion that does control ppl and binds them not doing things that ppl would consider as evil.

8 Oct does according to grizzman fall in October

Your calendar argument is weak. You know Biden changed traditions. STOP ACTING LIKE A CHILD OR JUST GET ON WITH THE NAME CALLING.
But yes, my partner is non-binary due to an autoimmune disorder.
Well .... That's a new one on me .... but I'm not really interested in the details of that.

My attitude is live and let live ...... as long as you don't mess with me or children.
Trans individuals are often "in your face" about it and also try to co-opt kids ..... So, when a historic Christian holiday that has been acknowledged for eons is replaced by the government by a pagan celebration .... We are going to be ticked off about it.

I would think that would be easy to understand regardless of your proclivities.

To know the correct response to this travesty watch the short video in this link to see how Caitlyn Jenner responded to it.
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She has said the diary is hers and it is authentic, she wrote it. Just incase you have trouble reading what she wrote, what the daughter of the president of the united states wrote:

Grade and sharing the boys my underpants. Hyper-sexualized @ a young. what is this due to? was I molested. I think so-I cant remember specifics but I do remember trama- I remember not liking the woolzacks house; I remember somewhat being sexualized with caroline;

(I can't make out the part where the red line is)

@ a young age; showers w/ my dad probably not appropriate.

But what does that question to me have ANYTHING to do with me asking you why you chose to believe that Biden directly controls the calendar and also created and caused the "Trans Day of Visibility" 15 years ago just to make it sometimes fall on Easter.

Why are you choosing to see something nefarious behind it when this is just how calendars work and it's how they've always worked.

Regardless of what I say you're gonna go "Aha! Gotcha! and use it to fit your narrative"

But yes, my partner is non-binary due to an autoimmune disorder.
Well it was a long time coming but here we are. Thank you for your honesty.
Thanks for saying you are atheist and think religion has no place. Now we are getting somewhere.

Hahahaha 🤣 Just remember there are a lot of Christians so when you piss them off don’t run trying to get relief. Go meet them ….explain that they should not worry that their traditions and recognitions of religion are replaced in Biden’s public form. Deny Biden altered traditions and pretend insanity is reality. I think by you grief that you prefer transgenderism over religion. Just a perception.

I agree…. In reality our govt is not suppose to be bias so there should be no recognition of ppl that dress as women at all. Medical Professionals determined they were mental ill long ago. The biological science proves that a man can’t be a woman which is reality. No amount of crazy can change that - transgenders are 1.5 million crazies. Nor should there be any recognition of any religion by govt. regardless that wiki states there are around 210 million Christians in USA. Equality means everyone is treated the same no perches given by the govt. but the problem is Govt has given out way to much recognition and high perches to about 1.5 million ppl as over representation…. 🤣🤡

10 Oct …. ‘Day of World Mental Help” should be Transgender Day
View attachment 207077

There is that darn Christian thing again. This country was formed by christians. They are probably not going to be killed off mentally or physically. So when you get them going make sure you make the personal sacrifice and leave me out of it. I really don’t want to see a Civil War.

While at same time….
Don’t get me wrong I actually prefer no religion which I view as causing ppl to be overly pacifist and restraining them from doing things that religion tells them is wrong. Imagine a World where we act on initial impulse. I think we could have Purge Day like in that movie. 🤡 the strongest survive. Without religion as a constraint then it might be closer than imagine. So yes remove moral oblligated religion that does control ppl and binds them not doing things that ppl would consider as evil.

8 Oct does according to grizzman fall in October

Your calendar argument is weak. You know Biden changed traditions. STOP ACTING LIKE A CHILD OR JUST GET ON WITH THE NAME CALLING.

You didn't acknowledge anything that I said.

Do you understand that Easter does not fall on the same day year to year?

And that it likely never has during your entire life?
You didn't acknowledge anything that I said
I did not know it was a requirement to answer you. But I read what you wrote. Now you have been "acknowledged" OK?
Do you understand that Easter does not fall on the same day year to year?
Of course but you do not seem to see what the Biden administration is up to.
And that it likely never has during your entire life?
Dude I have ALOT of years behind me. Do you?
...know the correct response to this travesty watch the short video in this link to see how Caitlyn Jenner responded to it.
Did you fully read the page you sent me? 👆

"...Nor did he choose the date of March 31 for Transgender Day of Visibility, which has been set since 2009," White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said in an email.

So, again... Nobody here has directly replied to me about what I've said many times, do you guys just legitimately not know how calendars work?

Why are you choosing to imply that something was done in a nefarious way?
Of course but you do not seem to see what the Biden administration is up to.
Okay, cool.

So you admit that Biden didn't magically change the calendar to make it fall on March 31st, right?

And you understand that he didny create "Trans Day of Visibility" 15 years ago for the sole purpose of it occasionally falling on Easter to upset Christians, right?

Dude I have ALOT of years behind me. Do you?
So by now you should understand that there are some holidays that fall on the same day every single year forever and ever and ever and then there are some that are on a different date every year.

Which means if they have a very wide swing of dates that they could fall on another day that also is celebrated in other ways.
Okay, cool.

So you admit that Biden didn't magically change the calendar to make it fall on March 31st, right?
First off I never said anything about "Biden's Magic" or the 31st.
And you understand that he didny create "Trans Day of Visibility" 15 years ago for the sole purpose of it occasionally falling on Easter to upset Christians, right?
One again I never said he did.
So by now you should understand that there are some holidays that fall on the same day every single year forever and ever and ever and then there are some that are on a different date every year.
You can read a calendar, that is a good skill.
Which means if they have a very wide swing of dates that they could fall on another day that also is celebrated in other ways.
You are so busy trying to be "right". Did this comment go over head?
while me nor none of my loved ones were born non-binary or any other (LBTQ++++++) yet
I hope I show the same wisdom as andrewr05 if it does happen, how many of the kids living
on the streets are because their family rejected them because of how they were born.

if your looking for bidin's impact on "Trans Day of Visibility" your looking in the wrong direction.
IMO you should be looking at Jill biden
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